Chapter 261 Going to Lidu 2
While speaking, he quickly stepped down the steps and came to Dugu Jiang again, with his hands on his back coldly. He didn't make a move, but suddenly raised his foot and kicked Dugu Jiang directly in the stomach!

With a puff, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth, Dugu Jiang's eyes darkened, and he knelt down on one knee, barely stopping his figure.


There was another exclamation, and Lei Luo finally raised his head to look at Dugu Chen: "My lord, he is the emperor, your closest and dearest brother!"

Seeing Dugu Jiang endure the pain, Dugu Chen felt a slight pain in his heart.

Frowning slightly, he gritted his teeth and reprimanded in a deep voice: "As a subject, I can be tyrannical, cold-blooded, ruthless, and the worst person in the world, but you are a king, but you must not be bloodthirsty or feminine. Don't forget the great land of the world!"

"What a good one! Four musts and three musts!"

Haha laughed, spat the blood in his mouth lightly, Dugu Jiang looked at Dugu Chen with a smile: "Brother Wang is a person who can achieve great things, the reason why he was cruel in the past was to protect me, now I am the person you say you can do , Brother Wang, why don't you be one of those three things?"


With a cold snort, Duguchen's face was extremely cold in an instant, he bit him tightly, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Jiang, you were the one who saved me from my mother's sword, for doesn't matter who you are for my brother, but you You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you shouldn't touch the person in my heart. You only know that she has been poisoned by the forgetful love poison, so she can no longer think of Nangong Haoling, but... have you ever thought about seeing her suffer? That heart-piercing pain will only hurt more in my heart than hers!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang was slightly stunned!
Eyes raised slightly, seeing Dugu Chen's complexion instantly sinking to freezing point, he couldn't help laughing softly: "Actually, Yuan Xiuyue was poisoned by the Forgetfulness Gu poison, there is nothing bad about it, the worry-free poison just made her forget the past, but the forgetful After passing away, she can still stay by Nangong Haoling's side, only the Wangqing Gu poison is different... As long as she is infected with Wangqing, in this life, if she wants to survive, she can only be Brother Wang's woman!"

"You really think about your brother!"

As long as he thought of Yuan Xiuyue's suffering in the future, Duguchen wished he could strangle his brother to death.

But, he can't!
Slightly raising his eyes, he commanded Lei Luo with dark eyes: "Let's go to the emperor as an imperial physician!"

The words fell, and Dugu Jiang couldn't bear it, so he started to go out!

Seeing that he was about to leave, Dugu Jiang frowned, holding back the sweetness in his mouth, he quickly called out: "Brother Wang, don't you want to fulfill me?"

Gently turning around, a slight sneer flashed across Duguchen's lips: "If you didn't inject the forgetfulness poison with her, I might fulfill you, Brother Wang, but now you have sent such a big gift to Brother Wei... This generous gift is enough for my brother to consume for a lifetime, how can I fulfill you?"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang's heart seemed to be pinched tightly by an invisible big hand, and then shrank suddenly.

His complexion finally changed slightly, he took a step forward, opened his thin lips lightly and opened his mouth to speak.


Before Dugu Jiang could speak, Dugu Chen interrupted him, his eyes darkened, and there was an emotion in his pupils that Dugu Jiang had never seen before, "Since I was young, I have always I'm protecting you, but I won't do it anymore, because... Thanks to you, I have someone I need to protect more!"

Hearing this, Dugu Jiang's heart suffocated!
Frowning and stretching out his hand, Duguchen touched Dugujiang's shoulder, the corners of Duguchen's lips curled slightly, and his eyes were shining brightly: "I know your character well, but you should give up on it, if she suffers from bad luck again in the future, you and my brother In this life, life and death will never meet again!"

After finishing speaking, Duguchen narrowed his eyes, turned around and strode out.

Standing in a daze, watching Dugu Chen's figure gradually drift away until it merged into the night, Dugu Jiang couldn't help laughing at himself!
He calculated in every possible way, but he forgot that he was the one who calculated others the most.

So self-defeating, to the point where it is today!


Seeing Duguchen staggered back a step with a sad expression, Lei Luo frowned and supported his back, "Your subordinate will pass on to the imperial physician!"

"What is the imperial physician?"

Looking up at Lei Luo, Dugu Jiang caressed his chest, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Wang is leaving the palace now, and he must rush to Liguo without stopping. Follow him quickly and keep him safe all the way!"


Lei Luo wanted to follow Dugu Chen wholeheartedly, and now hearing Dugu Jiang's words, he couldn't help but feel his heart twitch.

But even so, he didn't dare to show it in front of the uncertain master in front of him.

"I'm fine! How hard can Brother Wang deal with me?"

He waved to Lei Luo, motioning him to go after Dugu Chen quickly, Dugu Jiang turned around and sat down in front of the throne.

Seeing this, Lei Luo didn't say much anymore, he gave Dugu Jiang a gentle respect, then turned and left the hall.

After Lei Luo left, the head of the Ouchi Liansheng entered from outside the hall.

Lifting his eyes slightly, he saw Dugu Jiang sitting on the throne with a gloomy complexion, and then glanced at the beauty lying dead at his feet, his complexion changed suddenly: "Your Majesty? You are..."

