Chapter 272
"I finally have a future when I leave the country!"

After asking about the child, knowing that although the child was born prematurely, he was not too weak, Empress Dowager Zhong finally felt relieved.Standing in front of the couch, she stared deeply at the child beside Yuan Xiuyue with a smile on her face, reaching out her hand to touch the child's soft face from time to time.

Seeing Empress Dowager Zhong like this, Nangong Haoling who was sitting in front of the couch only smiled lightly, then turned to look at Yuan Xiuyue who was still unconscious and asleep.Raising his hand slightly, he caressed Yuan Xiuyue's sweaty hair on his forehead. He was immersed in his own thoughts, so dazed that Empress Dowager Zhong called him many times in a row, but he never answered!

Finally couldn't help stretching out his hand to push Nangong Haoling, Queen Mother Zhong asked softly: "Have you given a name to the grandson of Ai's family?"

"Yes!" Nangong Haoling said with a faint smile, "My son named him Nangongzheng, which means God Bless!"

"Nangong Tianyou..."

Raising her eyebrows and thinking about the name Nangong Haoling gave the child, Queen Mother Zhong nodded in satisfaction: "Being an upright person, God blesses you, this name is good!" Taking a deep look at Nangong Haoling, seeing his tired and listless face, Empress Dowager Zhong raised her hand and Yuan Xiuyue covered the quilt up, and then said softly: "Now the queen is giving birth, and she is still in confinement, this place is too simple, and my heir who left the country was born, so offering sacrifices to heaven is always indispensable ...According to Aijia's intention, it is better for the emperor and empress to return to the palace earlier!"

"Son understands!"

Knowing what Empress Dowager Zhong said was right, Nangong Haoling nodded lightly.

In the afternoon, the sky gradually cleared up.

But Yuan Xiuyue was still drowsy.

Nangong Haoling kept telling himself that Yuan Xiuyue did this because she was too tired to give birth overnight, but only he knew in his heart that the reason why she fell asleep was because of the poison of forgetfulness. , is wreaking havoc in her body at will!

The dragon chariot entered directly from Juxian Building, and then drove into the medicine garden.

After ordering everyone to wrap up Nangong Tianyou and hold the chariot, Nangong Haoling personally wrapped Yuan Xiuyue in a quilt and carried him onto the chariot.

The chariot started slowly, and it was still the same as when it came, and it came out from the back door.

Standing on Juxian Tower, watching the chariot gradually drifting away on the endless white land until it turned into a black spot, Luang Po's eyes were reddish, and finally couldn't help the sadness in her eyes, and blinked lightly Blinking, turning back.

People, there is always life and death.

Just like Nangong Haoling's previous Empress Chu, Emperor Li, Emperor Chu, Emperor Yue...

She was older than them, so her heart would throb if they didn't leave alone!
But now, Nangong Haoling and Yuan Xiuyue are younger than them, if one of them leaves, her heart will only hurt even more!
Why do white-haired people send black-haired people!

If it was possible, she, who now earns every day she lives, is willing to die for them!



How can the world go as one wishes? !
After returning to the palace, Yuan Xiuyue stayed in Yexi Palace as usual.

After giving birth to the prince, in the eyes of Empress Dowager Zhong, she is undoubtedly the biggest contributor to Li Country.

For a hero, natural rewards are essential!
Therefore, just one day ago, all the best things in the palace, whether it is tea, cakes, or food and clothing, were all provided to Yexi Palace, and only the queen was exclusive, enjoying the supreme honor and favor!

In the ink chrysanthemum pavilion, the fragrance is lingering, warm as spring.

Yan Ruxue was sitting in front of the round table with scissors in hand, concentrating on cutting the window grilles.

Not long after, Tweety came in from outside the door.


Standing still in front of the round table, Cui'er breathed unsteadily and said: "I just heard that the empress empress gave birth to the prince outside the palace last night, and I just returned to the palace, and the emperor has issued an order to seal the little prince as the crown prince!"

Hearing the news that Cui'er brought back, Yan Ruxue, who was cutting the window grilles, couldn't help but pause slightly.

