Chapter 264 Love So Much 2

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue's blood-stained scarf on her elbow, Ting Lan was also startled, and raised her hand to cover her slightly opened mouth.

Looking up at Ting Lan's shocked expression, Nangong Haoling knew from her reaction that she didn't know about this matter!

Frowning tightly, he lowered his head and shook Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder lightly: "Yue'er, wake up!"


Just like before, Yuan Xiuyue still closed her eyes and never reacted.

"Empress!" Regardless of Nangong Haoling's presence, Ting Lan quickly stepped forward and called Yuan Xiuyue softly. After calling twice, seeing that she still hadn't woken up, Ting Lan couldn't help shaking her hand in panic. Yuan Xiuyue's shoulder.

However, no matter how she shook, Yuan Xiuyue seemed to be unable to hear her voice at all.eyes still closed,

"Ji Heng, pass on the emperor's sister-in-law quickly! Pass on to the imperial doctor!" Although he was very anxious, he still gave Ji Heng an order in a deep voice. on the couch.


Calling Yuan Xiuyue softly again, but still not waking her up, Nangong Haoling felt his heart suddenly being aroused. Sitting in front of the couch, he stared deeply at Yuan Xiuyue, stretched out his hand and began to untie the kerchief on her arm .

His actions are urgent.

In a hurry, although he has been untying the knot on the handkerchief, his hands are always trembling and he can't untie it!

"Your Majesty, let the servants come!"

Reaching out her hand, taking over from Nangong Haoling, Ting Lan quickly untied the scarf on Yuan Xiuyue's arm.

After a while, the scarf was removed, and when they saw the wound on Yuan Xiuyue's arm where the coquettish red line met, Ting Lan and Nangong Haoling's expressions changed instantly!

There was a look of shock on the pretty face, Ting Lan stared at the shocking wound on Yuan Xiuyue's arm, and asked in a trembling voice: "My lady, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but smile!
"You wait by her side all day and don't know what's wrong with her. How could I know?" She replied to Ting Lan in a bad tone, but never looked at her. Nangong Haoling stared at Yuan Xiuyue's pale face, A faint light radiated from his star-like pupils.

Stunned for a moment, he stretched out his hand stiffly to pull the veil in Ting Lan's hand, and covered Yuan Xiuyue's wound again, with a gloomy and cold expression: "When the emperor's sister-in-law and Wang Taiyi come, I will know what's going on with Yue'er. Already!"

Hearing this, tears flashed in Ting Lan's eyes, she raised her eyes to look at Nangong Haoling, seeing his face was as cold as ice, she bit her lips tightly, but dared not say another word!

Not long after, Xuanyuan Tang hurried back to the dormitory with Imperial Physician Wang.

As soon as they entered the hall, they saw Nangong Haoling sitting in front of the dragon couch with a gloomy expression. The two of them quickly walked to the couch without paying attention to salute, and carefully checked Yuan Xiuyue's condition.

Pulling up his sleeves, he took Yuan Xiuyue's pulse seriously, and after a moment of silence, Imperial Physician Wang couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

"Queen, how is she?"

Watching Imperial Physician Wang take Yuan Xiuyue's pulse with cold eyes, Nangong Haoling's eyes were as cold as a knife, and fell directly on Imperial Physician Wang's face. "Why can't she wake up after she falls asleep?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Your Majesty is just suffering from excessive blood loss and blood deficiency, and there is no serious problem for the time being!"

Looking up at Nangong Haoling, Wang Taiyi turned his head and refocused on Yuan Xiuyue, and untied the scarf on her arm. He took the hemostatic medicine from the medicine box, and went with her After applying it, I went to the gauze and re-wrapped it.


Staring at Nangong Haoling's gloomy and deep face, Xuanyuan Tang hesitated a little in his heart, but finally said: "Please move the emperor to the hall, the concubine has something to report to the emperor!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's complexion turned cold again.

Looking up at Xuanyuantang, his expression was condensed: "Even if the emperor's sister-in-law doesn't report it, I will ask you to understand it!"

"Your Majesty, please!"

Xuanyuantang smiled wryly, stepped out of the way, and gestured towards Nangong Haoling.

Slightly drooping eyes, staring at Yuan Xiuyue's pale face, Nangong Haoling stood up, and walked quickly towards the hall.

Walking to the main hall, Nangong Haoling walked to the dragon chair with a cold expression and sat down.

He lowered his eyes slightly, staring at Xuanyuantang in front of the palace, his eyes darkened slightly, but he didn't ask any questions.

Xuanyuantang naturally knew that Nangong Haoling was waiting for her to speak.

Therefore, during the moment of silence, she said bitterly: "Your Majesty, the reason why the Empress is like this is because she has been poisoned, and this poison is the Nanjiang Gu poison. People who love each other, whenever they think of the person they love, they will feel heartache unbearably, and the severe pain when the poison occurs is enough to make the poisoned person dare not think about it, dare not love, gradually forget the feeling of love, until After a few months, he started to lethargy, and finally died of depression, the name of this poison is... Wangqing!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart sank suddenly!
"Forgetfulness Gu Poison..."

