Chapter 1045 The Savior Can Do Whatever He Wants
Skills are not as good as people, so I have to admit it.

However, the bald donkeys of Kiyomizu Temple still couldn't get rid of their face as the largest temple. Although they all recognized Abe Seimei's identity at this time, killing all ghosts along the way, Abe Seimei's prestige at this time was enough to crush all human superhumans.

But the old abbot of Kiyomizu Temple still resented Abe Seimei for demolishing his temple.

After seeing the boy killed the big tengu, he raised his foot and was about to leave, and immediately said in a strange way: "Master Qingming is indeed a master of art and courage, and the bad name of Yamata no Orochi is almost more than most gods. It is rare that the dog The demon is willing to surrender and betray, but the master is unwilling to accept it, but wants to kill the snake alone."

"The poor monk has no choice but to wish the master here, and come back in victory as soon as possible. Don't be swallowed by the big snake. The master is now the hope of the people of the entire Dongying country."

It is a person who can hear the curse in the heart of the host.

If it's someone with a bad temper, it's time to smash this old guy.

But Abe Seimei, a hot-blooded young man, didn't care about this kind of guy. He just regarded it as shit on the side of the road. He glanced at it disdainfully, not even interested in answering. His figure turned into a streamer and left Kiyomizu Temple. .


A group of bald donkeys were angry.

Isn't it killing the demon, isn't it the savior?
So defiant?

so amazing?
In fact, the savior is so great, and of course he can do whatever he wants with his strength.

The monks in Qingshui Temple refused to accept it, so they could only hold back.

However, one of the monks inadvertently glanced at the direction Abe Seimei was going, and immediately let out a surprise.


"That direction seems to be...?"

After being reminded by the monk, all the monks looked in that direction.

That is the east, the end of Heian-kyo, the deepest part.

In azimuth, there is only one extraordinary force.

At the same time, it is also the most powerful extraordinary force on this land.

"Izumo Taisha!"

Kiyomizu Temple presided over, with a shocked face.

It's no wonder that the presiding old monk was so horrified. It's really because the status of Izumo Taisha is too special.

Although the three major artifacts of Dongying Kingdom, that is, Tiancongyun Sword (Grass Shaving Sword), Bachi Qiong Gouyu, and Yata Mirror, none of them are enshrined in it.

Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, the status of Izumo Taisha seems to be inferior to the other three shrines.

But the truth is that Izumo Taisha is the strongest supernatural power.

Because, the location here is really special.

In ancient times, this was actually the entrance to Gaotianyuan.

In the past, every October was the "Kanna Moon" as the people of Japan called it. At that time, the so-called 800 million gods would descend from Takamahara to the mortal world, and then enjoy the offerings in the mortal world at Izumo Taisha Shrine. human performance.

These are the information that mortals know.

However, what extraordinary people like the head of Qingshui Temple know is an even bigger secret.

For example, the place where the Izumo Taisha is located is actually the place where the strongest monster in Japan, Yaqi Orochi, was sealed.

It is said in the ancient legend: Susano was unable to kill Yaqi at the beginning, so he cut a small space with the grass pheasant sword, sealed it separately, exiled it to that small space, and tried his best to prevent people from touching it. , to release it.

The old monk combined these secret information, and it was not difficult to deduce the purpose of the boy Seimei Abe in that direction.

"Does this son really want to do this? Kill all the monsters and reopen Gao Tianyuan?"

"It seems that you are right. First kill Shuten-douji, then kill all ghosts along the way, and then kill Otengu just now, but now you have set your target on Yamata no Orochi, and don't even allow a little rest time. This son It's unusual."

"It's just that although his ambition is great, he has to face the real ghosts in this world. They are not demons or ghosts, but humans."

"Eight million gods have been disqualified for many years and have degenerated into monsters. They have already merged with countless extraordinary human beings and forces in the world. If this child wants to go against the sky, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"But no matter what, what this son has done can be called a great hero. The old monk is convinced."


As soon as he saw the great cause that the young man really wanted to do, the old abbot of Qingshui Temple and the monks were all in admiration.

With one's own power, end the era of the night walk of the ghosts, and reopen Gao Tianyuan, which has been closed for many years.

Such a great cause really makes people have to be convinced.

However, if the story behind this is told, especially the arrangement of Wu Liang, the mastermind behind the scenes, I am afraid that people will inevitably be complained about.

This guy is too shameless.

Abe Seimei is just a boy.

The original plan of the three noble gods gave Abe Qingming a full half of his life to let him grow up, and it was successfully opened decades later.

But when the boy was in the hands of Wu Liang, he was pushed directly onto the stage of history.

This is simply child labor.

Forget about these minutiae, what's more, Wu Liang didn't give Abe Seimei much rest time at all.

After killing Shuten, there will be Hyakki immediately, then Daitengu, and finally go to Izumo Taisha without stopping, and the target becomes the strongest demon Yamata no Orochi, which can already be regarded as child labor abuse.

It is impossible for other destiny protagonists to work so hard.

Even if it is really displaced, there will be some scenes of love, friendship, etc., at least several cute girls should be there.

However, none of these.

In this regard, Wu Liang, the man behind the scenes, said: It is impossible to have cute girls, and it is impossible to have them in this life, because those... are all mine.

"As for Qingming, you are a hot-blooded young man, you should spend your hot-blooded youth, slay demons and demons, and create a great career. This is the most important thing."

"Now, just ahead, in the Izumo Taisha Shrine, there is a hidden passage that seals Yamata no Orochi. As long as you open it, you can see the most heinous and insane monster. Kill it, Gao Tianyuan can reopen it .”

"The Dongying Kingdom will completely end the era of night walks of ghosts, and mankind will also usher in a new era of beauty and happiness."

"Boom~ bang bang bang"

These thoughts of Wu Liang directly turned into the voice of Hong Zhong Dalu, resounding in the bottom of Abe Seimei's heart.

The young man felt it, but there was only a little ripple in his eyes, and then he went forward without hesitation.

Although Abe Seimei looks like a handsome young man, as the favored child of heaven, his intelligence is not low at all. In fact, there is no second person who is smarter than him in the entire Dongying Kingdom.

Because of this, the teenagers all obeyed Wu Liang's arrangement.

He can see that various forces and conspiracies are intertwined in this world. For example, the father and son of the Onmyoji lineage who first contacted him, the young man can fully see the ulterior motives of the father and son, but he is very confident that he can counter them.

But what about other conspiracies, higher-level duels?
Even if he is the protagonist of Destiny, it may take decades to sort everything out.

But Wu Liang, the "carry-on grandfather" that he couldn't see through at all, was different. Although the young man couldn't see what Wu Liang was up to, the power he got couldn't be faked.

For the great wish in his heart, the young man is willing to completely obey Wu Liang's arrangement before he shows signs of the real black hand.

The young man knew all this, and Wu Liang also knew it.

The two sides, tacitly, cooperated to accelerate the destiny and push the wheel of history.

And with a loud bang, after the grand gate of the Izumo Taisha Shrine was blown away by Abe Seimei again, the final decisive battle seemed to be coming soon.

(End of this chapter)

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