Chapter 273 Detoxification Method 1
The birthday of Crown Prince Nangong Tianyou of the Li Kingdom is the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month in the middle of winter.

This day is very close to the New Year, only a few days away.

The next day, at night.

After taking a bath and changing clothes, Nangong Haoling changed into a white moonlight uniform, and combed his hair again. He wanted to go back to the bedroom to continue to accompany Yuan Xiuyue, but he was caught by his brother Nangong Haoyuan because of Nangong Xiaoran's wedding. Send someone to go to the imperial study.

It was deep at night.

Yexi Palace, in the sleeping hall.

Silver charcoal was warm, Yuan Xiuyue was served by Ting Lan, served some porridge, then waved her lightly: "Get out!"


Knowing that Yuan Xiuyue's appetite is not good at this time, she should eat less and eat more, Ting Lan did not continue to persuade her to eat more, but withdrew the porridge as she said, but after a while, she added a bowl of warm soup , presented it in front of Yuan Xiuyue: "Your Majesty, it's time to take some medicine!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning slightly.

Seeing her frowning, Ting Lan had no choice but to smile dryly: "Concubine Xian said that this is for your mother's body, and your mother must drink it!"

"You must drink it!" Yuan Xiuyue smiled bitterly as she drooped her eyelids and stared at the dark soup in front of her, "I seem to be drinking medicine all the time..."

Hearing her words, Ting Lan also smiled wryly: "Madam, good medicine is good for the disease!"

"I naturally know this truth!"

Sighing softly, she secretly thought that the soup could mend her body now, but it would not save her life in the future. Yuan Xiuyue cast a sidelong glance at Ting Lan, and had no choice but to pick up the medicine bowl, held her breath and drank the soup in one gulp.

When the decoction was in the mouth, the unbearable bitter taste immediately surfaced on the tip of the tongue.

Frowning tightly, she lowered her eyes slightly, and handed the empty medicine bowl to Ting Lan.


Ting Lan took the medicine bowl with one hand, and handed the candied fruit to Yuan Xiuyue with the other.

Staring at the candied fruit in Ting Lan's hand, Yuan Xiuyue frowned lightly, reached out to take the candied fruit calmly, and swallowed it lightly.

The taste of candied fruit is sweet and greasy with a bit of sourness.

Savoring the sweet and sour taste diffused between her lips and teeth, her eyes darkened slightly!
Although this thing sweetened her mouth at this moment, her heart was still bitter.

I don't know when that bitterness will be completely melted away.

Maybe, after she died, she wouldn't suffer any more!


After Ting Lan removed the medicine bowl, not long after, Xuanyuantang also brought Duguchen who disguised himself as a little eunuch into the dormitory.

"The concubine sees the empress!"

Looking up at Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuantang smiled lightly and bowed before the bed.

"Sister-in-law is free!"

Lifting the quilt on her body slightly, Yuan Xiuyue leaned against the couch, raised her eyes and glanced at Xuanyuantang, then stopped her gaze on the eunuch behind Xuanyuantang after she came in.

He is a dragon and phoenix among people, no matter what he wears, that kind of demeanor can never be changed, just like Dugu Chen now, even if he is wearing what the little eunuchs in Yexi Palace often wear, ordinary ones can no longer be ordinary The azure blue palace uniform, but his high-spirited and upright figure can't be fooled after all.

Concentrating deeply on Dugu Chen's handsome face with lowered brows and restrained eyes, Yuan Xiuyue suddenly recalled the first time she saw him in Lishan Temple.

At that time, he was inside the meditation room and she was outside the meditation room.

There is a hostile relationship between them!
Time flies, before you know it, it's been almost two years!

And he... that Leng Mei Yue Wang who claims to have planned the world, treats her surprisingly well!
Thinking of this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips could not help but evoke a beautiful arc.

How wonderful it would be if we could turn back time!

Sighing softly, she raised her eyes and said to Ting Lan: "I still can't sleep, I want to talk to Princess Xian quietly, you don't have to guard, you all step back for now!"

"The slaves obey the orders!"

Blessing Yuan Xiuyue lightly, Ting Lan turned around and dismissed several palace servants on duty in the palace, and then lightly blessed Xuanyuantang, looking up, she glanced behind Xuanyuantang seemingly intentionally or unintentionally Dugu Chen, her eyes dimmed slightly, and she stepped out of the bedroom.

She hoped that with Dugu Chen's arrival, she could have a chance with Yuan Xiuyue!
As soon as Ting Lan and the palace people left, only Yuan Xiuyue, Xuanyuantang and Duguchen were left in the bedroom.

For a while, none of the three of them spoke.

In the whole sleeping hall, there are only the sound of burning charcoal fire, and the rustling sound of sand leaking down.

Slightly raising her eyes to meet Xuanyuantang's crystal clear eyes, Yuan Xiuyue turned her eyes slightly to look at Dugu Chen who was standing behind her with lowered eyebrows and lowered eyes.

After being suffocated for a while, seeing how quiet the dormitory was, she couldn't help chuckling, with a bit of uncontrollable emotion in her voice: "Now that Liyue and Yue are both heavily armed, why did the prince come here? You have to take the risk to come here In the palace?!"

