Chapter 1038

Inside the shrine, Wu Liang didn't seem to have noticed the terrible disaster on the sky. He still stood in front of the round light mirror and looked at the three vast and majestic figures of the gods on the top of Gao Tianyuan in the mirror with contemptuous eyes.

Then he heard a "chick", and Wu Liang smiled.

Yep, just laughed.

In front of the three honored gods, he smiled recklessly and sarcastically, and said directly: "I said you are three wastes, and you are three wastes. If you don't accept have the ability to hit me."

"Come on, you guys come on."

"Oh, I almost forgot, the three of you are trapped on Gao Tianyuan, it's good to be able to project it, the real body should all scuffle together this time, maybe you've beaten your god brain into a dog's brain , can’t come down at all, let alone hit me.”

"Tsk tsk, how miserable."

As soon as Wu Liang opened his mouth, it was a complete spiritual blow.

This word came out, although the three daughters of the Inari Goddess could not peek at the reality on Gao Tianyuan.

But they can figure it out at this time, the three noble gods should vomit blood at this time.

So poisonous!
Completely mocking, completely heartbreaking.

Unexpectedly, what Wu Liang said is still true.

Even those civet cats and foxes who can't speak know that the three noble gods have launched a war of gods, which not only smashed the common god kingdom of 800 million gods, Gao Tianyuan, but unfortunately also trapped themselves in it, entangled with each other, unable to escape.

The conspiracy launched by the lineage of Onmyoji was originally created by Susanoo in order to escape.

Now Wu Liang's sarcasm hits the mark with almost every word.

The hearts of the three noble gods are about to be pierced.

What made them even more angry was what happened later.

After Wu Liang happily taunted, he suddenly seemed to think of something, pointed at the terrible disaster above his head, and taunted again: "The real body can't come down, and the scourge summoned by the projection of the three gods can do nothing to me." ?”

"I can erase it once on Dajiangshan, can't it be here?"


Once again, the three daughters of Inari God saw an incredible scene.

Follow the law!
Just like the scene on Dajiang Mountain before, with Wu Liang's opening, a vast force suddenly descended, smashing all the dark clouds, thunder and sky fire.The clean sky reappeared in everyone's eyes.

The so-called scourge did not even cause a ripple.



In the area where the Inari Shrine is located, the atmosphere is extremely quiet at this time.

The original owner here has become a bystander.

Now the confrontation is between Wu Liang and the three noble gods.

Although Inari God can be regarded as a powerful god, it is obviously impossible to get involved. This is not the level she can reach at present.

However, the confrontation did not last long. The three noble gods are gods who have lived for a long time. Even Susanoo, a special god who combines bravery and cruelty, actually possesses reasonable wisdom, let alone They are sisters Amaterasu and Yueyue.

So after seeing Wu Liang's power, Sanguishen knew very well.

Under the circumstances that the real body cannot descend, their power cannot be compared with Wu Liang in the world.

It's unbelievable, but it's true.

In the face of this fact, it is useless to say harsh words, and this is not what a wise god would do.

So at this time, among the three stalwart figures, a figure that was not noble, beautiful and passionate was faintly clearer. Her eyes seemed to penetrate the obstacles directly, and they met Wu Liang's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

The voice of the gods resounded in the shrine.

"Mysterious outsider, I can feel that you don't intend to stay in this world for a long time, and you should also know that those are not our real powers. If our real bodies come down, I don't think you will be ours." opponent."

"In that case, why do you want to interfere with our plan?"

"If you are willing to give up your thoughts, this god can give you the status of the fourth noble god, and even let you..."


Speaking of which, this noble and beautiful god seemed to glance at the three daughters of Inari Goddess who were in a state of surprise, and seemed to have a vague insight into something.

Then he continued: "I can even make you the goddess who governs the goddesses. The goddesses, banshees and even mortal women in this world belong to your rule in name, how about it?"


Fortunately, only a few people heard this divine voice.

If the whole world hears it, I'm afraid it will set off unprecedented waves.

Rule the Goddess of Women!

This condition is too scary.

The only three daughters of the Inari Goddess who heard it, and the slippery ghost on the side, were all stunned.

I began to doubt in my heart, what I saw and heard, was it true?

Who spoke at this time, is it really the supreme Amaterasu Omiya?
But apart from being the supreme god in name, who else can make such a condition.

In order to prevent Wu Liang, a mysterious outsider, from intervening in their plan, they actually made such a condition.

Let a human become the fourth noble god?
And the priesthood turned out to be... to command the daughters.

The slippery ghost even wondered if he was too badly injured, which caused severe hallucinations in front of his eyes.

But just think about it, with the changes in the current situation, it is only natural for Amaterasu Omisami to offer such a condition.No matter whether the three noble gods are willing to admit it or not, to some extent, part of their fate has already fallen into Wu Liang's hands.

The battle of the three noble gods has reached its final juncture.

The final decisive battle is an action led by Seimei Abe. Whether he can open Gao Tianyuan again, devour the luck of the world, and then determine the only supreme god, seems to be controlled by Wu Liang alone.

Because in the world, Wu Liang is the strongest.

If you want to understand this, you will not be surprised that Amaterasu made such a condition.

But at this time, Wu Liang's complexion was very ugly.

What does this mean?
Are you insulting me?
What is the Goddess of Controlling Women?
Don't you all think I'm a womanizer?


Wu Liang, who was "misunderstood and despised", looked at Amaterasu with black lines.

Wu Liang really wanted to yell and refute, but it's a pity that the three noble gods take a look at the Zao girl, Inari god, and Ge Ye behind this guy. You've only been here for a few days, and the three most beautiful beings in this world have already passed away. Hooked away by him.

Just like that, if you dare to say that you don't pursue women, who will believe it?

Wu Liang also knew that his integrity could not stand the test, so he couldn't refute it at all, okay? So after listening to Amaterasu's conditions, he could only rub his chin with an "aggrieved" face, and after thinking about it for a long time, he made a very serious proposal. A question that tests the self-esteem of the three noble gods.

But he saw that Wu Liang looked directly at a warm and cold figure in the round light mirror, and asked, "I heard that Amaterasu and Yuedu are also goddesses, does that mean that these two also belong to me in name?" rule?"


Once again, everyone who heard Wu Liang's question, whether they were gods or demons, had broken views.

(End of this chapter)

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