Chapter 263 Love So Much 1
Ji Heng's sound of the emperor's arrival made the three people in the dormitory all look shocked, and they didn't know what to do for a while!


Cang Pan raised her eyes, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Xuanyuantang in front of her, and within a few seconds of changing hands, she had already stuffed the handkerchief in Xuanyuantang's hand.

As intelligent as Xuanyuan Tang, he naturally understood Yuan Xiuyue's intentions.

Without the slightest hesitation, she suddenly raised her hand, tightly bound the wound on Yuan Xiuyue's arm as quickly as possible, and then put down her sleeve.

In just a moment, Nangong Haoling had already arrived at the door of the bedroom. At this time, Imperial Physician Wang had already put away the poisonous blood and sharp knife, and was holding an old pharmacopoeia without the title page, explaining it to Yuan Xiuyue in detail.

Seemingly hearing the sound of footsteps, Imperial Physician Wang looked up and saw Nangong Haoling entering with high spirits, he hurriedly got up and saluted Nangong Haoling respectfully: "I see the emperor!"

"Chen and concubine see the emperor!"

Like Imperial Physician Wang, Xuanyuantang also smiled lightly and saluted Nangong Haoling.

"Emperor's sister-in-law, please get up too!" Nangong Haoling glanced at the two of them with a chuckle, and turned his eyes gently to Yuan Xiuyue who had never stood up to salute, but was still leaning on the imperial concubine's bed.

Seeing her pale face, he couldn't help frowning with thick eyebrows: "Why is her face so ugly? Are you uncomfortable?"

Hearing this, the color of Xuanyuan Tang's eyes changed slightly, but Yuan Xiuyue did still smile lightly.

"Your Majesty, don't want to see Doctor Wang and his sister-in-law here and feel that I'm not feeling well. I'm just idle and bored. I invite them to come and discuss medical classics with me!" Gently raised his hand, Ren Nangong Haoling held Sitting beside her with her hands in her hands, Yuan Xiuyue smiled slightly, "Speaking of which, I have been eating and sleeping for a while, and I never see the sun. Naturally, my complexion is not good! On the contrary, your majesty, I take care of everything on a daily basis. You are so busy, why do you have time to come to me at this hour?"

"Hearing what the queen said, you are blaming me for neglecting you!" Nangong Haoling smiled at Yuan Xiuyue with gentle eyes, and stretched out his hand to gently scratch her nose.

Reaching out to brush away his big hand, Yuan Xiuyue made a small mouth towards the two big living people next to her!
Seeing this, Nangong Haoling slightly raised his eyebrows, then turned his head slightly, and looked at Xuanyuantang and Wang Taiyi beside him.

Facing his gaze, Xuanyuantang smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and pulled Wang Taiji's white beard: "Old man, I am now in love with each other, if you and I don't leave now, when will we wait?"

"Go! Go! Go!"

The beard hurt by Xuanyuantang, Wang imperial physician said to go three times in a row, then chuckled and accepted the medical book, and bowed respectfully to Nangong Haoling: "Your Majesty, the old man is resigning now!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly and nodded lightly.

After a while, after Xuanyuantang and Wang Taiyi left, only Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling were left in the bedroom.

Looking around, he couldn't see Ting Lan's shadow, so he couldn't help asking: "Where is Ting Lan girl?"

"I'm so hungry!"

Replying to him softly, Yuan Xiuyue played with his slender fingers: "She's going to make porridge!"

"You!" With lowered eyebrows and closed eyes, Nangong Haoling stared at Yuan Xiuyue's side face, smiled dotingly, stretched out his arms and hugged Yuan Xiuyue into his arms, and gently caressed her big hands with thin calluses. Her round belly: "Is the little guy good today?"


The corners of her lips were slightly raised, Yuan Xiuyue raised her head slightly, and after glancing at Nangong Haoling, she stretched out her hand to cover his big hand, and chuckled softly: "The year is approaching, and now he is seven months old, and the medical book records that , at this time, the children are most active, after this month, they will be more honest."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help smiling!
With the slightly hard stubble on his chin, he gently rubbed Yuan Xiuyue's forehead, and he held her hand instead, jokingly said, "When I grow up, there will be no place for him here!"

"What the emperor said is true!" The wound on her arm, because of Nangong Haoling's unintentional swaying movements, kept attacking her heart, Yuan Xiuyue gritted her teeth secretly, and did not cry out the pain. Holding her hand, she got up from his arms, raised her eyes and looked into his deep pupils: "It's just past time now, how can the emperor be so idle today?"

"Of course I miss you!"

A faint but happy smile rose to the corner of her lips, Nangong Haoling pursed her thin lips, leaned over and kissed Yuan Xiuyue's lips lightly: "Now that the power of the Yu family has completely disintegrated, my heart is relieved of a major problem, and I feel naturally relaxed."

"Congratulations to the emperor for getting rid of the serious trouble in his heart!"

Looking up at the happy smile on Nangong Haoling's face, Yuan Xiuyue also laughed, but after a while, feeling an uncontrollable stabbing pain in her heart, she immediately suppressed the smile again.


