Chapter 12
Wu Liang pinned the reason directly on the fallen cheap father, pretending that the old suzerain of Jiudingzong told him a big secret of the sect before his death.And Wu Liang solved the secret by coincidence and got a big chance.

Not only did he get through all the meridians, he regained his innate aptitude, he also got the Jiuding Jue that had been lost for many years from the Jiudingzong, and within a few days he had the current strength of cultivation.

Wu Liang's words are of course half-truth and half-false. It is indeed not easy to fool three beauties with exquisite thoughts, but fortunately, Wu Liang can use the memory of the original owner without any hindrance. Soon, they dispelled the suspicion of the three girls with some private memories that only each other knew.

After the doubts disappeared, the atmosphere among the four improved a lot.

At this time, Wu Liang also had a little understanding of the characters of the three women.

Because of the downfall of the Nine Cauldron Sect, one sect's disciples ran away, except for Wu Liang, the young sect master who had nowhere to run, there were only three daughters left.

The gentle and big sister-like cook, surnamed Pu, has a fiery figure but a weak temper. She has always loved Wu Liang very much.

And that tall and beautiful woman, called Lu Xue, has a arrogant and indifferent personality, and she is not pretending to Wu Liang on the surface, but she has not left after the complete decline of the sect.

The last Lolita Junior Sister, has an unruly temper, is lively and cute, and loves to cling to Wu Liang the most.

Among the three girls, Lu Xue has the highest level of cultivation and the best aptitude, and is impressively at the third level of Qi training, much stronger than the current Wu Liang.I just went to the Great Desolation Sect, and my cultivation base was temporarily frozen by a seal.

Xiao Linglong was next, with the appearance of the second level of Qi training, just by looking at the appearance of jumping away, you know that the combat power is not good.

As for the gentle Sister Pu, she has only practiced a lot of Qi, and it seems that she is just putting on a show, and she has no combat power at all.

Wu Liang completely understood the original owner's thoughts at this moment. At that time, he probably sent the three women out to save them, but he himself was going to die for the clan.It's just a pity that the original owner didn't expect that Shijiao Sect had the vicious idea of ​​annexing Jiuding Sect.

But now, this big trouble was taken over by Wu Liang.

"Brother, otherwise... let's run away."

Seeing Wu Liang frowning, Little Lolita thought that Wu Liang was worried, so she couldn't help persuading her.After finishing speaking, she shrunk her head cutely, obviously remembering the original owner's "obsession" with Jiudingzong.

Seeing this, Sister Pu at the side frowned slightly, stepped forward and held Wu Liang's hand and said softly, "Young Sovereign, don't blame Linglong, she also cares about you. In fact, the old Sovereign said before his death that as long as the Young Sovereign you Where it is, the inheritance of our Nine Cauldron Sect will not be broken, so there is no need to be too attached to this place."

Lu Xue didn't speak, but nodded, obviously agreeing with the idea of ​​the four of them running together.

Facing the gaze of the three women, Wu Liang just shook his head.

Seeing that the three girls wanted to persuade them again, Wu Liang immediately laughed, opened his hands shamelessly and embraced them, and said in a clear voice, "Don't worry, I have already decided to deal with those dogs from the Great Desolation Sect." Otherwise, how could I write that kind of blood contract, I, Wu Liang, can die myself, but how can I be willing to part with you, you know..."

The three girls were hugged at the same time, the gentle sister Pu and Xiao Linglong Qiqi blushed, while the arrogant Lu Xue had a cloud of frost on her face, and subconsciously put her hands on the hilt of her waist.

But the next moment, when Wu Liang said "I'm only left with you now", the expressions of the three goddesses froze, a touch of emotion emerged, memories of the past emerged, and they cuddled together unconsciously, one after another. I forgot a certain pair of salty trotters.

"Oh~ That's right."

After all, Wu Liang's level of shamelessness has not yet reached the level of cultivation. After taking advantage of a lot, Wu Liang seemed to suddenly think of something. After letting go of the three women, he took out a space bag, flipped it over a few times quickly, and there were three more fingers in his palm. Pills.

"Nursing Qi Pill!"

The three girls were all pleasantly surprised, since the downfall of the Nine Cauldron Sect, they haven't seen the elixir for a long time.

[Nursing Qi Pill, the third grade of Huang Rank, pregnant and nourishing Qi, recovering from injuries. 】

Needless to say, of course Wu Liang snatched this pill from Cyclops.

Although they are both monks in the third level of Qi training, Cyclops, because of his background in Heijinmen, has much stronger "trench Qi" than Yue Heshan.

After all, the three girls came back from injuries, exhausted, and after receiving the Qi Yang Dan given by Wu Liang, they all entered a state of healing.

Wu Liang sat cross-legged to the side, protecting the three daughters.

After seeing that the three girls had settled down safely, Wu Liang first took out two interspatial bags, and hastily counted the things he had snatched from Cyclops and Yue Heshan successively.Hundreds of bags of various spirit rice, some low-level spirit pills, several low-level spirit weapons, thousands of spirit stones... and some insignificant things.

If it was Wu Liang who was replaced a few days ago, it would be a fruitful harvest, which is worth gratifying.

However, Wu Liang put it down quickly. These things could help Wu Liang temporarily get rid of the "poor ghost" situation, but they couldn't help him save his life in the bloody battle ten days later.


Putting down the interspatial bag, Wu Liang exhaled in one breath, then slowly closed his eyes, his mind sank into his mind immediately, and at the same time, he called up the system interface with a thought.

At this time, his personal attribute page changed drastically.

Host: Wu Liang

Level: Cultivator【Second Level of Qi Training (400/1000)】

Status: The young suzerain of the Jiuding Sect, poor and poor.

Spirit Power: 300
Cultivation method: [Nine Cauldron Jue, first level, first glimpse of the door]

Skills: [Yellow Rank Ninth Grade Civet Walk], [Yellow Rank Second Grade Throat Cutting Technique]

Attack: 35
Defense: 35
Dodge: 35
Physique: Extraordinary

Talent: unknown

lucky: unknown

Charm: Unknown

Pets: None
Achievements: [Virgin Kill], [Genius Virgin Kill]

Skill points: Normal 5, Gold 1.

Title: [Novice Killer (18/100), can be superimposed and worn with achievements, all attributes are automatically 1 when fighting, and immune to the influence of the momentum of monks below the ninth level of Qi training, and have a deterrent effect on monks below the third level of Qi training. 】【Remarks: There is a poem that says: Killing one is a crime, and killing all is a hero.If 900 million are slaughtered, you will be the hero among the heroes.Looking forward to the day when the host becomes a peerless killer, this system is optimistic about you! 】


[Evaluation: Under the wise and powerful training of this system, the host has finally evolved from a rookie to... a rookie. 】

After seeing his completely changed attributes, Wu Liang was overjoyed, and he didn't even mind the system's still cheating comments and remarks.

After a moment of joy, Wu Liang quickly calmed down and began to familiarize himself with the newly opened functions of the system.

Master the Mall!

Mission system!

Wu Liang had a hunch that the bloody battle ten days later, the hope of not being wiped out for completing the mission might be hidden here.

Without hesitation, Wu Liang thought immediately, and clicked on the head mall first.

(End of this chapter)

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