Hearing this, Duguchen, who had been waiting for her to speak, couldn't help curling his thin lips slightly.

But Xuanyuantang moved back quietly, walked to the door of the sleeping hall, and stood leaning against the door.

In the end, he raised his eyes lightly and stared at Yuan Xiuyue who was on the dragon couch. Dugu Chen's voice was gentle, but with the inherent calmness: "Why this king came here, I should know why I am here after leaving." ! Why bother asking so much?”

"Should I know this well?"

Frowning lightly, with the brilliance in her eyes flashing, Yuan Xiuyue met Duguchen's handsome eyes: "I think I should live a little more confused, don't people say? It's rare to be confused in life! "

Hearing her words, Duguchen was silent for a while.

After a moment of silence, the other side said again: "You are smart and wise, you should know everything, whether you should know it or not, so why continue to pretend to be confused? I am here today just to get straight to the point. You know, you have been poisoned by my Nanyue's Forgetfulness Gu poison, this poison... was cast by someone I sent..."


She couldn't help laughing, although Yuan Xiuyue had already expected that Duguchen would take everything on her after seeing her, but seeing him like this at this moment, she was really angry!Taking a deep breath, she stared at Duguchen's slightly dark eyes, frowned slightly and asked, "Is this poison really cast by the lord? Since the lord let go at the beginning, why is he poisoning now? How did you poison this palace?"

"Because... I am not reconciled!"

The color of his eyes flickered, but he finally stared deeply and greedily at Yuan Xiuyue's pale pretty face. Duguchen curled his lips lightly, and sighed helplessly: "Because when I returned to Nanyue, I kept thinking, There has never been anything in the world that I can't get, and women are even more so, even... my opponent is Emperor Li, I don't want to give in at all!"

"Dugu Chen!"

For the first time in a long time, Yuan Xiuyue called out Duguchen's full name, but after only one sound, she coughed violently because of her unsteady breath: "Ahem——"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's cough, Duguchen's heart ached.

His footsteps started slightly, and he wanted to go forward, but he saw her stretch out her hand to hold her chest, and her tone of voice was as cold as ice: "He is so cruel and heartless, he is not expected to be a monarch at all, you still want to protect him?" When?!"

The person who poisoned her was not Duguchen!

It must be Dugu Jiang!
Of course she knows that Duguchen is taking everything into his own hands at this moment to protect Dugujiang. After all, if this is the case, even if Nangong Haoling catches evidence that Nanyue poisoned her in the future, as long as Duguchen is willing to commit suicide and plead guilty, he will be killed. Dugu Jiang, who is the Emperor of Yue, can still retreat completely!

There is no doubt that it is in the best interest of both countries for him to act in this way.

But, in front of her at this moment, she couldn't see him taking everything on her.

Don't say that as a benevolent monarch, she would not poison her recklessly, even if Duguchen had a bit of benevolent attitude, she would feel that it was worthwhile for Duguchen to act like this!
But Dugu Chen didn't!

And he doesn't have to be like this at all!
"Everyone has their own responsibility in life..." Because of Yuan Xiuyue's cold tone, the expression on Dugu Chenjun's face couldn't help but froze slightly!After suffocating for a moment, he frowned and sighed lightly, and his tone of speech gradually slowed down: "Actually, it doesn't matter who injected the forgetfulness poison. The important thing is how to keep you alive now!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly.

The waves in her eyes were calm, but her heart gradually burst into ecstasy, feeling that her aura was a little more stable, she looked into the depths of Duguchen's eyes: "Forgetfulness Gu poison, is there a solution?"

"Forgetfulness Gu Poison... There is no solution!"

Meeting Yuan Xiuyue's eyes in the air, Duguchen said this sentence in a very calm tone, paused for a moment, and seeing Yuan Xiuyue's complexion changed slightly, he raised his handsome eyebrows slightly, and sighed helplessly: "You just need to cast the poison of forgetfulness, It is doomed that someone will perish due to this poison, and now there is only one way in front of you, and that is to stay away from Nangong Haoling, leave here with me, and return to Nanyue together, and be my Princess Yue of Nanyue!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart was slightly cold.

The heart that was already jumping for joy suddenly sank into the ice river. Like him, she smiled bitterly, and then her eyes turned cold: "Since there is no cure for the poison of forgetfulness, I will die by the emperor's side when I die, why bother with you?" Irrelevant people leave?"

After hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Dugu Chen's heart couldn't help but tighten suddenly!
No matter how hard it is to hide the deep pain in his eyes, a wry smile appeared on his handsome face like an evildoer: "You can treat me as someone who has nothing to do with me, but I definitely want you, who is not like me, The relevant woman is alive, because if you die, Nangong Haoling will definitely attack Nanyue. He and Xuanyuanxu will advance and retreat together. As long as he moves, Chu Kingdom will definitely move. I am here today, you can Don’t think it’s for you, I’m just... for the peace of the Three Kingdoms, the world is peaceful!”

(End of this chapter)

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