Raising her eyes slightly, she looked at Cui'er: "Didn't it mean that she will be born in March next year?"

"It should be March next year, but the empress is premature!" Frowning slightly, Cui'er said softly: "The little prince was named the crown prince just after he was born, and this is the most honored thing!"

After a while, she slowly lowered her head, sighed softly, and continued to cut the window grilles: "The emperor has had no children for many years, and now he is happy to have a son, and he is also born to the empress. , within reason!"


Carefully observing Yan Ruxue's expression, Tweety looked worried: "Are you okay?"

No one knows her master's feelings for the emperor better than her!

"What's the matter with this palace?"

With lowered eyes, the scissors in her hand were skilfully cut out, and she finally cut out the pattern she wanted. Yan Ruxue smiled wryly and said, "It's just my fault, I don't have the ability to open branches for the emperor." leaf!"

Hearing this, Tweety opened and closed her lips, trying to say something, but in the end she kept silent.

After a moment of silence, Yan Ruxue raised her eyes again and looked at Cui'er: "Send someone to watch over Beauty Que!"


Trembling slightly, Tweety nodded lightly: "This servant knows!"

Hearing this, Yan Ruxue lowered her eyes again, took out the red paper again, and cut it again with scissors.

This time, what she cut was no longer a mandarin duck, but a phoenix!

Now, Yuan Xiuyue has added a crown prince to the Li Palace, and she who is already favored in the Sixth Palace can be considered like a tiger with wings added!
But... since this period of honor can't last long, why should she care about a dying person? !

"Let her go..."

With a twist of her wrist, she cut off the neck of the phoenix in her hand. Her red lips were lightly pursed, her eyes were deep, and no trace of waves could be seen...


When Yuan Xiuyue woke up, it was past the third watch.

But Nangong Haoling still guarded in front of the dragon couch!

Perhaps it was because he was too tired. At this moment, he was sitting on the small stool in front of the couch, but he himself was lying on the dragon couch, taking a nap with his eyes closed.

With dim eyes, staring lightly at his haggard and slightly pale handsome face, Yuan Xiuyue slightly bent her lips, and stretched out her hand to caress Nangong Haoling's sculpture-like face.

Because of her touch, Nangong Haoling frowned slightly.

Slowly raising his eyes, he looked into her slightly dark eyes, his heart was overjoyed, he quickly reached out to hold her hand, and sat up: "Yue'er, are you awake?"


The voice that escaped from her mouth was hoarse and weak, causing Yuan Xiuyue to frown slightly.

"What? Is there something uncomfortable?" Seeing Yuan Xiuyue frowning, Nangong Haoling hurriedly asked softly.

"It's just a little tired!" Looking at Nangong Haoling's demeanor, Yuan Xiuyue tried her best to calm down her emotions and never met his gaze. Her eyes flicked from side to side: "Where's the child?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling sighed softly and said: "You are not in good health, so I will make the decision to let the emperor's sister-in-law and the nurse take care of the child first!"

Hearing that her child was being taken by Xuanyuan Tang at the moment, Yuan Xiuyue slightly bent her dry and peeling lips, and sighed slightly in her heart: "If the child is brought by the emperor's wife, why should I worry about it?"

"I know, you must be a child!"

As if she didn't hear the sentimentality in her words, Nangong Haoling turned around and told Ji Heng: "Go and bring the prince here!"


Frowning slightly, Yuan Xiuyue stared at Nangong Haoling.

Seeing this, Ji Heng couldn't help but said: "I would like to report to the empress, after the emperor and the empress returned to the palace today, they have already decreed the sixth palace to make the little prince the crown prince!"

Hearing Ji Heng's words, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help laughing at Nangong Haoling: "The emperor is too impatient!"

"Sooner or later!"

Smiling fondly at Yuan Xiuyue, Nangong Haoling kissed her dry lips lightly, and secretly sighed in his heart: You are the queen now, and you will be the queen mother in the future!
Not long after, Xuanyuantang came to the bedroom with Nangong Tianyou in his arms.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue woke up, she smiled slightly, and hurriedly carried the child to Yuan Xiuyue: "Empress, come and see, how energetic is our crown prince?"

