Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 314 It's time to close the net! 1

Chapter 314 It's time to close the net! 1
After the joy, the air in the sleeping tent was still filled with exhaustion.

Yuan Xiuyue bare her fragrant shoulders, nestled in Nangong Haoling's arms, her lips curled up slightly, and she closed her eyes.

Eyes drooping slightly, staring at the corners of her lips in satisfaction, Nangong Hao Lingjun raised his eyebrows slightly, lowered his eyebrows and lifted the quilt up, gently covering her shoulders, and then asked softly: "When did you recognize her?" mine?"

Hearing this, the corners of Yuan Xiuyue's lips curled up in a meaningful arc.

She didn't answer right away, she just raised her head slightly, touched his handsome face that was already wet with sweat, and looked at Nangong Haoling with her bright and lazy eyes, finally smiled and said: "You It's my man, there's no reason I can't recognize you!"

That day, since she woke up, although he tried his best to imitate Nangong Xiaoran in terms of appearance, voice, and tone of voice.

However, he has deceived everyone in this way.

But he couldn't fool her heart!
To Nangong Xiaoran, she has nothing to repay in this life, only the helplessness and apology that appear and disappear from time to time, but when facing him, even if everything about him is pretending to be the same as Nangong Xiaoran, she will Heartache!

And, it hurts more than once!
She is not a fool, so she naturally knows where the problem lies.

But, even though she knew it, she didn't want to reveal it.

Because, she longs for his approach, and is deeply attached to his tenderness, but... now that Fudu's army is in turmoil, the grievances between An's family and the court will definitely come to an end in the shortest possible time.

And she, even though her heart aches, wants to cherish this last time with him!

Reaching out to hold Yuan Xiuyue's slender hand, Nangong Haoling looked down at her for a long time, but laughed at himself and said, "So my acting skills are so bad!"

Gently scratching his palm with her fingers, Yuan Xiuyue turned her eyes away, looked at the ceiling quietly, and said softly without humility: "It's not that your acting skills are bad, but that I'm too smart!"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling's lips pursed tightly.


Gently calling out his name, Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at him again, her gaze gleaming: "It's good that I alone know about the pain of Wangqing Gu poison. Promise me, don't cross the poison with me. In that case, just I'm afraid I'd rather die than live!"

Hearing Yuan Xiuyue's words, Nangong Haoling's heart couldn't help throbbing slightly.

Thinking of her painful hair, he tightened his arms, as if wanting to rub her into his body, put his chin on her fragrant shoulder, and said in a hoarse voice: "Since If you don't want to, I won't forcefully cross the poison with you again, I promise you, if I want to cross the poison with you, I will definitely get your consent!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heartstrings trembled slightly.

Will she agree to transfer the poison in her body to him?
Will not!
She will never!

Focusing deeply on her unpredictable eyes, Nangong Haoling kissed her pretty nose lightly: "I promise you, I won't cross poison with you without your permission, but you have to promise me that after today, no matter what the reason, You are not allowed to abandon me again, and when Fu is done, you follow me back to the palace and guard me... and our children!"

Hearing Nangong Haoling mention the child, Yuan Xiuyue's heart suddenly felt sore.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded slightly, unable to hold back the surging tears in her eyes.

Gently, licking the tears on her face, Nangong Haoling's lips finally fell to her lips, entangled with her again.

It was deep at night.

In the sleeping tent, there is tenderness and sweetness, and the spring is beautiful...

The next day, when Yuan Xiuyue woke up, Nangong Haoling was still asleep.

Concentrating on his peaceful sleeping face, Yuan Xiuyue's heart moved, but she suddenly felt a throbbing pain in her heart.

Frowning tightly between her brows, suppressing the emotions in her heart, she was silent for a moment, before the corners of her lips curled up, and she raised her head to kiss his chin lightly.


The blood she drank last night can only last for one night!
Today, she started to feel pain again.

Because of her light kiss, although Nangong Haoling did not open her eyes, a perfect smile appeared from the corner of her lips.

Under the brocade quilt, the big hand placed on her slender waist was gently rubbing. He smiled wickedly and said in a low and hoarse voice, "Little wild cat, didn't you have enough to eat last night?"

"Ha ha……"

A pleasant laughter like a silver bell escaped her mouth, Yuan Xiuyue twisted her body, trying to avoid his big hand, but was suddenly pulled back by Nangong Haoling...


Sensing his presence, Yuan Xiuyue's cheeks twitched, as if they were on fire, reflecting the colorful clouds.

This man asked her several times in a row last night, doesn't he know what it means to be tired?

Meeting Yuan Xiuyue's bright eyes, Nangong Haoling's heart moved, but he didn't continue to tease her. His face darkened, he held her little hand tightly, and asked with frowned eyebrows full of doubts: "From last night, to Today, the forgetfulness Gu poison on your body has never flared up?"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue smiled faintly.

With lowered eyebrows and closed eyes, she sighed softly: "When you came last night, I drank the blood that Duguchen and I prepared in advance, so that I can last for a day."

In fact, even if it lasts half a day, she already feels lucky.

"I see!"