"Don't ask too many questions, tell me the imperial physician!"

Suffering from the pain in his stomach, Dugu Jiang lowered his eyebrows and closed his eyes, and whispered instructions to Lian Sheng.

"The slave obeys the order!"

Responding hastily, Lian Sheng quickly exited the hall.

When Lian Sheng left, Dugu Jiang was startled, and then he leaned forward, and then spit out another mouthful of something fishy and sweet.

With a smile, he stared at the bright red in front of his eyes, and couldn't help smiling wryly: "Brother Wang, this time, you really hit me hard enough!"

Sure enough, as Dugu Jiang expected, after Duguchen returned to the palace, he dismissed everyone in the hall, and ordered the housekeeper to prepare horses, and prepared to go on the road overnight to Lidu.

Just as he was returning to his room to pack up his belongings, Lei Luo also arrived at Prince Yue's Mansion.

Hearing from the housekeeper that Duguchen was packing up the things, he was alone, waiting in the vestibule of the palace, waiting quietly for Duguchen to come out.

The night is dark.

Under the bright moonlight, the whole building seemed to be soaked in a piece of silver.

After returning from Weishan, the disfigured Yuan Mingyue acted as a servant girl in the palace, but Duguchen never visited her again!

For her, this is misfortune, but also luck!
From a distance, Lei Luo was standing in the vestibule.

She put the food and wine she had just withdrawn from the hall in the corner, caressed her hair bun somewhat awkwardly, adjusted the coarse skirt on her body, and then walked forward slowly.

"Master Lei!"

Standing behind Lei Luo, she gave Lei Luo a blessing.

Turning around upon hearing this, Lei Luo looked back from the moonlight.

Borrowing the moonlight, he caught a glimpse of Yuan Mingyue's still intact right side face, he frowned slightly, responded softly, and asked casually: "Miss Mingyue is so late, why is she still not resting?"

After seeing many scenes of Duguchen torturing Yuan Mingyue in the past, and seeing Yuan Mingyue's current fate, Lei Luo didn't have much dislike for her, but felt that she was a bit pitiful!
"After the banquet, you can rest!"

With a soft voice, Yuan Mingyue lightly curled her red lips: "Master Lei is so late, why is he still in the palace?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo said lightly: "My lord is going to leave the country, I have an escort mission!"

"Leaving the country?"

Pupils shrank slightly, and Yuan Mingyue frowned suddenly: "Is the prince going to leave the country?"


In response, seeing Dugu Chen coming from the long corridor, Lei Luo hurriedly walked past Yuan Mingyue, and bowed respectfully to Dugu Chen: "My subordinates will see the prince! The emperor ordered the subordinates to follow the prince to leave the capital!"

Duguchen was not surprised at Lei Luo's arrival.

Without asking any further questions, he only glanced at Lei Luo, then took the horse from the butler, and led the horse outside without looking back.

From the beginning to the end, Duguchen never looked at Yuan Mingyue.

At this moment, seeing that he was about to leave, Yuan Mingyue bit her lower lip tightly, and hurriedly stepped forward: "My lord, please stay!"

Hearing the sound, Duguchen paused slightly.

Squinting his starry eyes, he turned sideways and looked at Yuan Mingyue.

"My lord!"

Facing Dugu Chen, Yuan Mingyue was afraid from the bottom of her heart. Facing him again after a few months, Yuan Mingyue's voice still couldn't help trembling, she clenched her silver teeth, and she bravely knelt down in front of Dugu Chen : "My lord, my servant grew up in Lidu since I was a child, and I have never left there. Now that I have been separated for several months, this servant really misses home and wants to go back to see my relatives... Slave... I beg the prince to bring this servant along with me!"

Her mother is now missing.

If she can't be found, she will die with regret!
After hearing Yuan Mingyue's words, Duguchen's eyes were slightly cold.

Turning his eyes slightly, he stared coldly at Lei Luo: "Did you tell her?"


Under Duguchen's slightly cold gaze, Lei Luo buried his head extremely low like a child who has done something wrong.

Seeing Lei Luo like this, Duguchen couldn't help but sneered!
Looking at Yuan Mingyue with displeasure, he smiled and said, "Yuan Mingyue, you should know, this king has always hated you!"

Hearing this, Yuan Mingyue felt a little cold in her heart!

Unable to bear down, she begged in a trembling voice: "My lord, the mother of this servant is lost outside the capital, and her life and death are uncertain. As a daughter, this servant must find her..."

"I can't see that you are still a filial daughter!"

The sneer on the corner of his lips became colder, and Duguchen twitched his handsome eyebrows lightly: "Now that you are begging me, I will give you another chance and tell me a reason why I insist on taking you. If you can make this king's heart move, this king will take you back!"

Hearing this, Yuan Mingyue's body trembled slightly, and her heart almost jumped into her throat.

Biting her vermilion lips and thinking for a moment, her thoughts changed sharply, "The servants can take care of the prince's daily life on the road..."

Before Yuan Mingyue finished speaking, Duguchen's eyes darkened, he turned around and led the horse outside.

Seeing him leave without looking back, Yuan Mingyue's heart was suffocated, and the corners of her eyes were wet with tears.

(End of this chapter)

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