Li Palace's elegance shocked the world: the goddess is blessed

Chapter 315 It's time to close the net! 2

Chapter 315 It's time to close the net! 2

Feeling suffocated, Du Sheng hurriedly saluted: "I have seen the girl!"

Logically speaking, he should respectfully call Yuan Xiuyue Empress Empress.

But now that she is here in An's camp, she has been called a girl all the time!

There was a pause in his tone, and Du Sheng said softly: "At this time, the girl should be hungry, and the slave will go to fetch food."

"Du Sheng!"

Wrapping the quilt tightly, Yuan Xiuyue only showed a pretty face, and the corners of her lips were slightly raised because of Du Sheng's relieved appearance just now, she raised her eyebrows lightly and said: "Don't rush to get the meal, you go and get Yue first." The king and I invite!"


There was no doubt in his eyes, but he didn't say much, Du Sheng respectfully said: "Slave, let's go!"

When Du Sheng invited Duguchen to come to Yuan Xiuyue's tent, she was already dressed properly, washed up by herself, and was sitting in front of the dressing table, combing her hair bun.

Entering the dormitory, Duguchen raised his eyes slightly, and there was a smile on his handsome face like an evildoer.

He didn't salute Yuan Xiuyue, he sat casually on a chair beside him, raised his eyes to look at the master in the center of the mirror, and smiled warmly and pleasantly: "You look good today!"

"Is it good?"

With a faint smile, she reached out to take a jasper hairpin, and fixed the simple and generous bun on her head, Yuan Xiuyue turned her head to look at Dugu Chen: "Is the complexion of a dying person better than that of your majestic His Royal Highness Yue Wang? "

Hearing this, Dugu Chen frowned slightly.

Looking at Yuan Xiuyue full of searching, he narrowed his phoenix eyes and said, "I said, you won't die!"

Noncommittal to his words, Yuan Xiuyue got up from the dressing table and looked at Du Sheng who was on the side.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue looking at him, Du Sheng understood.

Before she could continue to speak, he said, "I'm going to deliver the meal now, servant." After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the tent quickly.

As soon as Du Sheng left, Yuan Xiuyue walked up to the low table and sat opposite Dugu Chen.

Gently raised her hand, poured a cup of tea, but ignored Dugu Chen who was opposite, and drank it by herself.

Seeing this, Duguchen frowned lightly.

His thoughts turned slightly, he chuckled and was about to speak out when he saw Yuan Xiuyue lightly raised his eyes after taking a sip of tea, and met his gaze in the air: "I remember, last time, you said you wanted to I want to return to Yue Kingdom, but why did I follow the emperor to An's camp now?"

Duguchen was not surprised at all by Yuan Xiuyue's insight into Nangong Haoling's identity.

As smart as she is, it makes no sense not to recognize the one she loves.

Deeply, blending with her gaze, he frowned lightly, and said in a cold tone: "Actually, the reason why I want to hide this from you is entirely because you have had too many poisoning attacks in the past few days, and I don't want to let you know." You have too much trouble!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue slightly raised her eyebrows.

With slender fingers like jade, she gently caressed the exquisite pattern on the teacup, she pursed her red lips lightly and said, "Everything is fine for me now!"


With a faint smile and a sigh, Duguchen picked up the pot and poured himself a cup of tea: "Actually, when you ran away from me, I found a peaceful place to rest and recuperate, and sent Lei Luo to bring fresh blood every day. , and send it to you quickly."

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue's heart trembled slightly.

What he said is true.

And she did receive blood bottles from Lei Luo every day!
Secretly, with a sigh in her heart, thinking of Nangong Xiaoran, she raised her eyes to look at Duguchen in front of her, and said in a dark tone: "You always treat me like this, but I only have one heart, and I can't give you half of it!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen felt sad.

On the handsome face, there was a rare expression of freedom and ease. He opened his thin lips lightly and said, "As long as you can live, you can leave all your heart to the person you like, and I don't want any of it!"

he loves her!
In this world, I have never loved her alone.

However, he has always seen the relationship between her and Nangong Haoling. After going through all these twists and turns, he realized that to truly love someone is not to force her to love you in various extreme ways. Instead, let her go and love the one she loves.

Sometimes, letting go is harder than loving hard!

However, such love, to him, is the real kindness to her!

Staring deeply at Duguchen's warm and profound eyes, Yuan Xiuyue secretly let go of her heart.

Unable to help sighing, she softly repeated what she had said to Duguchen back then: "It is my honor, Yuan Xiuyue, to be your confidante!"

Hearing this, Dugu Chen smiled, and that smile was so overwhelming.

Raising his hand, taking a sip of tea, he lowered his eyebrows and said, "Since you left, Emperor Li has borrowed 30 troops from Chu State!"

"Borrow 30 troops?"

Eyes narrowed slightly, Yuan Xiuyue couldn't help frowning slightly: "Your Emperor Chu and his friendship, he will definitely be able to borrow the 30 troops!"


With a bitter smile, Duguchen took another sip of tea before putting the teacup on the low table: "The Emperor Chu not only accepted his request for borrowing troops, but also ordered Ruan Haoran, the general of Chu State, to personally lead the troops to bring the 30 troops to the ground. , Storing it on the border of my Nanyue Mountain!"

After hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue was stunned!
No wonder Duguchen followed Nangong Haoling all the way here. Presumably he not only wanted to save her, but also wanted to persuade Nangong Haoling to withdraw the 30 troops from the Nanyue border!

Last night, she was still wondering why Nangong Haoling didn't show any nervousness when Empress Dowager An borrowed troops from Duguchen? !

But today, she felt relieved!
He wasn't nervous, he had already suppressed the 30 troops on the border of Nanyue!
After a long while, she couldn't help laughing a little self-deprecatingly: "So he knew a long time ago that you don't know how to, and you can't lend An's soldiers!"


Reluctantly raising his eyebrows, Dugu Chen said softly: "It's useless for me to be famous for plotting against others, but now he's plotting against me. In fact, no matter whether I sincerely lend troops to An's or not, he must win in the end." Besides, I don't know much about the inside story, but I feel that he has already laid a big net against Anshi. The reason why he didn't accept it was because he cared about your feelings with Nangong Xiaoran, but now that the time is ripe, it should be It's time for him to close the net!"

Hearing Duguchen's words, Yuan Xiuyue's eyes dimmed.

If Nangong Haoling catches the net, then what will happen to her father, Nangong Xiaoran's mother...they? !
"Come out!"

Concentrating on Yuan Xiuyue's pensive face, Duguchen said softly: "There are some things that I didn't want to tell you, but after thinking about it, I still feel that only by telling you can there be better results!"

"you say!"

Gently raising her crescent eyebrows, Yuan Xiuyue met Duguchen's eyes.

Eyelids drooping slightly, Duguchen frowned lightly, and said in a low voice: "I know that the reason why Emperor Li did not hesitate to borrow troops from Nanyue was to teach my younger brother a lesson and to ask you for an explanation, but... Everything is related to the two countries of Liyue... and it even involves the state of Chu, I hope you can silence him and let him leave this matter to me, and I will definitely give him an explanation!"

Listening to Duguchen's words, Yuan Xiuyue felt a little funny.

Covering her lower lip with her hand, she smiled coquettishly: "King Yue has been scheming against others all his life, and Yue's national power is even higher than that of Li and Chu. It's rare that you can put the overall situation first and no longer advocate war and force. !"

"If you were me, you would do the same!"

With a deep sigh, a wry smile appeared on Duguchen's handsome face...

As soon as he got up in the morning and left, Nangong Haoling stayed in the big tent of the Chinese army for another whole day. Not only him, but even Dugu Chen was invited to the big tent of the Chinese army halfway to discuss with everyone about dispatching troops .

Alone, having dinner in the tent, Yuan Xiuyue came in and out of the tent, and stood in front of the tent.

Focusing deeply on the direction of the Chinese army's large tent, her eyes are deep, and the starry eyes are bottomless.

"Miss!" Just as she turned around and was about to return to the tent, she heard Du Sheng calling softly beside her, saying: "The emperor has come out!"

Hearing this, Yuan Xiuyue paused, turned around and turned her gaze to the direction of the Chinese army tent again.

At this moment, the ones who stepped out of the large tent of the Chinese army were Nangong Haoling who had changed into Nangong Xiaoran, Duguchen and her father.

From a distance, the three of them saw her at the same time, but they had different expressions.

Her father, after seeing her, did not dare to meet her gaze, he bowed to Nangong Haoling, then turned and walked towards the direction of his bed tent, while Duguchen saw When she saw her, his eyes flickered and he smiled at her.

Nangong Haoling's reaction was even more unexpected.

He didn't look at her, instead he squinted at Dugu Chen beside him.

Feeling his slightly cold gaze, Duguchen shivered exaggeratedly.

He raised his head and met Nangong Haoling's eyes like cold pools, he smiled dryly and said: "This king is in a hurry to mobilize troops, so I leave first." After speaking, he raised his eyes and looked at Yuan Xiuyue again.

Seeing Yuan Xiuyue looking at her, she curled her thin lips lightly, smiled again, and then gave him a big wink.

Receiving Duguchen's unabashed winking eyes, Yuan Xiuyue's lips curved slightly, a little dumbfounded!

He did it on purpose!
He definitely did it on purpose to be a Nangong Haoling!
Lifting his eyes slightly, he saw Nangong Hao Lingjun striding towards her with a gloomy face.

She couldn't help scolding Duguchen upside down in her heart!
Staring at the sullen eyes, thinking of his appearance in memory, Yuan Xiuyue's lightly curled lips raised slightly, but the curve hadn't fully appeared on her face, but her heart felt a pain in an instant!
In just a moment, the pain spread, like a sharp knife, trying to cut open her heart.


All the unhappiness in my heart disappeared instantly when I saw Yuan Xiuyue's pale face. Nangong Haoling exclaimed, and stepped forward a few steps to hold her slowly sagging body.

Biting her lips with her white teeth, Yuan Xiuyue frowned and looked up at Nangong Haoling.

Seeing this, Nangong Haoling narrowed her eyes, picked her up by the waist, and quickly entered the bed tent.

(End of this chapter)

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