Chapter 255 The feeling of happiness 3
Hearing the words, Shadow couldn't help frowning slightly, but finally smiled lightly.

Staring at her precious smile, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but twitched her lips, and gradually closed her eyes!

Is there anything in this world that makes you happier than seeing your loved ones smile? !

Therefore, she did not mention the contents of Dugu Jiang Yuxin with Ying Ying.

That is, neither Nangong Haoling nor she will send their shadows to Dugu Jiang!

If he wants to return to his concubine Xian, let him dream...


After lunch, Yuan Xiuyue lay back on the dragon couch to rest. Not long after she lay down, Xuanyuantang was invited by Ting Lan.

Entering the bedroom, seeing Yuan Xiuyue sitting on the head of the bed, Xuanyuantang frowned lightly, and walked forward slowly: "The concubine sees the empress!"

"Emperor's wife doesn't need to be polite!"

Hearing Xuanyuan Tang's slightly low voice, and looking at her slightly gloomy complexion, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly and said, "Sister-in-law Huang is not in a good mood right now? But still remember those concubine Yu's remarks in Funing Palace just now?"

Raising her eyes slightly to meet Yuan Xiuyue's faintly smiling eyes, Xuanyuantang couldn't help but sighed bitterly: "Whoever makes me unable to give birth, she can say whatever she likes! For today's matter, you are the one who makes the plan, and I am the one who leads the battle." Zhibing, since he dared to charge, why bother what she said, but unfortunately, at the end of the matter, Concubine Yan escaped!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled disapprovingly: "It's a fox, it will always show its tail. Now the emperor's heart is like a mirror, and Yu Xiuzhi is still alive. Are you afraid that she will run away?"

"That's true! It's never too late for a good show!"

Looking back and forth in the bedroom, Xuanyuantang glanced at Yuan Xiuyue indifferently when he saw that there was no figure of Nangong Haoling, and then asked unhurriedly: "Where is the emperor? Didn't you come back with your empress?"

"I went to find Brother Xian Wang to follow up on the letter!"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and Yuan Xiuyue said lightly: "Nanyue's soldiers are pressing down on the border, the sage king asked me to write a letter with Duguchen, the emperor is not happy about it!"

"Since the emperor is not happy, then you still write!"

Although her man was the one who caused the evil, Xuanyuantang was not the one to protect the weak.

Facing her displeased eyes, the smile on the corner of Yuan Xiuyue's mouth was still faint: "It's just a letter, and it's not something shameful. If it's beneficial to my country, why don't you write it?!"

Staring at the smile on her face, Xuanyuantang couldn't help sighing softly: "The reason why the emperor reacts is that he cares about the empress, and you should be happy!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help chuckling: "Is my performance so obvious?"

Xuanyuantang also laughed: "Obviously, it's all on the face!"

After a while, Ting Lan made excellent green tea and poured a cup with each of them!
Picking up the teacup and taking a sip, Xuanyuantang looked at Yuan Xiuyue, and couldn't help but smile with bent lips: "The Empress sent me over now, did she come to drink tea with you?"

"of course not!"

Smiling and raising her eyes, her white and slender fingers gently caressed the delicate engraving on the teacup, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head and said to Ting Lan, "You go down first, I have important matters to discuss with the Queen's Wife!"

Hearing this, both Ting Lan and Xuanyuan Tang had expressions of astonishment on their faces!
It should be known that Yuan Xiuyue has always trusted Ting Lan. In the past, no matter how important things were, Ting Lan would not be dismissed.

"The Queen Mother..."

Smacking her lips slightly, Ting Lan looked at Yuan Xiuyue, hesitant to speak.

Seeing her like this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but chuckled: "Now that Concubine Yan has escaped, I am really worried. What I want to discuss with the emperor's wife at this moment is related to Concubine Yan... Everyone knows that walls have ears, so go outside and help Ben." Gong Shou, don't let anyone listen to it!"

Hearing this, Ting Lan secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue, she blessed herself again and said, "Your maidservant, wait outside!"

After the words fell, she respectfully exited the dormitory, and took the door of the dormitory behind her.

As soon as Ting Lan left, only Yuan Xiuyue and Xuanyuantang were left in the bedroom. Xuanyuantang had been waiting for Yuan Xiuyue to speak, but she kept sipping tea with her eyes downcast, as if she didn't intend to speak at all.

Finally, after waiting for a long time, Xuanyuantang put down the teacup in his hand, frowned and looked at Yuan Xiuyue: "How does the empress plan to deal with Concubine Yan?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue still smiled lightly, then looked at Xuanyuan Tang with deep eyes: "There is no need for us to deal with it, the emperor will deal with her himself!"


The brows became tighter in an instant, Xuanyuantang paused for a moment, and then said again: "The Empress asked Ting Lan to step down at this moment, isn't it just to drink tea with me alone?"

"of course not!"

The faint smile faded from the corners of her lips, Yuan Xiuyue placed the teacup on the low table in front of the dragon couch, then rolled up her sleeves with a slight glint in her eyes, and stretched out her white and jade wrists in front of Xuanyuantang, slowly Said: "I'm here for the emperor's sister-in-law to diagnose the pulse!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help frowning even tighter: "Your Majesty, aren't you feeling well?"


Nodding her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were lowered, and she always felt palpitations these two days!
Hearing this, Xuanyuantang couldn't help chuckling: "The concubine said that pregnant women are inherently blood deficient, and occasionally have heart palpitations..."

"But what about this?"

Pulling up the wide sleeves again, Yuan Xiuyue exposed her snow-white lotus arms, raised her eyes with a wry smile, and met Xuanyuantang's eyes.

At this moment, above her arm, there is a bright red dazzling red thread winding upwards.

That red line looks like a blood vessel in the human body, but it is extremely coquettish, blooming like a lotus flower, which makes Xuanyuantang even more shocking!

Slightly lowering her eyes, staring at Yuan Xiuyue's snow-white wrist with a look of shock, Xuanyuan Tang always stretched out her hand with her eyebrows fixed, and put her slender fingers on Yuan Xiuyue's wrist!

Looking up at Xuanyuantang's slightly pale pretty face, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "I thought that my heart palpitations were really caused by pregnancy blood deficiency as the emperor's wife said, but in the past two days, as long as I rang Your majesty, if you feel happiness in your heart, you will feel pain everywhere, sister-in-law... Do you think that if this goes on, I forget the feeling of happiness, will I become a living dead?"

"With me here, definitely not!"

Xuanyuantang's face suddenly changed, and even his voice was trembling violently!

Raising her eyes to meet Yuan Xiuyue's again, seeing the smile in her eyes gradually disappearing until she never saw her again, she stared at her infinitely bitter eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "You..."

(End of this chapter)

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