Chapter 1002 The Good-looking Master Wu

The killing stone was transformed from the broken body of Yuzaoqian.

This is a stone that can kill everything with poison. The root cause of this is the resentment that Yuzao had generated after being murdered. As a big demon, although she has never harmed anyone, she was inexplicably murdered, so she will naturally generate resentment.

Those resentments are directly turned into poisonous gas, poisoning all living beings that come into contact with it.

That is to say, if you want to make the killing stone no longer kill life.

There are only two ways, the first one is to directly kill Yu Zaoqian again, causing his soul to fly away, and the killing stone will gradually become an ordinary stone without the influence of the residual soul.

As for the second method, it seems very simple to say, that is to dissolve the resentment in Yu Zaoqian's heart in the killing stone.

This method is much more difficult than the first method.

There are many ways to kill a demon, but it is almost impossible to resolve the resentment in the demon's heart.Some onmyojis, monks, and mages have already demonstrated this with their own lives.

But no one expected that Wu Liang could do this.


This scene is extremely clear.

On the Killing Stone, the strong poisonous gas is dissipating rapidly, and the bluish-black aura that originally surrounded the entire stone is fading at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye.

Wu Liang's knowledge is naturally extraordinary.

It was obvious at a glance that there was only one explanation for such a scene.

That is the resentment in Yu Zaoqian's heart, which is disappearing rapidly, so it acts on the killing stone.

According to this speed, it won't take long for this terrifying stone to turn into a real, crystal clear white jade.

This means that Tamazamo will be freed.

Even Wu Liang himself was a little surprised by this scene.

In his arms, Yuzao, who was staring at Wu Liang curiously with a pair of big eyes, seemed to know the doubts in Wu Liang's heart.

Before Wu Liang could ask, the little fox girl smiled faintly and spoke up on her own initiative.

"Husband~ my lord"

The little fox seemed to have made some kind of decision, and even called out this shameful title again.

Moreover, although there was a hint of shyness in his tone, there was no reluctance at all, as if he had already recognized this title from the bottom of his heart, that is, he recognized that Wu Liang could be his ex-husband.

If it was another subtext, Wu Liang might not be able to hear it.

But in this respect, Wu Liang is a genius.

In an instant, Wu Liang had an insight into Yuzaoqian's thoughts, and the smile went directly to his ears, and he hugged Ren Yuzaoqian's delicate body unceremoniously, and then the two of them directly lay down on the killing stone that was being rapidly purified.

Just lie down, Wu Liang's hands and feet are still very dishonest.

Fortunately, here is also a barren mountain, a quiet small village, not only people, but ghosts, and there is no second one except Yuzaoqian.

Feeling the strangeness in her arms, Yuzao rolled her eyes at her husband.

Then, suppressing the shame in her heart, she continued the previous topic, saying: "My lord, what you said is correct. Those humans in Heianjing are repaying their kindness and revenge. Zao girl's idea from the beginning was to change something and make this world a better place." Some."

"They killed me, so I also felt resentful and turned into a killing stone."

"But now, I have figured it out. Even if my reforms are successful, the world might not get better. Gao Tianyuan's system also has fatal loopholes. If not, Gao Tianyuan would not have been sealed."

"As for complaining, if I hadn't met my husband, maybe I would."

"But now that I have my husband, all these things have become unimportant."


After Yu Zaoqian finished speaking, Wu Liang couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and a look of surprise emerged.

My charm is so great?
Wu Liang, who hadn't escaped from the hooligan state, was very surprised in his heart.

Don't look at Wu Liang's nice words, but he is also very clear that his appearance and behavior seem to be a libertine.

Such a "personal design" can capture the heart of the most beautiful woman in the world so quickly?

The most important thing is that this is still a nine-tailed demon fox.

This is unscientific.


Just when Wu Liang was very surprised, he suddenly heard a chuckle coming from his arms.

Looking down, it turned out that the little witch in front of Yuzao was smiling very happily, just like a little fox who just finished a prank.

Without waiting for Wu Liang to do anything, the little fox seemed to see what was going on in Wu Liang's heart, and explained again: "Master, are you wondering if my charm is so great? How can I get the algae girl so quickly?" captured, is there some conspiracy in it?"

When Wu Liang heard the words, he didn't deny what was said before, but because of the last sentence, he said in an extremely domineering manner: "What kind of conspiracy, I never care about this, not to mention that I underestimate this plane, what big tengu, Shuten-douji, and Baqi Big snakes are real ants in front of me."

"Conspiracies are futile in the face of absolute power."

"Besides, you are a naive little fox, even those dwarfs can easily plot against you, how can you plot against me?"

Wu Liang's self-praise decisively got a supercilious look.

Then, Zao Nv continued: "My lord, there is no need to doubt yourself. As a fox clan, Zao Nv is not as good as some other great monsters in terms of combat effectiveness, but our fox clan has some miraculous features, such as sensing whether people are sincere or not. On the algae girl, no one can match her."

"That group of onmyojis were able to harm me, and they took advantage of the speed of attack. If they delay a little bit and let Zao Nu see them, Zao Nu can immediately understand their plots and tricks. Even if they are not opponents, they can escape."

"Husband, you can guess, when did Zao Nu start, and because of that sentence, did you see your husband's heart clearly?"

As soon as Yu Zaoqian finished speaking, Wu Liang couldn't help raising his eyebrows again.

The memory of the nine-tailed demon fox instantly recalled in his mind, and one of the most inconspicuous supernatural powers was among them.

Insight into people's hearts!

Sure enough, Zao Nu did not lie, she had a trace of the blood of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, so naturally she also obtained this supernatural power.

Although in terms of combat power, it may not be of much help.

But this miracle can indeed help Yu Zaoqian to entrust herself to her beloved.

And in this plane, I am afraid that there is no second person who is more worthy of entrustment than Wu Liang.

First, it is naturally because of Wu Liang, although he is a bit of a scumbag, but he is sincerely good to his woman, and it is the kind of respect and love from the heart, and it is precisely because of this insight Only then did Zao Nu resolutely hand over her heart.

But the second point is even simpler, powerful, and extraordinarily powerful.

Although Wu Liang didn't show any terrifying power, as a former big demon, Zao Nu sensed a sea-like power that told her that this good-looking and annoying guy was actually a real superpower.

As for the third point, it is not so important, but it is actually the finishing touch. Women, most women, are actually only visual animals.Just like men like beautiful women, women also like beautiful men.Wu Liang, already a half-human, half-god, looks really good-looking.

Gathering these three points, Zao Nu's love is taken for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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