Chapter 257 The Yu Clan’s Destruction 2
"Lord Zuoxiang, I have lost my memory, but I am not a fool. She has just poisoned me now. Do you think I will intercede with her?" Yuan Xiuyue looked coldly at Yu Shen's gloomy face, A sneer gradually rose from the corner of her lips, and her voice was low: "Nowadays, I don't understand government affairs, but know the ways of the world. Today, Concubine Yu has committed a felony. Could it be that she cares about the emperor's heir in her stomach? I won't let her off so lightly... According to today's events, if I am the prime minister, I will try my best to solve the most troublesome problem for the emperor at the moment, so as to make up for my daughter's fault, and to help her again Bo a bright and future!"

"The Queen Mother..."

Suddenly raising his eyes, he looked into Yuan Xiuyue's calm eyes, Yu Shen wanted to discern her real thoughts from her eyes.

But after a while, he lowered his head in disappointment.

Because, the brilliance in Yuan Xiuyue's eyes was calm and peaceful, without any emotional reaction.

Maybe, as she said just now, she has lost her memory, but she is not a fool!
But he also knew that all of this... just maybe!
"This is all I have said, Mr. Zuoxiang, please think about it carefully!" Yuan Xiuyue lightly curled her lips again, walked past Yu Shen, and stepped over the threshold of the imperial study.

Seeing the back of her entering the imperial study, Yu Shen's eyes darkened slightly, and gradually became dark.

He has known for a long time that Yuan Xiuyue's presence in the palace is definitely a big problem for Yu Xiuzhi!

But it is hard to get rid of it all the time.

A while ago, the emperor managed to abandon her in Jishan, but now because of his daughter's carelessness and negligence, a good game of chess has become useless!

In the imperial study room, the lights are still bright at this moment.

When Yuan Xiuyue entered the room, Nangong Haoling was reviewing the memorial with downcast eyes. When he heard the eunuch outside the palace singing the report, he frowned handsomely, and couldn't help putting down the ink pen in his hand, got up and went around the imperial case to greet him.

The corners of her lips curled slightly, she looked at Nangong Haoling with a smile, and Yuan Xiuyue smiled slightly: "The concubine sees the emperor!"

"It's so late, you didn't rest earlier, why did you come to the imperial study again?" Holding Yuan Xiuyue's hand and getting up, Nangong Haoling expressed his disapproval for her coming here late at night!

"I couldn't sleep, but I was hungry, so I thought about having supper with the emperor!" Yuan Xiuyue smiled at Ting Lan as Nangong Haoling dragged her to the imperial case.

Ting Lan understood, put the bird's nest porridge in her hand on the imperial case, took two jade bowls, first filled one bowl with Nangong Haoling, then turned around to fill the second bowl.

"Forget it, just a bowl!"

Waving her hands to stop Ting Lan from continuing to serve porridge, Nangong Haoling pulled Yuan Xiuyue to sit on her lap, then took a spoon, and brought the bird's nest porridge to her mouth.

Touching the ground with her toes, leaning against Nangong Haoling's arms, Yuan Xiuyue opened her mouth to swallow the bird's nest porridge in the spoon, smiled lightly and raised her eyes to look at him: "Won't the Emperor eat it?"

"I'm late for dinner, I don't have any appetite yet!"

Gently hooking her thin lips, she scooped up another spoonful of bird's nest porridge and brought it to Yuan Xiuyue's mouth. Nangong Haoling said a little tiredly: "It's cold in the night, after supper, you can go back with Ting Lan to have a rest. I'll go back to accompany you when I'm done!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help pursing her lips lightly.

Knowing that she was poisoned yesterday, he caught up with Jishan in the middle of the night.

This morning, due to the pressure of Nanyue soldiers, he hurried down the mountain again.

After today, in the palace, the situation has changed a lot.

Yu Xiuzhi, who originally favored the sixth palace, was imprisoned in the beauty palace for murdering the queen and the emperor's heir, and she came down from Mount Ji to stay in Yexi Palace again.

Nangong Haoling is not a man of iron, but also a man of flesh and blood!
The affairs of the former court and the harem are always one after another, no wonder he feels tired!

With a slight sigh, she took a sip of the bird's nest porridge, and then sighed softly: "Just now when I came in, I saw Prime Minister Zuo still kneeling outside the door. Since this afternoon, the emperor has not seen him yet?"


The corners of her lips were drawn coldly, Nangong Haoling snorted softly, but lowered her eyebrows very gently, scooped up another spoonful of bird's nest porridge, and brought it to Yuan Xiuyue's mouth: "Now that Yu Xiuzhi committed a crime in the palace, he naturally asks me to give it to him again. Opportunity, but this opportunity is not given for nothing!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly.

Reaching out to take the porridge bowl in Nangong Haoling's hand, she lowered her eyebrows and drank a few sips, then asked again: "If Yushen really revealed his true self this time, what does the emperor plan to do?"

Quietly, staring at Yuan Xiuyue's slightly pale face, Nangong Haoling's eyes were slightly cold, and he never answered her question. His tone was low and pleasant, but his voice was mellow but ruthless: "If the father had done it thoroughly back then, he would not have answered her question." There will be today's Anshi Rebellion!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart skipped a beat, and the hand holding the porridge bowl also tightened slightly!


