Chapter 260 Going to Lidu 1
When Lei Luo caught up with Dugu Chen, he had already left the palace and rode his horse straight to the outside of the city. Without thinking about it, he knew that he was going to the military camp and ordered the Nanyue army to withdraw from the border.

"My lord!"

Although the climate in Nanyue is humid and the four seasons are like spring, the night wind in the twelfth lunar month still makes people feel bitingly cold, riding a horse in the dark and chasing wildly, Lei Luo shouted at Dugu Chen at the top of his voice, trying to make him stop. Get off your horse.

However, no matter how he screamed, Dugu Chen in front of him seemed to be like the wind, and he never stopped.

Seeing this, Lei Luo changed his mind slightly, and shouted again: "My lord, it's difficult to leave!"

Sure enough, after he yelled these words, Duguchen in front of him suddenly reined in the horse's rope, forcing the horse's front hooves off the ground, and then stopped after neighing.

Seeing Duguchen stop his horse, Lei Luo couldn't help smiling wryly.

Secretly thinking that this Yuan Xiuyue was indeed Duguchen's nemesis, he lightly clamped the horse's belly, and drove the horse to Duguchen.

"What's the difficulty in leaving?" Duguchen asked in a cold voice, staring at Lei Luo in front of him with staring eyes narrowed.

"My lord!"

Taking advantage of the moonlight, taking a deep look at Dugu Chen, Lei Luo panted slightly, turned over from the horse, and knelt down in front of Dugu Chen's horse. "The emperor asked his subordinates to tell the lord that the empress has been poisoned by the forgetfulness poison... now I'm afraid he will die soon!"

"What did you say?"

For Duguchen, there are very few things in this world that can change his state of mind too much.

But at this moment, Lei Luo's words were like a bolt from the blue to him!
His heart beat wildly, his handsome face hidden in the night, his expression fluctuated, after a long time, he gritted his teeth and asked: "Is it the emperor's poison?"

The Forgetfulness Gu poison is hidden deep in the Nanyue Imperial Palace, and most people can't touch it, and dare not touch it!


After a moment of silence, Lei Luo finally nodded lightly.


Seeing him nodding, Duguchen frowned, tightened the reins, turned the horse's head, and quickly returned to the capital again...


The night wind was bitter, like a sharp knife, brushing against Duguchen's handsome and flawless face.

But no matter how cold it was, it couldn't stop his galloping speed!

He kept waving the horsewhip, and in an instant, his mind was full of thoughts!

Forgetfulness Gu Poison!

He actually used the Forgetfulness Gu poison on her!
I remember back then, when he was in Weishan, Dugu Jiang once told him that he wanted to have no worries about the poison with Yuan Xiuyue.

At that time, he once said that the medicine has already been taken, and it is up to him whether to pursue it or not.

At that time, he should have gone after him.

However, at the end of the matter, greed finally arose in his heart. He hoped... hoped that Yuan Xiuyue would really take the poison of worry-free.

If that's the case, he can find a way to take her out of the country and make her his woman.

Hearing that the poison she was poisoned by was Wangqing Gu poison, he began to blame himself again.

If he could really let her go, perhaps, today's situation would not be like this...


When Lei Luo and Dugu Chen returned to the main hall, the calm in the main hall had been restored, the fragrance was still there, but the melancholy voice could no longer be heard!
On the throne, although Dugu Jiang was wearing a robe, he opened his front to reveal his strong body. Lying at his feet was the beauty who had just had endless sex with her. At this time, her beautiful face was still there, His eyes were slightly opened, but unfortunately, he could no longer utter a groan of joy.

Because, on her neck, a terrifying bloodstain lay horizontally, and her warm blood kept gushing out from the bloodstain...

"You killed her?"

Looking past the beauty at the foot of the Dugu River, Duguchen frowned slightly, and his eyes were extremely deep.

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang's jade-like face showed a charming smile again: "I don't like women barking, but she keeps breaking taboos!"

"Dugu Jiang!"

With a cold drink, Duguchen stepped forward quickly, exuding a murderous aura all over his body.Walking quickly to the throne, he suddenly reached out and grabbed Duguchen's lapel, and pulled him up on the throne: "You..."


Smiling lightly, Brother Ren mentioned it, Dugu Jiang lowered his eyebrows and glanced at the beauty lying at the foot of the corpse, and said with a sneer, "Is Brother Wang, who has always been a murderer, also angry?"

Hearing Dugu Jiang's words, Dugu Chen's already burning anger reached its peak in an instant.

Holding Dugu Jiang's lapel tightly, he said in a cold tone, "I kill people who are hateful, people who block your way to the throne, in order to let you sit firmly in the country, but unlike you, you have no opponents." A woman with so much power is so cruel!"

Duguchen has always considered himself a kind person.

Over the years, the lives and blood debts in his hands have long been countless.

However, even so, he never thought that Dugu Jiang's hands would be covered with blood!

Because, wicked man, it would be good to have him alone!
And he never thought that the emperor he raised with all his heart would be a cold-blooded and ruthless tyrant!
"Brother Wang is angry?!"