Sensing Yuan Xiuyue's strangeness, Nangong Haoling's eyes changed slightly, and he suddenly reached out to hold her arms. He was about to ask her what's wrong, but he obviously felt her body tremble uncontrollably.

His heart trembled, and his hand holding her arm loosened slightly.


Biting her lower lip tightly, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at Nangong Haoling. Facing his uncertain eyes, she stretched out her hand to hold his big hand holding her arm, and tried to make herself smile naturally: "The child is getting older, it's inevitable There will be symptoms of heart palpitations, I'm fine."

"Is it?"

His eyes darkened slightly, Nangong Haoling lightly let go of the hand holding her arm, and gently tugged at the corner of his lips, he helped her lie back on the imperial concubine's couch, "I would like to let the emperor's wife prescribe two doses of tonic for you later ?”

"I know medicine myself, so I can prescribe prescriptions myself, so why bother my sister-in-law!" She hooked her lips lightly, and forced Nangong Haoling to lie beside her, while Yuan Xiuyue leaned against him In his arms, he sighed softly: "When ordinary people give birth to their daughters, there is always a mother who will accompany them, but my biological mother has passed away for a long time, and the empress is not feeling well..."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling smiled slightly, and said: "I know that Yue'er is a person who fears nothing, but I never thought that you would be afraid of having children!"


Jiaochen glanced at Nangong Haoling, Yuan Xiuyue pursed her mouth: "Having a baby will be very painful!"

Gently brushing Yuan Xiuyue's lips with his lips, Nangong Haoling gave her a doting smile: "Now that the Yu family is flat, only the An family is left. When the dust of the An family settles down, I will accompany you every day." side!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart warmed slightly!

With Nangong Xiaoran around, can the day when the An clan's dust settles, can it be far behind?
If so, she sighed lightly, frowned slightly, and asked in a low voice: "How is the situation at Nanyue?"

"Everything is still under control!"

He replied to Yuan Xiuyue in a cold voice, Nangong Haoling kissed her hair lightly, smelling the medicinal fragrance that had already replaced the scent of lavender, he said softly: "Axu has already dispatched elite soldiers to the border of Chu and Yue, with his restraint, Nan Yue Our army will definitely have some scruples, not to mention that they don't want to move at all, even if they want to move now, they have to weigh the current affairs!"

"That's good!"

Secretly, slightly relieved in her heart, Yuan Xiuyue tossed and turned sideways, snuggled into Nangong Haoling's arms, and whispered softly: "Your Majesty, I'm a little tired, I want to sleep for a while!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling lowered his eyebrows and stared at her with a slightly abnormal white complexion, the bottom of his eyes like a deep pool, shimmering, and did not ask any more questions, his breath whispered in her ear Said: "Sleep, I will accompany you!"


The corners of her lips curled slightly, but Yuan Xiuyue never raised her eyes.

At this moment, because of the wound on her arm, she was flustered and always felt exhausted. She thought that she really needed to take a good rest...

Yuan Xiuyue's sleep was extremely deep.

Seeing her sleeping deeply, Nangong Haoling's eyes were deep, but he kept her sleeping posture all the time, never moved, he just wanted to make her sleep more sweetly.

At about noon, Ji Heng ordered people to set up lunch in the side hall, and Ting Lan also cooked the lotus porridge that Yuan Xiuyue wanted to drink.

In a daze, Nangong Haoling, who had taken a nap for a while, finally woke up.

Frowning slightly, he glanced at Ji Heng and Ting Lan who were waiting in front of the couch, and asked in a hoarse voice, "What time is it?"

"Back to the emperor, it's just past noon, it's time for lunch!" Ji Heng hurriedly replied after hearing this.

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling slightly raised his eyebrows.

Slightly lowering his eyes, he felt Yuan Xiuyue's even breath blowing on his chest, and a charming smile could not help but appear on the corner of his lips.

Gently, stroking her bun, he leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Little lazy cat, I can't sleep in anymore, it's time to get up!"


After saying a word, Yuan Xiuyue still closed her eyes and nodded, as if she never heard his soft call at all.

Seeing this, Nangong Hao couldn't help raising his handsome eyebrows slightly.

His doting eyes swept across Yuan Xiuyue's pretty pale face, and seeing that she was fast asleep, he curled his lips lightly, and stopped his gaze on her arm exposed outside the brocade quilt.

He frowned suddenly.

Thinking of her unnatural reaction earlier, he frowned, and slowly inserted his slender fingers into her loose sleeves.

Yuan Xiuyue's skin is very good.

Soft and smooth, Nangong Haoling couldn't put it down for a while!

His fingertips slid upwards all the way to Yuan Xiuyue's elbow. When his fingers touched the scarf tightly wrapped around Yuan Xiuyue's elbow, he couldn't help being stunned!
After a while, he withdrew his finger, raised his hand slightly, and saw that his originally fair fingertips were stained with a bright red color.


Heart throbbing secretly, Nangong Haoling gasped suddenly.

He stretched out his hand suddenly and rolled up Yuan Xiuyue's sleeves, looking at the white and red scarf on her arm, his heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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