Chapter 1039

Even after several breaths, the Inari Shrine was still dead silent.

Even Inari, who is passionate and unrestrained, dare not speak at this time.

At the same time, I don't know what to say.

Could it be said: My beloved, why do you like to die so much?

This is Dongying Kingdom, ruled by three noble gods, the most powerful is a pair of sister goddesses, they are the supreme sun and the supreme moon.

Then you suddenly want to rule them all?

This can no longer be described as death, it is clearly crazy.

The only one who has a different idea is probably Zao Nu, who has been deeply poisoned.

This little fox is still looking at Wu Liang obsessively at this time, and the thought in his heart may be: ah, the person I like is really a hero in the world, come on, take the two most powerful goddesses and come with me Be sisters.

I have to say that the little fox probably fell in love with Wu Liang.

It's a pity that the pair of sisters and goddesses don't have such a mirror.

There was no surprise at all, after Wu Liang said those words, they couldn't help but pause for a few breaths, and then endless anger poured out.

As the supreme god who rules this world, even if he is only angry and has not taken any action, it is enough to show an extremely terrifying scene.

For example, at Takamahara at this moment, all the peaks are trembling crazily. Susanoo, who was able to maintain an evenly matched situation with Amaterasu Tsukuyomi, is directly in danger at this moment. Being affected, he couldn't help crying.

And falling into the human world is even more terrifying.



"Hoo hoo~ bang bang bang"

The entire Dongying Kingdom seemed to be facing the doomsday at this moment.



Volcano eruption!

Heavenly fire descends into the world!


All kinds of unimaginable disasters and madness befall the world.

And this, it seems, is just the beginning.If the anger of the two great gods, Amaterasu and Yueyue, cannot be appeased, the whole world will be destroyed. Maybe the two noble gods cannot become the supreme god because of this, but at this moment, maybe they don't care at all.

At most, it will be done again in the next era.

Perhaps the only thing he wanted was to kill Wu Liang, a shameless outsider.

Of course, Wu Liang was instantly aware of the change in the outside world. He glanced at it with the eyes of the ancient gods, and couldn't help but wondered inwardly: These two stupid women, are they going to perish if they are molested by me?And it's not that I took the initiative to tease you, it's obvious that I said that I would give me this priesthood?

Wu Liang was full of grievances and didn't know who to tell.

You can't tell the sisters Amaterasu, otherwise you will definitely go to war as soon as you open your mouth.

Of course, Wu Liang is not afraid to go to war with this pair of sisters with high self-esteem, but since he has gone the way of "behind the scenes", Wu Liang believes that he still needs to have a little professional ethics.

Until the last moment, never hit anyone.

"Well, that's it. I didn't take the initiative to confess, I was thinking about the overall situation."

"You two little bastards, wait until the real decisive battle, and see if I don't take off your pants and spank your ass."


As soon as Wu Liang's mental journey was over, he immediately took action.

"Cough~cough cough"

"Just kidding, hahaha, liven up the atmosphere, why are you so serious."

"Okay, okay, I accept this priesthood. You three continue to go back to fight, and the world will be handed over to me first. Isn't it just to let my cheap disciple kill demons and demons, give birth to three artifacts to swallow luck, and then reopen it?" Gao Tianyuan cooperates with you."

"Small, no problem."

"That's it, bye."


After the words fell, Wu Liang took the initiative to point out that Gao Tianyuan's three noble gods had been cut off from here.

Although the Amaterasu sisters are very upset with Wu Liang, after all, the purpose of projecting the world has been achieved. The purpose of their three noble gods from beginning to end is to devour the luck of the world, and then decide the only supreme god.

It's just that before Wu Liang appeared, the three noble gods used their own means.

Now, they were forcibly pulled to the same starting line by Wu Liang.

At that time, Gao Tianyuan will open, and the vast luck of the world will pour in. Whoever can swallow more luck will become the only supreme god.

At this point, for some reason, the three noble gods seemed to believe that they could win.

So when Wu Liang finished speaking, the connection was severed, and the terrifying scene of annihilation subsided.

Obviously, the three noble gods agreed.

Inari Shrine once again regained its calm.

Then when Wu Liang turned his head, he saw that all the eyes, including the slippery ghost, seemed to be looking at an unprecedented magical existence.

So fast?
Is it so easy to make a deal with Sanguishen?
The fourth noble god was born like this?

And the priesthood, is it still a child's play god who controls the women?

Don't blame them, it's really incredible what happened just now.

A human being actually became the fourth noble god directly by making a deal with the three noble gods. The way of the transaction was still a threat, and it succeeded in the end.

Unbelievable, unbelievable.

But Wu Liang was not surprised at all, the Sanguishen would definitely agree.

Because they refused to agree, there was nothing they could do to Wu Liang.

Unless their real bodies come to the world, even if the three projections are used together, they will not be Wu Liang's opponents.

Knowing this, the Three Noble Gods agreed to Wu Liang's condition and tried to get Wu Liang to continue the plan to devour the luck of the world. As long as the plan goes smoothly, Gao Tianyuan will definitely be reopened, and then their Three Noble Gods will control everything again.

At that time, wouldn't it be wonderful to settle accounts with Wu Liang, a despicable and shameless "blasphemer".

In this regard, Wu Liang said, you so-called gods are too naive.

Wu Liang was also looking forward to the final decisive battle.

Because he is a newcomer, even though Wu Liang has many cheating methods, he still cannot fully understand the conspiracy of all the forces in this world.

For example, Wu Liang couldn't see through the back of the slippery ghost at this time, who was standing behind it?

And what conspiracy is behind the three noble gods?
But these don't matter.

The so-called conspiracy and tricks are only useful when they are evenly matched.

At the really critical moment, only the fist is the truth.

Before that, Wu Liang decided to be a good audience, lying comfortably with his arms around Zao Girl, Inari God, and Ge Ye Sannv, watching the hot-blooded boy slashing demons that was just beginning to be staged in the round light mirror The picture of the devil, a full-length series of one hundred episodes.

Although Inari God is very dissatisfied with the lazy Wu Liang, "chasing drama" is an irresistible temptation for girls.

Then I heard Inari God's "crack" twice, and all kinds of fine wines and wines were brought up one after another, and the drama chasing conference officially started.

In this regard, the slippery ghost who was regarded as a sculpture on the side was already in tears, and roared in his heart: "I am a general of demons, can you give me a little demon power?"

(End of this chapter)

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