Xuanyuantang's words were like a sharp knife, piercing his heart mercilessly. At this moment... Nangong Haoling seemed to be able to hear the voice of his own heartbreak, and slowly repeated Xuanyuantang's words.His pupils narrowed slightly, and he looked at Xuanyuan Tang coldly: "The Queen is drinking and eating with me in Yexi Palace, why is it that I am fine, but she is poisoned?"

These days, he has always protected Yuan Xiuyue very well.

Except for the poison of Wangyou, she has never gone abroad, so why is she still poisoned by Gu at this moment.


With a solemn voice, Xuanyuantang sighed helplessly: "Your Majesty is poisoned, before heading to Mount Ji!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's expression changed instantly!
He must find out about this matter!

But the most important thing at this moment is his Yue'er, the matter of forgetfulness and poison in her body!
But she kept it from him!
After a long silence, his expression didn't change much, but the words uttered from his thin lips were so cold: "Emperor's sister-in-law knew that the queen was poisoned, why didn't she report it to me earlier, you know, the pain in my heart just now, How far has it come?"

"The concubine naturally knows! But the reason why the concubine concealed the matter from the emperor was the empress's intention!" Xuanyuan Tang's voice was very light, and his expression was also a little cold: "Does the emperor not want to know why the empress concealed the fact that the emperor herself was poisoned?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's pupils shrank slightly.

There was a voice in his heart that kept telling himself not to ask, but in the end he still raised the corners of his lips coldly and asked softly, "Why?"

"Because there is no cure for this poison!"

Raising his eyes lightly, he finally met Nangong Haoling's gaze in the air, Xuanyuantang laughed at himself, frowned and sighed: "I claim that there are no dead people under my command, but there is nothing I can do when I encounter this kind of poison!"


Since Xuanyuantang is like this, it can be seen that he really can't cure the poison of forgetting love. Realizing this, Nangong Haoling's hands on his lap suddenly clenched into fists, his eyes darkened instantly, and he slightly parted his thin lips. After a while, he asked in a hoarse voice just now: "Sister-in-law, is there really no cure for this forgetfulness poison?!"

On the mouth, even so asked.

But Nangong Haoling's heart was extremely painful.

Xuanyuantang said that forgetting love is the poison of southern Xinjiang, but she didn't know that when he was in Chu State, he would often chat with Xuanyuanxu's mother and queen.

At that time, he once heard the Queen Mother of Chu say it.

It's a pity that she was not born in the Nanyue royal family. If she was the queen of Nanyue, she would be able to use the Nanyue royal family's non-inherited poison to make the emperor suffer from the pain of forgetting love, forgetting about the woman in his heart, and being inseparable from her life and death. Leave!
And the kind of non-transmitting Gu poison that she said in her mouth is - Wangqing!
At that time, what the Empress Dowager Duanmu of Chu State said, his words still ring in my ears.

If he guessed right.

There should be a solution to the poison of forgetfulness.

It's just that this solution will make it easier for those kind of Gu people!


Facing Nangong Haoling's dark eyes, Xuanyuantang frowned tightly, and sighed softly: "There is really no cure for this poison!"

Yuan Xiuyue once said that now that the world is at peace, and there is still chaos in the country, it is not appropriate to start another war with Yue.

Therefore, just now she said that the source of the Wangqing Gu poison was Nanjiang, and left Nanyue out, so she followed Yuan Xiuyue's mind!
However, on Duguchen's side, she will still find a way.

She didn't believe it, but he would be willing to let Yuan Xiuyue hurt to death!

For sure, looking at Xuanyuantang who looked at His Highness indifferently, even though Nangong Haoling knew that she was hiding something, he never revealed it!
Because he knew that this was what Yuan Xiuyue wanted.

But this is also the best choice for the current situation!

It's just that, in this way, I feel sorry for her...

Thinking of the pain Yuan Xiuyue endured after being poisoned by the Forgetfulness Gu poison, his whole heart hurts like bleeding!

Biting his lips tightly, he stood up abruptly, and walked out.

"Where is the emperor going!"

Hastily calling out to stop Nangong Haoling's footsteps, Xuanyuantang couldn't help but take a step forward.

"Sister-in-law, isn't the so-called poison of forgetfulness, the more you get along with the one you love, the more it hurts?"


Dai Mei frowned tightly, Xuanyuantang sighed with a wry smile: "The emperor thinks that if the empress does not see you, she really won't miss you, won't she feel heartache?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling couldn't help but froze!
After a short pause, he finally said softly: "I just don't know what happened today, you and Ting Lan will explain it to you later, and when Yue'er wakes up, you will say that I have something important to do, so go first The Royal Study Room!"

Since she wanted to hide it from him, he followed her way!

Nodding slightly, Xuanyuantang frowned as she watched Nangong Haoling leave.

The Imperial Study Room is located in Yexi Palace.

But at this moment, he walked out, straight into the heavy snow.

Looking at Nangong Haoling's tall and straight back from a distance, Xuanyuantang couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

(End of this chapter)

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