Facing Xuanyuan Tang's heartfelt smile, Yuan Xiuyue smiled lightly, and immediately looked down at her son beside her.

"Still sleeping?"

Wei Wei stretched out her hand and stuffed her little finger into his little hand. The corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips hooked slightly, and she smiled unconsciously, her pretty face was full of maternal brilliance!
Smiling at Yuan Xiuyue's smiling face, Nangong Haoling sighed softly and got up from the dragon couch: "My clothes have been passed down for two days and have not been changed. This is the first time in the world!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help smiling.

Looking up at her, she raised the corners of her lips slightly: "If the emperor wants to take a bath and change clothes at this time, my concubine will definitely not stop me!"

Hehe smiled, Nangong Haoling said lightly: "Since that's the case, then I will obey the queen's order and go take a bath and change clothes first!"

Watching Nangong Haoling leave, the smile on Yuan Xiuyue's lips gradually faded away.

It was because she was hungry, so she ordered Ting Lan to bring some food, Yuan Xiuyue raised her head and dismissed the wet nurse, then she turned her face slightly and looked at Xuanyuantang who was smiling and focused all her attention on Nangong Tianyou: " Sister-in-law, does the emperor know about my poisoning?"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Xu's expression froze!
Slightly raising his eyes, staring at Yuan Xiuyue quietly, Xuanyuantang smiled wryly, and finally followed Nangong Haoling's explanation, and asked her softly: "Your Majesty, does the Emperor seem to know that you are poisoned?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heartstrings loosened slightly!
Nangong Haoling just now was still in the mood to joke with her, it really didn't look like he knew he was poisoned.

Thinking of his cheerful smile, she chuckled lightly, but after feeling a sharp pain, she immediately closed the corners of her mouth again.Slightly lowering her eyes, she thought for a while, and asked again: "The day before yesterday, I only felt heartache occasionally, but in the past two days, it has been intermittent... Sister-in-law, the poison on my body is probably getting worse. ..."

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang's eyes flickered slightly.

Sighing softly, she frowned slightly and said to Yuan Xiuyue: "King Yue is still in the palace now, since he came here at this time, it means that he should have a way to deal with the poison on the empress!"

Thinking of Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

After a long silence, she sighed softly: "Sister-in-law, the emperor may not let me see him in a short time, but now, I can't wait, I must see him, and ask him clearly!"

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Tang's eyes flickered slightly.

After a moment's hesitation, she also sighed softly: "Leave this matter to me!"

Xingyue Pavilion, in the front hall.

Duguchen was wearing a water-blue brocade suit, and was sitting in the front hall, his eyes slightly closed, sipping a drink alone.

Standing respectfully behind him, Lei Luo glanced at the watch on the table, and couldn't help asking: "My lord, it's already past three watches, it's freezing outside, the person you are waiting for, I'm afraid it won't come!"

Hearing this, Duguchen's hand holding the wine cup tightened suddenly.

Gently, turning the wine cup in his hand, he remained calm, raised his head and drank all the wine in the wine cup.

Seeing him like this, Lei Luo couldn't help but change slightly!
Seeing that Yuan Mingyue was about to pour wine with him again, he raised his arm to block it, and said lightly to Duguchen: "My humble opinion, the prince should rest earlier?"

"I believe that as long as she wakes up, she will definitely meet me..."

Faintly, looking at Lei Luo, Duguchen's handsome eyebrows were raised slightly, and his expression was a little calm: "Do you think she's not awake now... Can this king sleep well?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo couldn't help but feel suffocated!
Early this morning, when Zi Duguchen learned that Yuan Xiuyue gave birth prematurely yesterday, he was always depressed.

After nightfall, he sat in the front hall and drank, drinking for two or three hours.

He knew that his master was worried about Yuan Xiuyue.

However, now the third watch is over.

Will Yuan Xiuyue's people really come? !

He moved his lips lightly, and he was about to say something unwilling to give up, but he heard a gentle voice from outside the hall: "King Yue is not sleeping at this time, but he is waiting for me?"

While talking, Xuanyuantang stepped in, holding a blue eunuch uniform in her hand...

(End of this chapter)

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