Touched by the tightness of her figure, Nangong Haoling couldn't help tightening the arms around his body slightly: "What's wrong?"

Raising her head and taking a deep look at him, Yuan Xiuyue lowered her eyes, with a wry smile on her lips: "If the emperor hadn't taken care of me back then, and hadn't attacked my father, he wouldn't be the marshal of the An clan now, the An clan It won't be so arrogant!"

Although Yu Shen is the prime minister on the left, he also trained his son to be both civil and military, but in the final analysis, the Yu family is not a general, and naturally does not have the vigor to be a coach. The successive defeats of the An clan during the war!
Yuan Xiuyue's words made Nangong Haoling's expression slightly colder.

He stretched out his hand to lift her chin, and made her look up at him. He frowned slightly, and said softly: "Yue'er, the matter is over, so don't continue to worry about it, and don't continue to dig into the dead end. Up to now, I'm just glad that I never let go of your hand, but I never regretted it, because you left him a way out!"


The light in her eyes flickered slightly, and Yuan Xiuyue frowned tightly.Slightly raised her left hand, and caressed Nangong Haoling's flawless side face like a sculpture, her eyes were full of distress: "You are kind to Yue'er, and Yue'er knows it all in her heart. Your body, although you never mentioned it, but I also know that you are mentally and mentally exhausted... state affairs are important, but the emperor's body is also very important, if you feel tired, the emperor should take a proper rest!"

"I know!"

There was a warm current rushing through her heart, Nangong Haoling leaned over and kissed Yuan Xiuyue's lips lightly, and reached out to touch the porridge bowl in her hand, "This porridge is cold!" Handing the porridge bowl in her hand back For Ting Lan, he hugged Yuan Xiuyue with a big belly, but told Ting Lan: "Hurry up and send your mother back to the bedroom to rest!"


Crescent frowned slightly, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at Nangong Haoling.

She wanted to say that even if she was asked to go back at this moment, she would not be able to sleep.

She wants to be with him!
But before she could say anything, Nangong Haoling's kiss fell on her cherry lips again: "Hey, go back and have a good rest. I'll go over to accompany you after I've dealt with the matters here!"

After supper, under Nangong Haoling's insistence, Yuan Xiuyue was sent back to the dormitory after all.

At the third watch, after reviewing the memorial at hand, Nangong Haoling stretched out his arms and stretched his muscles: "Has Yu Shen left?"

Hearing this, Ji Heng hurriedly shook his head lightly: "If you go back to the emperor, not yet!"

With dark eyes, Nangong Haoling sneered and stood up from the dragon chair: "Then let him kneel!"

While speaking, he turned inward and entered the warm pavilion connected to the imperial study.

In the Warm Pavilion, behind the brocade couch, there is an antique bookshelf as high as a wall. Walking in front of the bookshelf, he stretches out his hand to hold the Longfeilongwu bottle on the bookshelf, and then turns it lightly, only to hear a creaking sound immediately. The bookshelves that were originally closed were separated towards the two sides, and a secret door appeared in the middle!
Inside the secret door is a deep secret passage, and there are torches burning on both sides of the secret passage.

"You are staring here!"

Turning his head to give Ji Heng an order, Nangong Haoling stepped in, straight into the secret passage.

After he left, Ji Heng stepped forward and turned the Dragon Feifeng Wu bottle back to its original position!

Immediately afterwards, the doctor rang again, and the bookshelf returned to its original position, perfectly fitted, so that no one could see a single flaw!
In this world, no one except the monarchs of Li Kingdom and the people close to him has ever known that there is actually a secret passage leading directly to the sleeping hall in the warm pavilion behind the royal study!

Therefore, when Yuan Xiuyue was lying on the dragon bed tossing and turning, she was surprised to see a crack in the wall next to the desk. Her heart skipped a beat, she sat up from the dragon bed, lifted the half-draped curtain and looked out.


Trembling, Ting Lan, who was waiting on the dragon couch, took two steps forward.

"It's me!"

Nangong Haoling stepped out of the secret passage, raised his eyes to meet Yuan Xiuyue's dark eyes, his voice was gentle and slightly displeased: "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Hearing the sound, Yuan Xiuyue was overjoyed!
The corners of her lips curled slightly, looking up at Nangong Haoling who had already walked in front of the dragon couch, a happy smile was just about to appear on her pretty face, but she frowned suddenly, suppressing the deep throbbing in her heart .

"Slave to see the emperor!"

Blessing Nangong Haoling lightly, Ting Lan stood with her head bowed, waiting quietly to undress with him.

"I'll come by myself, you go down first!"

Waving to Ting Lan, Nangong Haoling looked at Yuan Xiuyue with a smile, but repeated the question just now: "It's so late, why are you still up?"

"Your majesty has never heard that the older you are pregnant, the less you will be able to sleep at night?" Relying on her medical knowledge, Yuan Xiuyue once again explained the cause of her insomnia, raised her eyes slightly, and pulled Nangong Haoling's hands , she glanced at Geng Mo in front of the couch, her eyes shining brightly, "Are you done with your work?"

(End of this chapter)

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