Chapter 1001 Purified Killing Stone
[Datengu: One of the strongest monsters in this plane, this is a weird monster with a tall red nose, holding a round fan, tall and with wings, wearing the armor of a general in the past, with a samurai sword on his waist, Wearing traditional high-footed clogs, carrying a coir raincoat with him to hide himself at any time, and has an arrogant attitude. 】

[Remark [-]: It is so arrogant, naturally because it is the most powerful three-headed demon. 】

[Remark [-]: It is parasitic in the royal family of human beings. It was angered by Yuzaoqian's reform, but it is not the murderer who killed Yuzaoqian. 】

"Oh, arrogance!"

After reading the notes and introduction of Ootengu, Wu Liang let out a disdainful voice.

Speaking of arrogance in front of his head Wu?
Isn't this Guan Gong playing a big knife in front of Lu Ban's door and a big ax in front of Lu Ban's door?
Wu Liang directly thought: If there is a chance to see this so-called arrogant monster, I will definitely teach it how to be a humble dog, hmph.

Hiding in the depths of Heian-kyo, a strange monster hiding behind a red high-nosed mask suddenly sneezed, and a very weird feeling emerged, making it stand up abruptly, the dog's nose quivered a few times, But nothing.

The malice came and went quickly, as if it was just a little joke.

"Hmph, it must be that guy Shuten. Baqi usually hides in the depths of the volcano and ignores everything, and only this guy Shuten tries to compete with me for the title of Demon King. He is looking for death."

"Don't give me a chance, or I'll definitely take over your nest"

Accompanied by the hoarse whispers from the big tengu's mouth, in the depths of a gloomy ghost mountain, a handsome young man who was holding a very indescribable party sneezed suddenly, and he also felt a malicious attack.

This is an extremely handsome young man, but his body is entangled with an extremely strong and terrifying ghost aura. In the palace below him, all kinds of ghosts gather. It is a gathering of ghosts and monsters. Many women and Children are reduced to their rations.

Feeling malicious, the young man said almost without hesitation: "Hmph, it must be that stupid dog of the big tengu. A big monster like that hides in the royal family of human beings. It really embarrasses the monster."

"Such a guy wants to compete with me Shuten-douji for the title of Demon King, it's simply beyond his control."

As soon as the boy finished speaking, all kinds of demons and ghosts below let out a corresponding roar.

"Your Majesty is right!"

"Your Majesty is right, a mere big tengu is no match for your Majesty at all."

"King Jiuten is the king of monsters, big tengus and his like, chicken wagul."


The movement from this place called Danba Country Dajiangshan was directly heard by some little demons, and then quickly passed the news to Ping'an Jingzhong to be known by the big tengu.Knowing that he was insulted, the big monster Tengu couldn't bear it, and soon became entangled that the demon army was going to Dajiangshan to find Shuten Doji to settle the score.

Inadvertently, it seems that a war will break out between the two most powerful monsters in the world soon.

And all of this, Wu Liang naturally didn't know, and he didn't know that it was caused by his evil thoughts.

At this time, Wu Liang is telling the story of her murder to the little fox in Yuzaoqian vividly.

Wu Liang's talent for storytelling is beyond doubt. If it weren't for the fact that he was the one who was killed because of his overreach and innocence in the story, Yu Zaoqian would almost have applauded.

After listening to it, Tamazamo finally knew who killed him.

She is a monster, but the one who killed her was not the two strongest monsters, Daitengu or Shuten-douji.


To be precise, it is the lineage of Onmyoji.

Yuzao turned into Zao Girl in front of her, and as an extremely intelligent female official, she replaced the emperor to initiate reforms.

If it succeeds, I'm afraid the face of this world will be changed.

At least, the demon can no longer continue to wreak havoc.

This naturally offended the big tengu.

But before the big tengu attack, Yu Zaoqian also offended another group of people, that is the line of Onmyoji.

Before the little fox Yuzaoqian became the most trusted female official, the emperor in Ping'an Jing trusted most, in fact, it was the lineage of Onmyoji who possessed the extraordinary power to subdue demons and eliminate demons.

Because of the emperor's trust, this pulse has been extremely nourishing.

It's a pity that after the appearance of Tamamo, the world seems to be changing for the better. Because of Tamamo, those monsters are not as rampant as before. After all, the main body is a big monster. Demons will give some face.

When the situation improved, the line of Onmyoji naturally fell out of favor.

For this reason, the leader of the Onmyoji sect held a grudge, because of an accident, he discovered Yu Zaoqian's true identity.Immediately overjoyed, and then entered the palace to find the royal family, exposed the identity of Yuzaoqian, and cast a spell in the air to kill Yuzaoqian's body.

The main body was destroyed and directly turned into a killing stone, and the soul was also injured and flew to this small village.

Then, he met Wu Liang, a bad guy.


"Okay, poor little fox, cry if you want, and cry in your husband's arms."

Wu Liang, as soon as the story was finished, he immediately embraced Yuzao's delicate body, hugged him in his arms, and comforted him at the same time.

In the end, he caught the delicate body, and indeed snuggled into his arms, and the intoxicating fragrance wafted into Wu Liang's nose, which made this guy feel distracted.

However, the expected cry was not heard.

When she lowered her head, what she saw was a delicate and charming face with a shy expression.

"Hey, little fox, aren't you wronged? Don't you want to cry?"

"You must know that although you have offended humans and demons at the same time, it is humans who killed you in essence, and the things you did are really good things for humans. Those despicable little dwarfs will repay their kindness with revenge."

What Wu Liang said made sense.

Yu Zaoqian, as a rare, kind and lawful monster, did not treat humans as rations like other monsters, and made a huge contribution.In the end, he was killed by a human onmyoji.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid that resentment would already have been in his heart, and his anger would become a demon.

But looking at the front of Yuzao at this time, Wu Liang could only see a shy look, without the slightest madness and hatred after being wronged and killed.

What's more, Wu Liang seemed to feel something, his eyes turned and fell directly on the killing stone under the two of them.

This stone, which is enough to poison at least a million people, has undergone tremendous changes at this time.


Ever since Wu Liang appeared, the poisonous gas has been gushing out from the stone.

At this moment, it started to disappear.

(End of this chapter)

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