Chapter 258 The Yu Clan’s Destruction 4
Knowing that he decided to go to court, Yuan Xiuyue nodded with a light smile, lowered her eyebrows and looked at the black uniform on his body, she turned her head and told Ting Lan: "Bring the emperor's dragon robe!"

"No need!"

With a faint smile, Nangong Haoling raised his hand slightly to Ting Lan, and Nangong Haoling said to Ji Heng: "Please invite Prime Minister Zuo to Yexi Palace!"

Hearing this, Ji Heng's complexion changed slightly, but he still responded respectfully: "Your servant obeys the order!"

Watching Ji Heng go out, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly at Nangong Haoling, and was about to get up: "Since the emperor wants to meet Yu Shen here, then I will avoid it first!"

"Why avoid it?"

Raising her thick eyebrows lightly, Nangong Haoling smiled and bent her lips, but the bottom of her eyes was bottomless: "You can sit here comfortably!"


In an instant, her brows became tighter, and Yuan Xiuyue looked at Nangong Haoling with doubts and doubts in her eyes.

After a while, meeting Yuan Xiuyue's eyes, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly and said, "If not, why don't you sit by the Yexi River and watch the fish first?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled!
She reached out and snatched the other half of the tangerine in his hand, she glanced at him coldly, supported by Ting Lan, she got down from the high hall, walked slowly beside the stream, and picked a place where the mountains and water were not visible, Sure enough, as Nangong Haoling said, he sat there and admired the fish.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ji Heng led Yu Shen to Yexi Palace.

After receiving Nangong Haoling's words, Yu Shengong bowed his head and walked all the way into the main hall of Yexi Palace.

At this moment, a white bandage had already been wrapped around Yu Shen's head. Following his arrival, a sense of coldness suddenly appeared in the bright hall of Yexi Palace.

Raising his eyes slightly, he glanced at Nangong Haoling who was sitting upright in the high position. Yu Shengong bowed his head and bowed his hands to Nangong Haoling: "The old minister sees the emperor, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Left phase!"

Yu Shen was not exempted from the ceremony, and Nangong Haoling stared at the white on top of his head, full of hostility, as if he could destroy everything at any time: "I don't see you, there is a reason why I don't see you, you look so dead Forced, it's too much!"

"The old minister is guilty!"

Feeling the cold aura emanating from Nangong Haoling's body, even though Yu Shen, who was always calm, his voice was visibly tense at this moment under his shock.


The handsome brows were slightly frowned, Nangong Haoling smiled and said: "Mr. Zuo is devoted to the country, what is the crime?"

"The old minister is guilty of death!"

With a faint tremor, Yu Shen knelt down on his knees and folded his hands. He said in a low voice: "The old minister has no way to teach his daughter. Murdering the queen and the emperor's heir and offending Longyan is a capital crime! The old minister is not good at employing people, and the few people he recommended , in the battle of Fudu, losing the battle, this crime is also a capital crime!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling blinked slowly, the eyes flickering brightly: "Since Prime Minister Zuo knows that his daughter is a capital crime, and he is also a capital crime, it is a great kindness for me not to punish you. I have to see you, what is the reason for this move?"

"The old minister wants to make up for his mistakes!"

Looking up at Ji Heng beside him, Yu Shen handed over the memorial in his hand.

Seeing this, Ji Heng bowed his head to accept the memorial, stepped up to the high platform, and presented the memorial to Nangong Haoling.

"what is this?"

Raising his hand and taking the memorial in Ji Heng's hand, Nangong Haoling didn't look at it carefully, and then stared at Yu Shen with lowered eyebrows: "Master Zuo, what is this?"

Raising his eyes slightly, and looking into Nangong Haoling's bottomless eyes, Yu Shen was slightly suffocated, and immediately replied in a deep voice: "These are the general candidates that the old minister wants to recommend to the emperor. On the list of censors who can be used to escort food and grass!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help laughing!
With a snap, he threw the memorial in his hand on the small table, and he sneered sneeringly: "Master Zuo, do you think I am a three-year-old child? You have recommended many candidates for generals with me earlier, and you will My own son was also transferred to the front line, but in the end he was beaten to death by Yuan Chenghai!"


Seeing Nangong Haoling throwing his last fortune on the table indiscriminately, Yu Shen's complexion changed abruptly, and he said hastily: "To tell you the truth, these people are all talented generals. If the emperor uses them, Even if we can't break the An clan for a while, we can definitely defeat their spirit!"


There was a flash of light in Nangong Haoling's eyes, and Nangong Haoling's eyes were deep: "Is it really as the left minister said?"


Looking up at Nangong Haoling, Yu Shen patted his chest and assured him: "The old minister dares to issue a military order with the emperor!"

"A military order is unnecessary!"

Lips hooked slightly, Nangong Haoling took a deep look at Yu Shen, looked at the white bandage on Yu Shen's head, and asked with uncertain brightness in his handsome eyes: "Mr. Zuo, you are willing to see me at such a cost, why not?" How can I thank you for sending me such a great gift?"

