The most powerful system in history

Chapter 10 3 Zhang Enemy Country

Chapter 10
"It's fine, don't worry."

Wu Liang embraced the three daughters, while wiping oil, smiled warmly, and at the same time gave the three daughters a comforting look, then Wu Liang turned around very chicly, walked up to Yue Heshan suddenly, and looked at the strange Zong in his hand. blood deed.

There are two areas on the iron block, one blank and one filled.

The full area is naturally the content of the challenge written by the Great Desolation Sect. The system translated it to the general effect: The Great Desolation Sect will have a life-and-death bloody battle with the Jiuding Sect in ten days. It belongs to the luck of Jiudingzong.

Another blank area will be written by Wu Liang. Should we fight or give up?
According to the ancient rules, the Great Desolation Sect is the challenger of the blood contract and has the right to determine the time limit and spoils of the bloody battle.As the challenger, Jiudingzong has the right to decide the location of the bloody battle and the method of punishment.

"It was easy for the Great Desolation Sect to annex the Nine Cauldrons Sect, but they had to make a complicated blood contract. The loot included the illusory sect's luck, which must have something to do with the secret of the Nine Cauldrons Sect. If it was at any other time, I would definitely not sign this ghost things, but now..."


Without any warning, a sharp aura was suddenly aroused by Wu Liang, directly cut through the fingertips, and dark red blood gushed out.

Wu Liang pointed at the pen in an instant, but saw that the blank area was filled with several lines of ancient seal script amidst the flying blood.


When Wu Liang finished writing the last word, the originally ordinary iron block suddenly became bloody, and every large ancient seal character emitted a dazzling brilliance. On the battlefield, the aura of the golden sword soars into the sky, and no one dares to look down on the iron and blood.

After an unknown period of time, the blood light dissipated, and everyone returned to their minds. When they looked at the iron block again, they could only feel that the aura of the object had changed and merged into one.

"The blood contract is complete!"

This thought flashed through the minds of everyone in the field.

"Hahaha...well, the one who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and the task of this deacon's trip has finally been successfully completed."

Yue Heshan laughed very satisfied, and there was undisguised viciousness in the laughter.

I don't know why Yue Heshan felt infinite disgust in his heart when he saw Wu Liang for the first time. He didn't make a move just to get Wu Liang to voluntarily sign the blood contract, but now he didn't take it into consideration. When the master of a sect stepped on the sole of his foot, Yue Heshan immediately felt a surge of joy in his heart.

It's just a pity that this pleasure didn't last long.

He seemed to see something, and his eyes suddenly fell on the blood deed in his hand. After seeing it clearly, his face froze immediately, and he was furious.


"Ten days later, the bloody battle will be fought on the top of the Nine-Taurant Peak."

"The loser will have the entire sect...violent! Killed!"

The words, like a curse, were subconsciously read by Yue Heshan, and Yue Heshan knew what happened in an instant.

This is the condition of Wu Liang's blood contract!
The place of bloody battle between the two sects is the peak of Jiuding Peak, and the loser party will die suddenly.

Where is this voluntary surrender?

This is clearly a provocation!

Yue Heshan was going crazy. Before he came, the suzerain gave him the task of letting Wu Liang sign a surrender-style blood contract at will.But he got carried away for a moment, and before he could say it, Wu Liang had already written such a rebellious and provocative contract with one stroke.

Although Yue Heshan didn't think that Wu Liang had a chance to make a comeback, and the Great Desolation Sect couldn't possibly die suddenly, those four characters were still a provocation and an offense to the great Great Desolation Sect.

For Wu Liang to write such a contract, it would appear that he, Yue Heshan, is an unqualified running dog, which he absolutely cannot tolerate.

Partial birth, [-]% of the blood contract, cannot be changed.


"You! This! Yes! Find! Die!"

A violent aura erupted from Yue Heshan's body, eyes full of murderous intent fixed on Wu Liang.From Yue Heshan's point of view, if he practiced at the third level of Qi training, he could easily crush Wu Liang.Now that Wu Liang might cause him to be punished after returning to the Great Desolation Sect, Yue Heshan immediately made up his mind to take revenge on Wu Liang.


"bang bang"

Under the aura of the third level of Qi training, Yue Heshan's short stature became fierce at this moment, and he walked towards Wu Liang step by step, releasing a murderous aura without concealment.

Wu Liang was shrouded in a violent storm, but a deep murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but on the surface he still looked like that incompetent, cowardly, good-for-nothing young suzerain.

"You want to kill me? Aren't you afraid that the blood contract will fail?"

Wu Liang backed away in panic as he spoke.

Yue Heshan didn't notice at all that Wu Liang, who had a terrified expression, only took a small step back, but one hand was behind his back, and at the same time he assumed a rather weird posture.Yue Heshan was completely immersed in his killing intent and the joy of being about to step on the master of a sect.

Hearing Wu Liang's words, he immediately grinned and said, "Don't worry, little waste, as long as you, the suzerain of the Nine Cauldrons, don't die, the blood contract will not fail. This deacon will not kill you, but I will pinch your hands and feet every inch of your body." Broken, so that you can't live or die."

"Beg for mercy, now kneel down and beg this deacon for mercy, maybe this deacon will be more lenient."


When Yue Heshan was laughing wildly, he didn't see the panic on Wu Liang's face disappeared at some point, replaced by a playful face.

A light but murderous sentence spit out from Wu Liang's mouth, and got into Yue Heshan's ear.

"Really? So even if I kill you now, it won't have the slightest effect."


Yue Heshan who heard the words suddenly was stunned for a moment, before he could digest the words Wu Liang uttered, something unexpected happened to him no matter what.

The distance between the two was surprisingly less than three feet.

Three feet is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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