Chapter 265 Love So Much 3
Once upon a time, she watched Nangong Haoling hurt for Zhuge's cherishment.

It was also she who watched the relationship between him and Yuan Xiuyue, from ruthless to affectionate, step by step to today.

But at this moment, her heart was full of sadness!
Because, the most painful thing in the world is being unable to stay together when there is love!
Now, Yuan Xiuyue and Nangong Haoling, one of them has been poisoned, but they don't want the other to know about it, and the other knows about it, but they still have to pretend not to know it. They love each other so much, it should be more painful than forgetting love!

Outside the main hall, goose-feather-like snowflakes kept falling.

Today's snow is heavier than usual.

Even in the northern country, such heavy snow is rare.

"This year's snow is really heavy!"

Muttering in a low voice, Nangong Haoling raised his head slightly, letting the cold snowflakes fall on his handsome face, his eyes were dark, his eyes couldn't see the focal length, only reflected the flying snow all over the sky, and the boundless snowflakes. a white world.


With a soft call, Ji Heng held an umbrella to cover Nangong Haoling's head, his voice was full of worry: "It's cold and snowy outside, you should go back, don't frostbite the dragon's body!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling turned around slightly, looked up at Ji Heng who was behind him: "Am I so delicate?"

Ji Heng in his memory has always been white and clean, but he doesn't know when his face has already been covered with wrinkles.

The eyes flickered up and down, staring at the front from Li country to Chu country, and from Chu country back to Li country, never leaving, Ji Heng who was guarding by his side, Nangong Haoling's lips curled lightly, eyes There is a bit of sadness in it.


Seeing the sadness in Nangong Haoling's eyes, Ji Heng was momentarily at a loss: "What's wrong with you?"

"Ji Heng!"

Calling Ji Heng softly, Nangong Haoling sighed vaguely: "I just found out today that your hair is actually white!"

Hearing this, Ji Heng was slightly taken aback!
After recovering for a moment, he chuckled lightly and said: "This man, how can he not be old? But this servant thinks that he is in good health, so he can serve the emperor for a few more years!"

After hearing Ji Heng's words, Nangong Haoling couldn't help sighing!

Full of emotion, he lightly supported Ji Heng's shoulders, he bent his lips and smiled, and walked forward.

Hastily following up with a few steps, Ji Heng used the oil-paper umbrella in his hand to block the wind and snow with Nangong Haoling: "Where are you going, Your Majesty?"

"You go back first, I want to walk around the palace by myself!"

While speaking, Nangong Haoling took the umbrella from Ji Heng's hand very naturally. Nangong Haoling smiled, and then stepped forward again, stepping on the snow under his feet, step by step, and slowly moved forward.

Seeing Nangong Haoling go away, Ji Heng couldn't help but sighed a long time.

Just now, inside the main hall, he heard the conversation between Nangong Haoling and Xuanyuantang clearly!
It's not that he didn't notice the change in Nangong Haoling's mood, but as a slave, he didn't know how to persuade him.

Seeing the bright yellow figure in front of him drifting away in the wind and snow, he gave instructions to the little eunuch following behind him, took the umbrella from the little eunuch's hand, and followed Nangong Haoling from afar.

To him, Nangong Haoling is the master, and even more so, the whole of his life.

From childhood to adulthood, except for some special occasions, he has always followed Nangong Haoling closely, and it is the same today!


Outside the window, it was snowing heavily and the wind was howling.

In Funing Palace, cigarettes curled up, making it warm and pleasant.

When Nangong Haoling arrived at Funing Palace, Empress Dowager Zhong had just had lunch and was playing chess with Bi Qiu.

Hearing the sound of singing from outside the hall, and seeing Nangong Haoling enter the hall all the way with an umbrella, Empress Dowager Zhong was slightly startled, and then she was overjoyed, she quickly put her hand on Bi Qiu's wrist, and stood up from the warm couch .

God knows, in the past, if Nangong Haoling had nothing important to do, he would not go to Funing Palace.

But at this moment, he came alone with an umbrella.

This really made her feel both pleasantly surprised and surprised!

Raising his eyes slightly, Nangong Haoling bowed respectfully to the loving smile of Empress Dowager Zhong: "My son sees the empress mother!"

"Free gift!"

Reaching out to take Nangong Haoling's hand, feeling a little cold, Empress Dowager Zhong rubbed it for him non-stop.

"Mother, my son is not cold!"

Withdrawing her hand without any trace, Nangong Haoling raised her eyes to look at the Queen Mother Zhong: "Can the Queen have lunch?"

"It's already this hour, Ai's family has already had their lunch!" Not paying too much attention to Nangong Haoling's movement of pulling his hand away, Empress Dowager Zhong raised her hand to flick Luoxue off his body instead: "The emperor is here at this hour, Is lunch ready?"


Even though he hadn't eaten yet, he still nodded with a smile, Nangong Haoling followed Empress Dowager Zhong all the way in, and finally sat down in front of the warm couch.

He raised his head and saw that Empress Dowager Zhong was looking at him with a smile, he also smiled lightly and said: "In the past few days, I have been busy with state affairs, and my son has never gone to Funing Palace to pay his respects to his mother. coming!"

