Chapter 313 Walk With Me 3
"will not!"

Shaking his head at Yuan Xiuyue with a decisive voice, Nangong Haoling was about to embrace her and enter the camp when he suddenly heard the voice of Empress Dowager An from the direction of the main tent of the Chinese army: "However, the Ai family has something to talk to you about!"

Hearing the sound, Nangong Haoling paused slightly.

Frowning tightly, he turned around and looked at Queen Mother An from a distance, but he never moved.

Together with him, Yuan Xiuyue glanced at Empress Dowager An lightly, and sighed softly: "Go ahead, sir, I can pay the bill myself."

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's eyes dimmed, but he followed the words and walked towards the big tent of the Chinese army again.

Watching Nangong Haoling walk towards Empress Dowager An step by step, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes darkened slightly.

she thinks……

Now that the imperial army has arrived, it's time to close the net that Nangong Haoling cast on the An clan!

It's just, I don't know what will be the end of waiting for Empress Dowager An and her father Yuan Chenghai at the end of the day? !
In her heart, thinking secretly, Yuan Xiuyue kept staring at Nangong Haoling's back until he entered the Chinese army tent with Empress Dowager An, and he was no longer seen outside the tent door, and she was still standing outside the bedroom tent facing the breeze, It has never been entered into the account.


Seeing that Yuan Xiuyue had never moved, Du Sheng couldn't help calling out to each other.

Gathering her mind, Yuan Xiuyue turned to look at Du Sheng: "Take me to King Yue's tent!"


His expression was slightly startled, Du Sheng nodded his head and said: "Your servant obeys!"

I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but Duguchen's sleeping tent was actually placed far away from the main tent of the Chinese army.

Coming all the way from the sleeping tent, Yuan Xiuyue walked for a quarter of an hour before reaching Duguchen's sleeping tent as he wished.

In the sleeping tent, Duguchen was alone, sitting at the table, playing with a few chess pieces on the chessboard.

Beside him, Lei Luo had just reported the news he wanted, and was trying his best to persuade him, wanting him to leave An's camp and return to Nanyue as soon as possible.

After talking a lot, Duguchen still looked calm and calm, without any trace of anxiety, Lei Luo was a little anxious instead.

With a sharp voice, he couldn't help asking with a dark and handsome face: "My lord, can you hear what my subordinates said?"

"This king is not deaf!" After finally raising his eyes, he glanced lightly at Lei Luo, Duguchen said disapprovingly, "Why are you talking so loudly?"

Seeing that he still looked unhurried, Lei Luo frowned, and said in a slow tone: "My lord, now Lidi's troops are approaching An's camp, and a big battle will start between the two sides. You should hurry back with your subordinates!"

"Calm down!"

Lowering his brows and narrowing his eyes, while staring deeply at the chessboard in front of him, Duguchen said softly: "If you want to return it to you, this king wants to see how the civil strife in Liguo will end!"

"My lord!"

It is really impossible to be calm as Duguchen said. After hearing what Duguchen said, Lei Luo's face changed again: "My lord, now that the An clan is weaker, they will definitely find another way. The subordinates are worried that they will ..."

Knowing what Lei Luo was worried about, Dugu Chen didn't change his face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of him: "Those things should be the things that Emperor Li and Nangong Xiaoran are worried about. Don't worry, they will never let this king be in Li's place." something happened in the country!"

Although, Nangong Haoling has already borrowed troops from Chu State to attack Nanyue.

But for a while, he was by Nangong Haoling's side, and he and him were not mutually exclusive.

Come to think of it, he just wanted his imperial brother to pay the due price for Yuan Xiuyue's poisoning, but he didn't really want to provoke a dispute between the two countries!

And there is... besides, the relationship between Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran.

He already knew it in his heart.

They will never allow him to make a mistake.

"My lord!"

Hearing Duguchen's words, Lei Luo opened his mouth, wanting to continue persuading, but when he met Duguchen's slightly irritable eyes, he only had a bitter face, but kept silent, not daring to say a word!
As soon as Yuan Xiuyue entered the account, she saw Lei Luo's handsome face.

Opening her mouth slightly, she couldn't help asking with a smile on her face, "Uncle Lei, what's wrong with you? Did your prince bully you again?"

Hearing this, Lei Luo twitched the corners of his mouth lightly, and it took him a while to utter a word: "Yes..."

Unexpectedly, Lei Luo would say yes, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly startled, and turned to look at Dugu Chen, only to see Dugu Chen standing up with a smile: "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I come here?"

Asking back with a smile, Yuan Xiuyue walked in slowly.Looking down at the chess game in front of Duguchen, she frowned lightly, took the chess pieces, and landed them on the chessboard.

Seeing this, Duguchen pursed his thin lips lightly: "Someone once told me that she can't play chess!"

"It turns out that that person lied!"

Smiling faintly, Yuan Xiuyue sat down lightly, and looked at Duguchen with a smile.

Facing her smiling eyes, Duguchen sighed softly: "If someone else dares to lie to me, she will surely die without a place to bury her, but only you, Yuan Xiuyue... Even if you tell lies, I will not die." Listen to it and believe it!"