Hearing this, Yu Shen was slightly relieved.

After a moment of silence, he hesitated and said softly: "It is the duty of the old minister to share the emperor's worries! But... Concubine Yu is spoiled by nature, and the old minister asked the emperor to read it for the sake of the emperor in her belly, Give her a chance, so that the little prince can have the protection of his own mother in this deep palace in the future!"

"Don't worry, Prime Minister Zuo, I won't hurt their mother and child! But..." Nangong Haoling looked at Yu Shen with a wicked smile on his lips. Although he was smiling at the moment, his eyes were like sharp knives, making Yu Shen Shin's heart skipped a beat!
Smacking his lips lightly, he made a gesture to bless him: "Old minister, thank you, Your Majesty..."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me!"

The voice was light and cool, but there was a hint of sarcasm. Nangong Haoling's eyes were still gloomy and sharp as before, and he paused every word: "I should thank you, and I will finally give you a... yes A chance to eradicate the Yu family from the imperial court!"

Hearing this, even though Yu Shen is as old as spicy, he still couldn't help shivering.

He raised his eyes suddenly and met Nangong Haoling's dark gaze, he said tremblingly: "What does the emperor mean by this?"

"what for?"

With the smile gone, Nangong Haoling turned his head and handed the folder in his hand to Ji Heng, "Give the folder to His Royal Highness, and let him follow what I have arranged earlier, including the ones on the folder. All of Shen's disciples will be thrown into prison, convicted as appropriate, and executed after the fall of the next year!"


Almost screaming, Yu Shen's heart was shaken, and he made a gesture to stand up, but before he could stand up, he felt a pain in his back, and immediately someone twisted his arm, throwing his whole body suppressed on the ground.

Struggling to raise his head and look up at Nangong Haoling, but only saw the corners of his lips pursed coldly, Yu Shen yelled sadly: "Your Majesty, you can't, they are all useful to my country, how can you kill them?" them?"

"Why can't I?"

Asked coldly, his voice was extremely cold, Nangong Haoling's lips curled up coldly, and he said lightly: "Before I leave the country, they are your Yushen's people first, and the An clan before them, it is already a disaster. I will absolutely not allow another An family to appear in the Li country...and from now on, there will be no Yu family in the Li country!"

"Your Majesty! You have wronged the old minister, and the old minister is only for the emperor!"

With his eyes wide open, Yu Shen struggled violently, but he couldn't shake Yuan Wende behind him. In desperation, he could only shout with all his strength: "Your Majesty... have you ever thought about who would be the one who would kill them if you killed them now?" Fighting against the An clan? Your Majesty, the old minister refuses to accept!"

Today, leaving the country is an eventful time.

The reason why he still decided to take out his hole card after thinking about it was because he was worried that Nangong Haoling still needed him to fight against the An clan!
It should be known that he is in the position of left prime minister in the court, and he knows the situation in the court better than anyone else.

Therefore, he was sure that even if his daughter fell out of favor, Nangong Haoling would try to win over the Yu family because he was afraid of the An clan, but Nangong Haoling's reaction at this moment was far beyond his expectations!

With a seemingly casual smile, Nangong Haoling's eyes darkened slightly: "Yu Shen, do you think that on the day the queen returned to the palace, the ministers forced the queen to commit suicide, and I killed Yan Yuntao, so that's okay? Or do you think that I can't see how big your ambition is?"

Hearing this, Yu Shen's heart seemed to have plunged into an ice abyss in an instant!
His cheeks were blushing, he gritted his teeth and said: "Your Majesty, now the old minister knows the affairs of the court most clearly. The Emperor has no one to use. If there are no people recommended by me, Li Guo Jiangshan will sooner or later be King Ning's!"

Hearing the threat in Yu Shen's words, Nangong Haoling snorted coldly, and then said to Yuan Wende who was suppressing him: "Yuan Wende, take off your mask!"

Hearing this, Yu Shen couldn't help but tremble!
Tilting his head slightly, facing Yuan Wende's fair and handsome face, he could only feel his whole body trembling uncontrollably...

That night, he clearly watched Yuan Wende being poisoned to death by Queen Mother Zhong!
At this moment, why did he come back to life again? !
But at this moment, he is really alive!

He couldn't help shivering all over his body, and Yu Shen didn't realize it until now.

Earlier, Nangong Haoling's doting on his daughter, allowing his father and son to monopolize power, let him run for state affairs... It was all acting!

And his purpose is to not allow the Yu family to grow stronger.

Let the Yu family disappear in this world before the Yu family grows bigger!

"Left phase!"

After looking at the side for a long time, she finally understood that Nangong Haoling was going to close the Yu family at this moment. Yuan Xiuyue glanced at the elder brother who took off the mask, stood up from the side of the night stream with slightly bent lips, and was supported by Ting Lan. Stepping forward slowly, she stood still a few meters away from Yu Shen: "Do you think that the emperor must use you to deal with the An family?"

(End of this chapter)

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