The most powerful system in history

Chapter 11 The Throat Slit of the Attack

Chapter 11 The Throat Slit of the Attack

A cold, dazzling dagger light bloomed without warning, and it was reflected in Yue Heshan's eyes.

"not good!"


When Yue Heshan realized something, a feeling of icy cold fell on his neck, a bright red blood line slowly emerged, and warm blood began to ooze out.

His body froze.


"I'm going to kill..."


After his throat was cut, Yue Heshan subconsciously wanted to use a martial skill to kill Wu Liang, but this move sent him on his way directly. The burst of energy and blood failed to turn into a martial skill, but pushed the blood all over his body to gush out from his neck.

In an instant, blood gushed like a fountain.


Yue Heshan's body collapsed, and he didn't even have time to say his last words.The last scene reflected in his eyes full of resignation and remorse was Wu Liang darting towards the group of youngsters like a cruel civet. In his hand, the dagger that took his life was frighteningly flickering. bloody.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Liang's mind began to be bombarded.

"Ding, the host activates the skill [Cut Throat], successfully hits the target, causing the effect of [Bleeding]."

"A sure blow! The host dies!"

"The host gains 100 experience points!"

"The host uses [Cutting Throat] to kill two people in a row, rewarding 1 exclusive skill evolution point, [Cutting Throat] automatically advances to the second grade of yellow rank, attacking 10, breaking defense 10, and increasing the effect of [Tearing]."

"Ding, the host activates the second-grade yellow skill [Cut Throat], and the target dies."

"Ding, the host has gained 20 experience points for killing a young man from the Great Desolation Sect."

"2 kills, 20 experience."

"Kill 3"


On the sidelines, the three women were stunned, and they all looked at what was happening with incredulous eyes.

A few days ago, the young sect master who was a "weak waste" was like a beast at this moment, rushing into the group of the Great Desolation Sect and killing them.Whether it was Yue Heshan at the beginning, or the dozen or so young men behind him, none of them were Wu Liang's all-in-one enemy.


When the last little disciple of the Great Desolation Sect felt the cold that suddenly stopped on his neck, he finally collapsed.


The disciple suddenly knelt down, his head was pounding like garlic, and he begged for mercy without any restraint.But he can't be blamed, anyone who sees the deacon above his head and a group of fellow disciples being easily tortured and killed within a few breaths, he himself will also collapse after being surrounded by blood from the corpse.


Before the disciple knocked down a few more times, something was kicked in front of him by the impatient Wu Liang.

The whole body of bright red iron is the blood contract of that sect.

A cold voice filled with undisguised killing intent came from above.

"Take the blood contract back and tell the Great Wilderness Sect Master that after ten days, this Sect Master will wait at the Nine Cauldron Sect and will never die."

"Yes Yes Yes."

As if knowing that he didn't have to die, the disciple agreed with joy, picked up the blood deed and got up to run.

But Wu Liang's "slow down" made him stop immediately, and just when his heart was beating violently thinking that he was doomed, Wu Liang's voice came again.

"By the way, tell the Great Wilderness Sect Master that if he wants to get the thing intact, he'd better be honest within the next ten days, otherwise the Sect Master will let him fight chicken and get nothing, remember?"

"Now~ get out!"

To this disciple, the last two words are no different from Xianyin. Unable to bear the ecstasy and fear in his eyes, he quickly rushed down the mountain, as if there was some extremely terrifying beast behind him. It's like losing your life.

As soon as the disciple left, the field immediately became quiet, except for three surprised and unbelievable breaths.

The only three remaining members of the Nine Cauldron Sect looked at Wu Liang as if they were looking at a monster. This was indeed the case. A few days ago, they were absolutely sure that their suzerain was a useless person.

This is incredible!
Just when they couldn't help being surprised and wanted to ask questions, they suddenly saw their "sovereign master" staggering suddenly as if he was about to fall, and Qiqi cried out in surprise and went forward to pick him up.


"Young Sect Master!"


In the next moment, Wu Liang felt his body fell into a softness. Three bodies with different fragrances hugged him. Feeling the strange touch from behind, Wu Liang's face immediately showed a touch of intoxication. .But immediately, Wu Liang's face darkened.

"Ding, the transportation of the Jiudingjue Great Zhoutian has been completed, and the host's spiritual power has been replenished."


Although he was "slapped in the face" by the system, Wu Liang still shamelessly lingered in the arms of the three beauties for a while.

It wasn't until the smell of blood became so strong that the three girls couldn't bear it, the four returned to the sect together.

Needless to say, the first three women couldn't help being surprised when they saw the bloody battlefield outside the hall that Wu Liang hadn't had time to deal with, especially the one-eyed dragon. Compared with the old Yue Heshan, the fierce one-eyed man was obviously more intimidating.This also made Wu Liang, who killed two people one after another, seem even more mysterious and unbelievable. If it wasn't the body or that body, the three girls would almost have suspected that their young suzerain had been impersonated.

Wu Liang naturally saw the surprise in the eyes of the three women, but luckily he had already prepared his speech.

(End of this chapter)

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