Chapter 271
"Right, that is it!"

Constantly encouraging Yuan Xiuyue, Mrs. Wen's face was already dripping with sweat!

Letting the palace people around her wipe off the sweat with herself, Wen Po continued to say: "Very good, that's it, the empress continues to work hard!"

"Ah——" couldn't help crying out in pain, and let Nangong Haoling wipe away the rain-like sweat on his face, Yuan Xiuyue said with a wry smile to the dragon mother-in-law of the bed money: "Mother-in-law, the child is full of plans." It's only been seven months, and I'm afraid that even if he is born, he won't be able to grow up...ah!"

Another burst of severe pain hit, Yuan Xiuyue frowned tightly, gritted her teeth and pressed down again.

The pain was accompanied by heartache, and the tears in the corners of her eyes overflowed unconsciously.

Her poor child!
"Girl, what are you talking about?!" Rebuking Yuan Xiuyue with a displeased face, the dragon mother-in-law glanced at Nangong Haoling, frowned and said: "The emperor was only seven months old when he was born, so he is living well now ?!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling was slightly taken aback!
He himself didn't know that he was born in the seventh month of his pregnancy!
Suddenly returning to his senses, he gently held the corner of his lips, and said with utmost tenderness: "Yue'er, did you hear that? I am also an unsatisfied Yue just like our child. If I can live, he must also be able to live... ...I will always be with you, just use your strength!"


Her eyes flickered slightly, but they were dim. Yuan Xiuyue looked at Nangong Haoling weakly, but her heart was so painful that she couldn't control it. Knowing that it was the effect of the forgetfulness poison, the tears in her eyes kept rushing into her eyes. out.

At this moment, she wished she could tear the poisoned person into pieces!


With a painful groan, she clenched her teeth and continued to hold on with all her strength.

"Head... Your Majesty... the servant has seen the child's head!"

With a look of surprise on her face, Mrs. Wen shouted, continued to hold Yuan Xiuyue's leg, and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, work harder!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue jumped for joy.

Feeling another burst of pain in her abdomen, she took another deep breath, and then held Nangong Haoling's hand tightly, exerting all her energy, as if desperately, and holding her breath again.


Finally, another cry of pain came out, and she felt her body loosen suddenly, and then heard a loud cry of a baby resounding throughout the room!
That loud and clear crying sound was like a ray of sunshine, instantly dispelling all the haze in Yuan Xiuyue's heart.

"Yue'er, did you hear that?"

No matter how heroic he is, there are still moments of affection. At this moment, Nangong Haoling's eyes are full of tears: "It's our child!"

Excitedly, he raised his eyes to look at the child in Wen Po's hands, and he kissed Yuan Xiuyue's forehead lightly.

After a while, Mrs. Wen had cleaned the child and wrapped it in the quilt she brought with her when she came.

Kneeling down in front of the couch with the child in her arms, Granny Wen beamed with joy on her face: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, the empress has won the Seven Star Son! Although the little prince is less than a month old, everything is fine. If you have bones, you don't have to worry about flesh. It will be fat for nothing!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help crying with joy!

Her gaze dropped slightly, focusing on the child in Granny Wen's arms, she raised her eyebrows lightly.

Seeing this, Wen Po hurriedly stepped forward and placed the child between her and Nangong Haoling.

Slightly lowering his eyes, he stared at the little life in front of him together with Yuan Xiuyue. Nangong Haoling's thin lips curled up, his eyes were bright with a smile, and his heart was full of passion. He slightly raised his chin and kissed Yuan Xiuyue's forehead lightly: "Yue'er Thank you for your hard work, you have added a prince to my Nangong family!"

That's... his child!
"You know I work hard!"

Because it was just born, the child was still young, and her eyes had not yet been opened. Staring at the child's little face with tightly closed eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's lips curved slightly, and she slowly stretched out her middle finger, gently brushing across the child's smooth cheek, she couldn't help but Smile gracefully.

This is... her child.

In an instant, Yuan Xiuyue was overwhelmed by the ecstasy of becoming a mother for the first time, and Yuan Xiuyue didn't know how to describe her feelings for a while.

It is said that a woman is complete only when she is better than a child!
Now, she is also a mother!
Does this mean that her life is perfect? !
Slightly raising her eyes, staring at Nangong Haoling's peerless smile, she slowly raised her eyebrows and smiled happily!
But after only a smile, her heart began to ache again. In just an instant, she felt that her body seemed to be sucked out by something, and she had no strength left. She took a deep breath, but sighed helplessly, The focus in her eyes became more and more slack: "Your Majesty, you haven't named the child yet..."

By the way, at the end, Yuan Xiuyue's voice was already weak and weak!

"I thought about it earlier, our child will be called Nangong Tianyou in the future, in the meaning of heaven's protection..." After being extremely happy, an unprecedented fear suddenly appeared in his heart. Nangong Haoling watched Yuan Xiuyue's eyes gradually disappear. Guanghui couldn't help but startled: "Yue'er? What's wrong with you?"

"Your Majesty, get out of the way first!"

Taking a few steps forward to separate Nangong Haoling, Long Po stretched out her hand to cover Yuan Xiuyue's wrist, and began to feel her pulse with a serious expression.

"Grandma! How is Yue'er?"

After a long while, Nangong Haoling hurriedly asked when seeing Long Po's gloomy complexion stop taking Shen Bihan's pulse.