Seeing Dugu Chen being so angry, Dugu Jiang's brows creased lightly, and he lowered his eyebrows to look down upon the woman who had already died of life on the ground, and his eyes flickered slightly: "Is it for this woman, or for leaving the queen?"

Hearing Dugu Jiang's provocative words, Dugu Chen was furious in his heart: "The Forgetfulness Gu poison is a taboo poison in my Nanyue, have you forgotten? The Nanyue royal family has taught since ancient times that future generations are not allowed to use this poison?"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang tilted his head disapprovingly, and there was still a slight smile on his handsome face: "Brother Wang, you also said that it is an old saying, and now in Nanyue, I am the emperor, so I will do whatever I say! "


Holding Dugu Jiang's hand by the lapel, and suddenly mentioned it, Duguchen sneered and said: "You know that I have feelings for her, but you use such a domineering and vicious poison to her..."

"It's because I know Brother Wang has feelings for her that I poisoned her so much!" Facing Dugu Chen's eyes as deep as oceans, Dugu Jiang raised his eyebrows lightly, and said in a flat tone: "Actually, Brother Wang wants to get her." If not, you would have known that when I sent someone to poison her, you would have recovered the Wuyou poison!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes flickered.

With a slight hook on his thin lips, he laughed at himself.

But with the smile gone, his eyes became cold and ruthless again: "What you told me back then was the poison of worry-free!"

"Brother Wang, you forgot that there is a saying that soldiers never tire of cheating!" Looking down at Dugu Chen's hands clutching his lapels, Dugu Jiangyin smiled pitifully: "She, Yuan Xiuyue, has repeatedly disrespected me and even snatched away the The woman I love most is given to her elder brother, if I only give her the worry-free poison, wouldn't it be too cheap for her?"

"You..." Staring at his sparkling pupils, Duguchen narrowed them slightly, and his heart suddenly dawned on him.

"Okay! Today I figured it out!" Nodding with a sneer, Dugu Chen's tone was as cold as frost: "You have worked so hard, isn't it just because you don't want to be the emperor?"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang, who was told what was on his mind, couldn't help but change slightly.

Although Dugu Jiang's complexion only changed slightly, it was enough for Dugu Chen. Taking a full view of his reaction, he became more certain of his guess: "So it's true!"

Knowing his own thoughts, he could no longer hide from Dugu Chen, Dugu Jiang frowned lightly, and sighed happily: "The world of Yue Kingdom is growing day by day because of you, and the position of emperor now naturally belongs to you." Come and sit!"

"Is it?"

Duguchen sneered faintly, let go of Dugujiang's lapel, stretched out his hand and stretched the wrinkled skirt for him: "Since you are so magnanimous and willing to meditate on me, today I will fulfill you!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang's pupils suddenly tightened, "Brother Wang is serious?"

Seeing his slightly deep eyes, Duguchen smiled: "Of course it is true! From now on, you are no longer the emperor in my eyes!"

Seeing the smirk at the corner of his mouth, Dugu Jiang's heart skipped a beat.

Xinsheng said inwardly that he was not good, he raised his hand slightly, and just about to separate Duguchen's hand, he saw the corners of Duguchen's lips hooked slightly, and the hands that had just been released, quickly clenched his lapel again, and then his wrist suddenly squeezed hard. , Throwing him off the throne!

Falling heavily to the ground, Dugu Jiang felt pain in his back and couldn't help but groan!

His complexion changed, and Lei Luo took a step forward.

Who is Dugu Jiang? !

That was the emperor of Nanyue, how had he ever been beaten?

Seeing him being beaten and thrown at this moment, Lei Luo trembled. He took a step forward and squatted down to help Dugu Jiang who was in pain.

He is loyal to the emperor!
To King Yue, he is respectful!
At this moment, although he is standing between the two of them, if he wants to attack Duguchen in order to protect the emperor, he... can't do it!

"Lei Luo, get out of the way!"

Being slammed to the ground by Dugu Chen, Dugu Jiang felt as if he was going to fall apart in pain all over his body. He raised his eyes coldly, and looked at Lei Luo who was standing in front of him. His eyes were slightly cold, and he ordered Lei Luo to get out of the way!


Looking down at Dugu Jiang with lowered eyebrows, Lei Luo frowned tightly, as if heaven and man were at war in his heart.

Seeing him like this, seeing the entanglement in his eyes, Dugu Jiang couldn't help curling his thin lips.

"If someone beats me like this, he deserves to die, but brother Wang is a father, and it's only natural for a father to beat his son?" As if joking, he smiled at Lei Luo, and Dugu Jiang climbed up from the ground with the strength of his arm He got up and stretched out his hand to rub his painful back, his eyes darkened slightly, and he looked at Duguchen who was in the high position, but there was a slight smile on his face: "Since I was a child, Brother Wang has always protected me very well! No matter what time you have never touched me!"

"You also said... that was before!"

His eyes were lowered, condensing the smile on Dugu Jiang's face, and Dugu Chen's voice was as low as ice: "But for you today, you should fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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