Chapter 1047 The Crazy Yamata no Orochi



Abe Seimei entered the malicious passage without any sudden attack or anything scary.It seems that in just a short while, the boy's figure left the country of Dongying Kingdom, but appeared in another world, even another dimension.

Because at this moment, what appeared in the eyes of the young man was not the solemn, solemn and warm Gaotianyuan Divine Kingdom in the legend.

It's a broken, crumbling world.

With the eyesight of today's teenagers, he still can't see through the root of this world, he can only feel that this world is about to end soon, like an egg that is about to hatch into a chick, the shell that should be hard is already full of cracks .

Before long, there will be a complete breakdown.

And the monsters that have been trapped inside will also escape from the cage.

Almost without asking, which monster is trapped in this world.

"Orchid Orochi!"

Once again, Abe Seimei said solemnly.

But at this moment, at the other end of the circular light mirror, Wu Liang immediately understood the essence of the world.

A disdainful cold snort spit out from Wu Liang's mouth.


"I thought it was some kind of powerful seal. Feelings are to forcibly create an extremely rough world with my own divine power, and then hang it on the world barrier, and use the power of the world barrier to continuously stabilize the cage."

"A crude, non-technical one-off creation."

In front of the three daughters of Inari God, Wu Liang ruthlessly complained about the methods of Susanoo, one of the three noble gods.

Although Wu Liang hasn't really made a move yet, the many means he has shown are enough to prove that Wu Liang is an existence that is not weaker than the three noble gods at all.So at this time, his complaints can be said to be very persuasive.

Except for the slippery general who secretly rolled his eyes, the other three women directly agreed.

Already "incorrigible", Zao Nu has eyes full of stars, making no secret of her admiration for Wu Liang from the bottom of her heart.

On the other hand, the God Inari had a very complicated heart.

Killing the super monster Yamata no Orochi was actually the main achievement of her father Susanoo being promoted to one of the three noble gods. Without this, it would be difficult for Susanoo to compete with Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi Compete against super powerful sisters.

But it now appears that Susanoo has lied about this feat.

In the myths and legends circulating in the world, Yamata no Orochi is a monster with eight heads and eight tails that can fill up eight valleys and eight hills at the same time. Its eyes are like red lantern fruits, and its body is covered with moss, cypress and Fir, its stomach is always bloody, as if it has been kept in a state of erosion.

It came to Izumo from Takashi, and every year it would eat a girl as a sacrifice. At this time, Susuo Wuzun (Susano) was exiled here from Takamahara. He got drunk with wine and killed it. And at the end of it was found the Tiancongyun Sword, which was later one of the three artifacts, the Grass Pheasant Sword.

After beheading Yamata no Orochi, Susanoo successfully married Inari God's mother Ki Inada Hime as his wife. Later, Inari God's elder brother remained, who was the original king-Okuni Lord God.

But now it seems that all this is clearly a scam.

Susano was afraid that he would not be able to kill Yamata no Orochi, so he could only seal it, but in order to gain a huge reputation, he would let the sea god marry his daughter Ki Inada Hime, and take the opportunity to gain the support of some ancient gods , Competing with the Yueyue Amaterasu sisters.

He chose to lie.

And now, as a daughter, Inari has witnessed the deception of the shameless father.

The last trace of family affection in my heart was also removed at this moment.

Who would have thought?

In the eyes of ordinary people, the three noble gods who have always been extremely brave are actually a shameless and cruel god behind their backs.

However, if the mortals of Dongying Kingdom know that Shuten-douji, the most cruel and disgusting monster, is actually the illegitimate son of Susanoo, they will understand.

Just when everyone had different thoughts at one end of the Yuanguang mirror, Abe Seimei quickly saw his final target at the other end.

In this world that is constantly collapsing, terrible storms will pass by from time to time, but every time these storms approach the boy, they disappear inexplicably, or simply pass by, and Abe Seimei does not need to do his best to avoid them.

The terrible luck of the protagonist of Destiny is fully demonstrated here.

Abe Seimei was extremely fast, almost after a few breaths, he overcame all obstacles and appeared in the center.

In front of him, there was a mountain that was almost identical to the first mountain in Dongying Kingdom——Mount Fuji, rising on the broken ground.If he only looked at the silhouette and shadow, Abe Seimei thought he had appeared on the ground again, and what he saw was the real Mount Fuji.

But when I looked closely, what gushed out from the top of the mountain was not ice and snow, but gusts of painful magma, billowing poisonous smoke, an extremely strong smell of sulfur, and bursts of smoke that could not be exempted even if the nose was closed. the stench.

Coupled with the terrifying malice that soaks the whole world, it makes people feel in a trance, as if they are in the legendary hell.

If it is a person with a bad heart, even if he has great strength, facing such a terrible environment, he might turn around and run away at this time.

But Seimei Abe is different.

The wine swallowed!

Hundred ghosts killed!
Even the mysterious big tengu was blown up.

Standing in front of the last hurdle now, he will naturally not be timid.


With a cold snort, the figure of the hot-blooded boy shot out, like a ferocious beast with human nature, crushing everything with a loud "rumbling" sound, and rushing towards the top of the mountain.

Soon, the boy's figure appeared on the edge of the crater.

With just one glance, he saw that terrifying figure.

In the hot, foul-smelling sulfur smoke, an extremely huge and terrifying python appeared.

According to legend, Yamata no Orochi has eight tails, but at this time, those eight tails seem to be immersed in volcanic magma and cannot be seen.

But those eight huge and ugly heads appeared in Abe Seimei's eyes without any concealment.

With eight heads, he naturally had eight pairs of eyes.

So the moment the boy appeared, Yamata no Orochi discovered the boy's existence, but what was strange was that the most powerful and terrifying monster in history didn't seem to take this "little bug" Abe Seimei seriously.

Not the slightest bit of aggression, not even a glance.

It is still carrying out the behavior it has lasted for an unknown number of years.


"bang bang bang"


The source of these movements is obviously Yamata no Orochi.

It is madly attacking its own head.

In other words, the eight completely different heads are crazily biting each other, leaving no room for every attack, as if it is not my body, but an endless enemy, constantly biting, even if it is bloody, even if it is flesh and blood Blur also does not stagnate.

But even so, it didn't show the slightest sign of falling, and even the slightest sign of declining vitality was visible.

It seems that its body has been stabilized in this prosperous state.

Even by itself, it cannot be broken.

The more you look at it, the more surprising it becomes.

Abe Seimei, a hot-blooded boy, was almost immersed in it, constantly observing this incredible scene.

On the other side of the circular light mirror, Wu Liang also let out a soft "Huh", and seemed to be interested.

(End of this chapter)

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