"It turns out that the emperor is just an ordinary man who can't hold his breath!" Although he said so jokingly, the expression on Long Po's face was dignified and obscure.Sighing, she glanced at the unconscious Yuan Xiuyue with distressed eyes, then patted Nangong Haoling's shoulder lightly, and said lightly: "She was healthy physically and mentally, but the forgetfulness Gu poison would not attack too frequently. , but now that she is weak after giving birth, she was given the opportunity by the poison... Now she just fainted, but in the future... the emperor must be mentally prepared!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's expression suddenly changed!

It's not that he didn't expect this result.

But this result came too fast, so fast... that he was caught off guard!
It also dilutes his joy of winning the prince in an instant!
About an hour later, Xuanyuan Tang braved the wind and snow and came. When she learned of Yuan Xiuyue's current situation, she looked worried.

The night was long, Yuan Xiuyue had been sleeping deeply, and after confirming that she would be fine for a short time, Long Po went back to rest early.

After seeing off the dragon mother-in-law, Xuanyuantang re-entered the dormitory.

Before sleeping on the couch, the fire in the charcoal basin was burning vigorously, but Nangong Haoling stayed by Yuan Xiuyue's side all the time, never moving a muscle.

Looking down, looking at the little prince who was sleeping soundly beside Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuantang's eyes brightened immediately after his heart moved.Raising her eyes slightly, her eyes fell on Nangong Haoling's slightly haggard face, and seeing that he was unshaven overnight, Xuanyuantang couldn't help sighing softly: "Your Majesty, don't worry too much, isn't King Yue today?" Has he entered the palace? Maybe he has a way to detoxify the forgetfulness poison in the empress's body?"

In the room, after Xuanyuantang fell, it was very quiet.

Just when she thought Nangong Haoling hadn't heard her and was about to reply, she heard Nangong Haoling sigh vaguely, turned her eyes slightly, and met her eyes: "What can he do, I don't know, But now the dragon mother-in-law has given me the detoxification method she knows!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang frowned!

Slightly stunned, she took a step forward, with a hint of urgency in her voice: "Does mother-in-law know the way to detoxify this forgetfulness poison? Why did she never hear her mention this matter when she was handing over her concubine's medical skills in the past?" ?”

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Nangong Haoling's lips became more bitter.

If the dragon mother doesn't say anything, she will naturally have her concerns!
Slightly lowering his eyes, he took out the note written by Luang Po earlier from his sleeve pocket, raised his hand gently, and handed the note to Xuanyuantang.

Taking the note with some hesitation, Xuanyuantang took another deep look at Nangong Haoling, and then carefully looked at the contents of the note with lowered eyebrows.

After a while, she frowned, and her expression changed instantly!

The handwriting on the note was indeed written by Luang Po.

But the content made her tremble slightly.

"Use the blood of your lover to overcome the poison of Wangqing Gu!"

The corners of her lips were slightly raised, but she kept smiling wryly, Xuanyuantang raised her eyes to look at Nangong Haoling, suddenly felt that the things in this world are so absurd!

But this forgetfulness Gu poison is really a harmful thing that shouldn't exist in the world!
Slightly raising his eyes, facing Xuanyuantang's unbelievable gaze, Nangong Haoling smiled wryly and said, "The so-called detoxification method is nothing more than introducing the forgetfulness poison from one person to another person!"

Staring at the wry smile on Nangong Haoling's face, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help feeling cold: "But this person must be someone who is deeply loved by the poisoned person, and must also be someone who shares her heart... This also means that, But whoever is poisoned by the Forgetfulness Gu poison, no matter whether the poison is detoxified or not, the poisoned person will never be able to grow old with the one he loves!"


His brows tightened suddenly, Nangong Haoling looked back at Yuan Xiuyue, seeing that she was sleeping deeply, he lowered his voice and said: "You and I will discuss this matter after we return to the palace, and we must not mention it in front of the queen!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang couldn't help but thump in his heart!
"Your majesty, are you..." Before the words came out, they were choked in his throat because of Nangong Haoling's cold gaze, Xuanyuantang shook his head repeatedly and said: "This is absolutely impossible!"

Who is Nangong Haoling? !
He is the emperor of Li country, and what he carries on his shoulders are thousands of people from Li country, how could he...

He absolutely can't!

"If the emperor's wife doesn't help me with this matter, someone will help me!"

His eyes narrowed slightly, Nangong Haoling didn't look at Xuanyuantang, and said calmly: "Sister-in-law, I know, if Brother Wang was poisoned by the Forgetfulness Gu poison this time, your choice and my choice will be the same!"


Deep in my heart, bursts of sourness and helplessness surged up, Xuanyuantang stared deeply at Nangong Haoling, and looked at the mother and son who were sleeping soundly on the bed, and couldn't help feeling relieved!
Why sentient beings? !
So... it should be it!

It's just that this feeling is too painful!

The next day, the heavy snow that fell for a whole day finally stopped.

But even so, the sun that was supposed to rise slowly from the east has disappeared, and the sky is gray, which makes people feel very depressed!

At around [-]:[-], the chariot that the Empress Dowager Zhong was riding in slowly stopped outside Juxian Tower.

After getting off the carriage, she supported Bi Qiu all the way inward, first met Luang Po, and then led the way to the medicine garden with Luang Po.

Go to the medicine garden,

Standing still outside the dormitory, the Empress Dowager Zhong rubbed her cool hands lightly, then entered the dormitory with a smile on her face.

In the dormitory, Yuan Xiuyue, who was exhausted from childbirth, was still sleeping deeply.

Because Nangong Haoling had already decreed that it was related to Yuan Xiuyue's poisoning, and no one should mention it before the Queen Mother. Therefore, the Queen Mother Zhong, who did not know Yuan Xiuyue's real situation, became the happiest person after Yuan Xiuyue gave birth!

(End of this chapter)

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