Chapter 1046


Amidst the loud noise, the gate of Izumo Taisha shattered.

As expected by the audience at the other end of the circular light mirror, the scene that will appear next should be that various priests or monks colluding with demons will attack in anger, wanting to directly attack this young man who dared to destroy the existing order in the world. beheaded.

However, the truth is that the door was broken and nothing happened.


This time, even Seimei Abe was shocked.

This unscientific!

What about the chance to pretend?


Abe Seimei looked at the scene in the shrine at this time with a look of surprise.

But it's not his fault, the slippery ghost at the other end of the circular light mirror, and the three daughters of Inari Goddess also have similar expressions.

In the vast and majestic shrine, there were already corpses lying all over the place.

Judging from the decoration of these corpses, the composition can be said to be very complicated.

At a glance, Abe Seimei can see almost all the extraordinary forces in Japan.

There are onmyojis who subdue all kinds of demons as shikigami!
And this monster monk who devours human monsters to grow.

Or weird monsters that simply hide among humans.

There are also evil priests who worship disqualified gods.

In short, almost all the demons and ghosts that the young man can think of have come.

But these monsters are all dead.

And the "murderer" is a few unexpected people.

"You finally came."

The one who spoke was an extremely old figure.

On his body, he was wearing a kind of ancient priest's clothes, and it wasn't just a god who was enshrined, whether he was a disqualified god or not.

Similar to it, there are a total of five figures.

In other words, the six priests who seemed to be too old to be put into the coffin were the ones who killed the corpses all over the place.

That's right, the priest.

Even though every priest is extremely old, their skin is shriveled to the point of not being able to see a trace of luster, and it is tightly attached to the bone, as if there is no flesh and blood under the skin, and one of their heads is smaller than ordinary people.

The reason is the same.

Dim, dry and old.

If it weren't for the soft brilliance that all these six priests exuded, it would make people calm down involuntarily.

I'm afraid that anyone who reads it will think that these six priests may be some kind of monsters.

Even, it is the existence of legendary zombies.

But at this moment, when the figure of the priest of the Six Paths appeared in the round light mirror, the three daughters of Slick Ghost and Inari God all exclaimed.

Judging from their expressions, it was obvious that they all recognized the identities of the six priests.

Seeing Wu Liang's gaze sweeping over, God Inari subconsciously explained to him: "The Izumo Six Elders, the oldest priests in the legend, after Susanoo sealed Yamata no Orochi, he ordered these six priests to replace him. He guards the serpent."

"After so many years, it is said that the six elders of Izumo have long since died, but I didn't expect that they all survived. This is incredible."

"What's even more unbelievable is that, looking at the situation in front of us, it seems that the six elders of Izumo are still on the side of Seimei Abe, beheading the ghosts blocking the way for him in advance."

Priestess Inari's explanation is very clear, these six priests are obviously old monsters who have lived for a long time.

Moreover, it is an old monster living in the age of mythology.

Instead of the existence of Susanoo to guard Yamata no Orochi, it is said that these six should be villains.

If it was a normal trajectory of fate, it would be reasonable for these six old monsters to fight against the hot-blooded boy and fail in the end.

Unexpectedly, it was the other way around.

When this scene appeared, it was natural to be extremely surprised.

Even Abe Seimei himself was surprised.

He was even ready to fight with others, even if he was seriously injured or something, it was not uncommon.

But now, he was all ready, but his opponents were all eliminated.

Moreover, the six priests exuding soft divine light in front of them exchanged greetings with the young man for a while, directly pointing out that the six of them have been waiting for the appearance of Abe Seimei, the protagonist of destiny, and then did not give the young man a chance to ask more questions.

They each stood in a certain position in the shrine, and then they all drank coldly together. The six of them actually started to do it, directly pinched all kinds of complicated seals, and summoned a huge passage in that shrine very quickly.

The passage, just below the main hall of the shrine, collapsed directly.

The black lacquered hole swirled in the dim brilliance, and streams of incomparably strong and terrifying malice surged out.

Even a fool can tell the difference after seeing this scene.

Inside that passage, hides a terrifying monster.

"Orchid Orochi!"

Abe Seimei, this hot-blooded young man finally showed a dignified look on his face.

So what if he is the protagonist of Destiny?

What he has to face now is the super monster who has deterred the living beings of Dongying Kingdom for an unknown number of years, the largest monster in history - Yaqi no Orochi.

It can be said that the fear of Yamata no Orochi has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of the people of Dongying Kingdom.

Abe Seimei is naturally no exception.

The priests who stood in six directions seemed to see the seriousness and fear in the young man's heart, and they all spoke together, each encouraging the young man.

"Go, boy destined by heaven, the demon inside will definitely die in your hands."

"Abe Seimei, this is God's will, the big snake has reached its last moment."

"No one can stop the progress of fate, and Yamata no Orochi is no exception."

"Youth, believe in yourself, you can change everything."

"A young man named Qingming will bring great ambitions to truly end the era of night walks of ghosts."

It seems that the words of the last priest gave Abe Seimei great courage.

The next moment, the boy's figure jumped into the depths of the terrifying cave after a "hoo".



"It's about to start!"

"The final decisive battle, the hot-blooded boy battles the number one monster in history."

"So excited, so excited, so looking forward to it, melon seeds, fine wine, bring them all up."

Inside the Izumo Shrine, the atmosphere is very dignified.

But in the Inari Shrine, the atmosphere is very speechless.

The three Inari Goddesses, together with a group of civet cats and foxes, were all spoiled by Wu Liang. In such a serious scene, they were completely immersed in the excitement of chasing the drama.

The only exception is probably the demon general Slippery Ghost.

When it watched Abe Seimei leap into the cave, a strange smile was involuntarily drawn from the corner of its mouth.

However, it seemed to realize this instantly, and immediately suppressed its smile and lowered its head. After a while, it took a careful look and found that no one noticed its abnormality, so it breathed a sigh of relief.

It's a pity that the monster general has forgotten that the real scary person in the arena is Wu Liang, the mastermind behind the scenes.

Even the scene thousands of miles away can be seen in detail, not to mention the weirdness under the eyelids.

Wu Liang could really see its smile.

So at this moment, Wu Liang also smiled, and the smile became more joyful.

"It's finally coming to an end, and I'm actually a little reluctant. It turns out that being the mastermind behind the scenes is still very enjoyable."

While muttering, Wu Liang lay down lazily, and began to take advantage of the three goddesses openly, causing the three goddesses who were enjoying watching the show to roll their eyes one after another with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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