There was a hint of relief in his eyes, and Nangong Haoling's mind wandered: "It seems that we all have to find a way to let Duguchen bleed more!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help but patted his chest lightly with a wry smile: "Hey! I said Nangong Haoling, what are you thinking? No matter what people say, he is also the most respected prince of the Yue Kingdom. He has come all this way for your woman If he can be safe, isn't it kind of you to want him to bleed casually?"

"Why didn't you say that the forgetfulness poison came from his brother?" Nangong Haoling looked down at her, with a smile on his lips, but this smile was a little cold: " do you You know that he came here for your safety, so there is no other request?"

Hearing Nangong Haoling's words, Yuan Xiuyue frowned slightly, and her thoughts changed instantly.

In the world, nothing happens for no reason.

At this moment, since Nangong Haoling spoke like this, it showed that Dugu Chen came to An's camp for another purpose indeed!
He wants to cooperate with the An family?
Not like!

If he wanted to cooperate with the An clan, how could he be with Nangong Haoling?
Moreover, he should have already guessed the relationship between Nangong Haoling and Nangong Xiaoran!
Shaking her head lightly, Yuan Xiuyue quickly denied the thoughts in her mind, and Yuan Xiuyue raised her eyes to look at Nangong Haoling: "Did I miss something important?"

Hearing this, Nangong Haoling smiled.

Sighing softly, he pretended to be dissatisfied and said: "It's been a long time, and you and I have been revolving around him. From now on, don't mention him anymore. You just need to remember that anyway, his trip was not entirely because of You are right!"


Frowning tightly, she snorted at Nangong Haoling, and Yuan Xiuyue stopped acting for Duguchen, and asked him instead: "By the way, you are here at the moment, but that gentleman disguised himself as you and went to Fudu?"

Hearing this, the color of Nangong Haoling's eyes changed slightly, and his complexion became gloomy instantly.

Got it!
This woman, without mentioning Dugu Chen, turned to Nangong Xiaoran again!

The corners of his lips hooked evilly, and he smiled handsomely: "Woman, isn't Nangong Xiaoran here?"

"go with!"

Reaching out to push his face aside, Yuan Xiuyue said solemnly: "Don't be out of shape, I'm asking you something serious!"

"I didn't say it wasn't serious!"

Gently pecking at Yuan Xiuyue's cherry red lips, Nangong Haoling's breath gently blew in her ears, her big hands were not idle, they kept moving back and forth on her body: "Let's continue talking about business now!"


With a slightly startled expression, Yuan Xiuyue frowned tightly, and just about to speak out, she heard Du Sheng's voice from outside the tent: "Your Majesty, the Empress Dowager sent someone to say that King Yue has agreed to borrow troops, and the situation on the frontline is changing rapidly. , the Generalissimo suggested pre-emptive strikes, and asked the emperor to discuss the matter of dispatching troops in the main tent of the Chinese army!"

Hearing the sound, Nangong Hao Lingjun's face darkened!
With a look of disappointment on his face, he stopped his hands floating on Yuan Xiuyue's back, and he scoffed displeasedly: "Yan Wang asked her to die two days later, but she wants to go in two days!"

Blinking lightly, Yuan Xiuyue looked at Nangong Haoling with a dark handsome face and stood up.

Looking at his tall and powerful body, from top to bottom, and from bottom to top, Yuan Xiuyue sometimes frowned, sometimes nodded, and sometimes clicked his tongue in admiration!
Hearing her tsk-tsk sound, Nangong Haoling frowned, tied the sash of his inner skirt, and said with a narrow smile: "Lady, after watching it just now, are you satisfied with your husband's figure?"

"very good!"

It is very good to give Nangong Haoling two without hesitation. Seeing Nangong Haoling suddenly turn around and reach out to grab her quilt, Yuan Xiuyue screamed, her body moved like a rabbit, and instantly grabbed the quilt tightly, and the whole person shrank into the quilt inside.

"Ha ha……"

Satisfied with her reaction, Nangong Haoling laughed heartily.Stretching his hand under the quilt to touch her, he swept away the anger of getting up just now, turned around in a good mood and told Du Sheng, "Du Sheng, come in and serve her!"

Hearing the sound, Du Sheng, who was waiting outside the tent, straightened his body and hurriedly responded respectfully: "Yes!"

After Du Sheng entered the tent and waited on him to wash up, Nangong Haoling lightly supported the tiara.

Turning his head to look at Yuan Xiuyue who was still sleeping under the quilt, he told Du Sheng: "Take the meal with the girl, and wait for her when she wakes up!"

"Slaves save it!"

Responding respectfully, Du Sheng watched Nangong Haoling leave.

Watching Nangong Haoling leave, Du Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Others may not know the true identity of this person, but he has been serving Nangong Xiaoran personally, but he has not concealed the truth from Nangong Xiaoran.

He is the emperor, not the emperor of An's camp.

It's the real dragon emperor who sits firmly in the court and stands aloof.

These days, serving such a master, it's no wonder he's worried.

Under my heart, I secretly sighed as if relieved.

Lifting his eyes slightly, he looked at the bed, but unexpectedly met Yuan Xiuyue's bright pupils.

(End of this chapter)

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