Listening to Duguchen's affectionate words, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly: "Since what I say, you will believe it, so today I will persuade you again, Duguchen... let's go!"

"You can go!"

Faintly, staring at Yuan Xiuyue's crystal clear eyes, Duguchen still insisted on his original intention: "You come with me!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyebrows helplessly.

Seeing the persistence in Duguchen's eyes, he knew that Duguchen would not back down on this issue, so he raised his hand and squeezed a piece, and gently lowered it: "Since you don't leave, you have to listen to me now, and talk to the An family. , have fun!"

"Ha ha……"

Duguchen couldn't help laughing, his eyes flickered slightly, but he nodded slightly and said: "As long as you are happy, you can play whatever you want!"

Hearing Duguchen's words, Yuan Xiuyue smiled bitterly, and gently said what she once wanted to say to Nangong Xiaoran: "Don't always be nice to me, I will be a burden!"

"I treat you well, but I won't let you pay it back!"

His eyes flashed, and he rolled his big eyes at her, but it didn't affect his handsome temperament in the slightest. Dugu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he met her eyes: "If my guess is right, then Emperor Li and King Ning Between them, there should be some kind of plan, how you want to play, it's best not to affect their plans!"


After pondering for a while, Yuan Xiuyue smiled coquettishly: "What we are going to do will not only not affect them, but may also be of great benefit to them!"

Hearing this, Duguchen frowned lightly.

Looking up at him, Yuan Xiuyue hooked her fingers at him.

Seeing this, the corners of Duguchen's lips curved slightly, and then he put his ears forward.

After hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Dugu Chen's eyes darkened slightly: "Are you so anxious to leave the country and end the chaos?"

Quietly, looking at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue sighed softly: "Recently, my heartaches have become more and more painful, and I don't want to be trapped in this place for the rest of my life..."

Hearing this, Dugu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Gently covering the back of her hand, he didn't mean any blasphemy, but just patted comfortingly: "Don't worry, as long as you are by my side, I'm sure I'll keep you alive..."

"That's not the life I want!"

Smiling at Dugu Chen, Yuan Xiuyue frowns lightly.

Staring at her slightly raised brows, Dugu Chen's heart felt a little cold.

Ever since he met Nangong Haoling, he has never known how he dealt with the Gu seeds of Wangqing Gu poison!

If possible, he would rather plant the Gu seeds in Yuan Xiuyue's body, and wait for the Gu to be completed in the next day, and then get rid of the Forgetfulness Gu poison in Yuan Xiuyue's body, so that the two can dissolve each other.

But he can't!

Because, his feelings for her have always been wishful thinking...

When Yuan Xiuyue left Dugu Chen's tent, he was with him.

It's just that what she wanted back was her own tent, but Duguchen was invited to the Chinese army's tent by the people of Empress Dowager An.

One day passed by in the blink of an eye.

During this day, Nangong Haoling, Empress Dowager An, Yuan Chenghai and others, including Dugu Chen, had been discussing matters in the Chinese military tent. Besides, the atmosphere in the entire An's camp was also gloomy and stormy. The momentum is about to come.

Night, as scheduled.

But Nangong Haoling did not return for a long time.

She took a blood bottle from the drawer and drank some first to prevent the heartache that would occasionally occur when she was with Nangong Haoling. Yuan Xiuyue got up from the bed and walked slowly to the tent window.

Lifting the curtains lightly, she looked up at the moonlight outside the window, her eyes darkened slightly, but her heart was full of thoughts.

Entering the dormitory, she saw Yuan Xiuyue standing in front of the bed in a daze, Nangong Haoling lightly hooked her thin lips, and walked forward slowly, wrapping her thin and shapeless waist around her back: "What are you thinking, so preoccupied? "

"Thinking of sir!"

Gently, she snuggled her body into Nangong Haoling's arms, Yuan Xiuyue's lips hooked slightly, and said lightly: "I was thinking, Mr. has been in the Chinese military tent all day, can solve the urgent need of the An clan? "

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling smiled faintly.

Turning her body slightly, he casually scratched her pretty bridge of the nose: "Worrying about nothing!"

Stretching out her hand and stroking the tip of her nose, her arms wrapped around his neck like vines: "If I'm a scumbag, sir is my god!"

"Sir... is it your God?"

There was a slight gloomy look in the eyes, Nangong Haoling narrowed them slightly, and repeated Yuan Xiuyue's words.

Smiling at Nangong Haoling's narrowed eyes, Yuan Xiuyue smiled sweetly and said, "Has the matter been resolved?"


Raising his eyebrows lightly, Nangong Haoling put his hands around her waist again, and couldn't help wandering back and forth on her back: "Duguchen agreed to borrow troops!"

When Nangong Haoling mentioned that Duguchen borrowed troops, he seemed to be talking about today's weather, calm and unhurried, with no sense of crisis, Yuan Xiuyue was slightly taken aback!
(End of this chapter)

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