Chapter 259 The Yu Clan’s Destruction 5
Don't say, under the control of Nangong Xiaoran, the An family will not really tear faces with Nangong Haoling, even if he will, she firmly believes that blue is better than blue!

His elder brother's military leadership talent is not inferior to Yuan Chenghai's!
"Son to Father!"

Staring at Yuan Wende's slightly cold eyes in a daze, Yu Shen smiled wryly almost in despair, "The emperor can't tolerate the An family, the Yu family, but in the end he wants to reuse the son of a traitor. It's ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

"Who said he was the son of a traitor?" Meeting Yu Shen's dark eyes, Nangong Haoling sneered and said, "From today onwards, I will give him the Queen Mother's surname. He is Zhong Wende, and has nothing to do with the Yuan family!"

"Zhong Wende..."

Silently reciting her elder brother Wanruo's new name, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help evoking a brilliant smile on the corner of her lips!

It turned out that everything today was already planned by Nangong Haoling.

He really gave her a big surprise!

Looking up, staring at the smile on her face, Yu Shen's eyes turned cold, and a gloomy look flashed in his eyes!
All because of her...

If it wasn't for her, his daughter would definitely be the emperor's favorite concubine.

And he will definitely be able to make the Yu family even bigger in the future!


Just like when Yan Yuntao scolded Yuan Xiuyue that day, Yu Shen snorted coldly, and when Yuan Wende, who had already changed his name to Zhong Wende, took off his mask, he got up suddenly and rushed towards Yuan Xiuyue quickly.


Pupils opened wide, seeing Yu Shen rushing straight towards Yuan Xiuyue, who was pregnant with Liujia, Nangong Haoling exclaimed, and flew towards him immediately.

Just as he stretched out his arms to wrap around Yuan Xiuyue's waist and turned her around to protect her in his arms, Yu Shen had already straightened up.

The short sword in his hand pierced Nangong Haoling's back!

Surprised to see Nangong Haoling standing in front of Yuan Xiuyue, he hesitated a little in his heart. While he was hesitating, he heard a puff, and the sound of a sword piercing into flesh sounded behind him!

A sharp pain filled his heart instantly, and Yu Shen turned his head slightly with his eyes wide open angrily.

At this moment, he only felt his body loosen, and when he looked back, he only had time to see Zhong Wende's tall and straight figure with the sword retracted into the scabbard!

"I... don't want to!"

Lips trembling slightly, trying to say these four words, Yu Shen's eyes widened, and his body fell straight...

Once a leftist prime minister, three dynasties important ministers, but in the end they only end up dead with nothing to rest on their eyes!
Dazed, watching Yu Shen fall in front of her, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but tremble slightly, then with trembling hands, she stroked her own mouth, turning her screams into speechless chokes!


While probing Yu Shen's breath, Zhong Wende said softly, "He's dead!"

"It's fine if you die, pass on my will, the left minister enters the palace with a knife, waits for an opportunity to murder me, and I kill you on the spot!"

Hearing this, Yuan Wende respectfully said, "I obey the order!"

"Drag him out!"

Shen Sheng instructed Zhong Wende as follows. Nangong Haoling hugged Yuan Xiuyue tightly, pressed her head on his shoulder, and prevented her from seeing Yu Shen's death. Now, no one wants to hurt you!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, Yuan Xiuyue, who was still snuggling in Nangong Haoling's arms, finally regained her composure.

At this moment, Nangong Haoling has also issued an order to appoint Zhong Wende as the Marshal of the army and horses, and immediately rush to Fudu, and in the capital, all forces related to the Yu family in the court have been vigorously wiped out!

Seeing Nangong Haoling's indifference and sternness, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes were dim, but her heart was a little calmer. She looked up at Nangong Haoling who embraced her in her arms, and she said softly: "Now, Yu Xiuzhi Shang During pregnancy, remember what happened today...don't let her know!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling looked down at her.

Caressing her soft satin hair with infinite love, he nodded slightly and said: "The beauty of today is like a cold palace, and I will immediately issue an order that no one is allowed to talk too much in front of her!"


In response, Yuan Xiuyue leaned into Nangong Haoling's arms and slowly closed her eyes.

Thinking of the one-day destruction of the Yu family.

She curled her hands slightly, tightened them suddenly, but couldn't let go...

Her mother's family will leave the country in the future, so it must not be too big!

Leaving the country, the Yu family was punished, and many officials in the court were implicated. Whether it was the weather or the affairs of the court, it was extremely cold.

But at this moment, Nanyue, which is thousands of miles away, has small bridges and flowing water, and the four seasons are like spring!
Yuewang Mansion, adjacent to Yueguo Palace, is located in the center of Yueguo capital.

The night is hazy, and the sound of silk and bamboo.

In the hall of Prince Yue's Mansion, there was laughter and joyful singing day after day, but only dancers were left empty, and no one was there to appreciate it.

Outside the hall, the red cage hanging in the corridor gave off a gentle and hazy halo. Duguchen was dressed in azure blue brocade, leaning quietly against the pillar of the corridor.His peach-blossom eyes, which seem to be captivating, are looking at the moonlight in the sky at this moment, and on his handsome face, there is a deep and restrained expression, so that no one can see a trace of superfluous emotion.

Just calm, indifferent!
At the other end of the corridor, Lei Luo came straight to the hall with a letter in his hand.

When approaching the hall, seeing Dugu Chen looking at the moon and thinking deeply, Lei Luo was slightly stunned, then raised his sword eyebrows, and after sighing lightly, he respectfully stepped forward: "I will see you, my lord!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen recovered from his own thoughts, glanced back at Lei Luo, he raised his eyes again calmly, looked at Yue'er and said softly: "Didn't you always accompany the emperor's upper body these days?" Side? Why did you come to this king’s Yuewang Mansion again at this moment?”

Hearing this, Lei Luo paused for a moment, then raised his head and said, "Report to the lord, this subordinate is here to deliver a letter to the lord!"


The heroic eyebrows that slanted into the temples raised slightly, Duguchen smiled and said: "What kind of tricks does the emperor want to play with this king?"

During the recent period, in order to get him out of the mountain again, his imperial brother did everything possible!

I thought of everything.

But he still said that!
This country belongs to him, and he will not manage it for him for the rest of his life!

"It's not a letter from the emperor!"

Negating Duguchen's words, Lei Luo slightly raised the letter in his hand, and presented it in front of Duguchen: "It's a letter from the empress!"

Hearing this, Duguchen's deep pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly!
"Whose letter are you talking about?"

He asked Lei Luo suspiciously, but before Lei Luo could answer, Duguchen reached out to pick up the letter in his hand, tore open the envelope, and opened the letter to read carefully!
After reading the letter, his face suddenly changed, and he raised his head and asked Lei Luo: "Has the emperor sent troops to the border of Li country?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo bowed his head and nodded: "Return to the prince, yes!"


With a cold shout, Duguchen tightly clenched the letter paper in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "Prepare the horse, this king is going to enter the palace!"

After the words fell, he strode out.

Seeing his increasingly hazy figure as he walked farther and farther in the moonlight, Lei Luo showed bitterness.

The emperor is right!

In this world, Yuan Xiuyue is the only person who can invite King Yue.

However, if the prince knows the truth, I'm afraid later... Thinking of the scene where Dugu Chen and Dugu Jiang met, Lei Luo shuddered violently and quickly chased after him...

(End of this chapter)

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