Raising her hand slightly, she took the hot tea from Bi Qiu, and Empress Dowager Zhong handed the teacup to Nangong Haoling, "I know that you are working hard on state affairs, so you don't have to come here to say hello!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling smiled lightly.

Frowning slightly, he raised his eyes to look at Queen Mother Zhong: "My son wants to ask Queen Mother about something!"


The meticulously drawn willow eyebrows raised slightly, and Empress Dowager Zhong smiled and asked: "The emperor just ask!"


Nodding slightly, Nangong Haoling thought for a while, and then said softly: "In the past, when my son was in Chu State, I heard what Queen Mother Duanmu said, that there is a poison in this world called Wangqing... Queen Mother and Queen Mother Duanmu of Chu State , went out of the same school, I wonder if anyone has heard of it?"

Hearing Nangong Haoling mention Wangqing, Empress Dowager Zhong's expression suddenly changed!
Seeing the sudden change of expression behind Mrs. Zhong, Nangong Haoling hurriedly asked in a soft voice: "The empress mother knows about this forgetfulness poison, does she?"

"Sad family..."

Her eyes flickered slightly, and Empress Dowager Zhong came back to her senses in a daze. Facing Nangong Haoling's scorching gaze, she frowned lightly, and her face darkened: "The emperor asked Ai's family about Wangqing Gu poison at this time, but he heard about it in the previous court. What happened back then?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's heart was shocked: "What does the empress mean... the war between Li and Chu in those years was caused by this forgetfulness poison?"

That war started because of Liguo, and ended with Liguo sending him to Chu as a hostage.

He always thought that the reason why his father launched the war in the past was only because of the conflict of interests with the Chu State, but he never thought that the war that changed his life was also related to the poison of forgetfulness!
This result was beyond his expectation!

Her eyes dodged left and right, but she didn't meet Nangong Haoling's burning eyes. Empress Dowager Zhong caressed her forehead and said with a sigh: "The Ai family suddenly has a severe headache, and I want to take a rest..."

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling was suddenly full of doubts.

But seeing the Empress Dowager Zhong leaning on the warm couch and closing her eyes without speaking, he did not continue to ask, but said calmly: "Since the mother is not feeling well, the son will leave first."

After Nangong Haoling left, Empress Dowager Zhong's eyes opened again.

Meeting Bi Qiu's slightly worried eyes, she frowned tightly, and suddenly slapped the table: "Let Ai's family find out, who the hell is it, and brought up the matter of the year again in the ear of the emperor!"

Hearing this, Bi Qiu's expression was suffocated, and she hurriedly lowered her head and respected her body: "I will obey the Queen Mother's order!"

After leaving Funing Palace, Nangong Haoling's mood was disturbed and he couldn't regain his calm.

Thinking of the battle back then, and seeing his biological mother's reaction just now, he couldn't help but start to doubt again.

Come to think of it, his biological mother should have known about the forgetfulness poison.

Moreover, this poison has a great relationship with the World War I.

However, now his mother expresses that he does not want to mention the events of the past,

However, the more she was like this, the more he felt that there must be something strange about this matter, but since his mother didn't say anything, it was hard for him to ask more questions.

But it doesn't matter, in order to save his beloved, even if he uses all means, he will let the truth of what happened back then be revealed to the world!

After returning to Yexi Palace, Nangong Haoling went back to the Imperial Study Room first.

Entering the imperial study room for the first time, seeing Xuanyuan Tang talking to Nangong Haoyuan with a solemn expression, Nangong Haoling frowned lightly, and before Ji Heng could speak, he asked out loud, "Where is the imperial sister-in-law at this moment?" , could it be that the queen has awakened?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuantang got up from his seat.

Even so, Nangong Haoyuan beside her also stood up, and then looked at Nangong Haoling with a complicated expression.

"Brother Wang, you don't have to look at me like that!" No need to guess, Xuanyuantang must have told Nangong Haoyuan about Yuan Xiuyue's poisoning, but at this moment, although he felt pain in his heart, he didn't show it!

Because I show my pain in front of my relatives, I only let my relatives suffer along with me!

Stepping forward slowly, staring at Nangong Haoling's handsome face, Nangong Haoyuan sighed softly, "What are you going to do when you take it off?"

"I want to save her!"

Although, he still doesn't know what method he should use to detoxify the forgetfulness poison in Yuan Xiuyue's body, but he vowed in his heart that he must save her!


for sure!
He won't think about what will happen if Yuan Xiuyue's poison has no solution!
Because, he absolutely won't allow that to happen.

Otherwise, he will devote his whole life to razing Nanyue to the ground!

After hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Nangong Haoyuan was silent for a while.The look of regret in his eyes couldn't go away, he sighed softly: "What can Brother Wei do for you?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling raised his eyes.

Looking at his elder brother, he smiled uncontrollably: "Brother Wang will be busy with state affairs for a while, I want to take the queen out for a walk today! I also want to spend more time with her in the future!" That is, Yuan Xiuyue didn't want him to know about his poisoning , then he pretended not to know, and stayed with her and the child as she wished!

(End of this chapter)

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