Chapter 9

When Wu Liang looked at the group of people impatiently, Yue Heshan had the urge to vomit blood. Originally, he thought that he could give Wu Liang a blow, but he didn't expect that Wu Liang just stopped in the area covered by his aura. Another step, but let him miss almost injured.

Feeling depressed, Yue Heshan lost all interest, and immediately planned to tear his face apart.Seeing him staring at Wu Liang bleakly, he laughed and said, "I actually guessed it. It seems that you are not that stupid. I just don't know why you were so stupid to give me a clue."

"What are you going to do?"

Wu Liang didn't wait for Yue Heshan to finish speaking, and interrupted directly.


The interrupted Yue Heshan was depressed again, a stern look flashed across his wretched face, he tore his face completely, and said with a sinister smile, "Boy, do you know what this is?"

Following his gaze, Wu Liang saw that strange piece of bright red iron, on which there seemed to be some ancient inscriptions, implying some kind of bad meaning.

It was also at this moment that the reminder in Wu Liang's mind told what the iron block was.

[Blood contract: An ancient artifact that has been handed down for many years in the Shenyuan Continent, engraved with the sacred iron and blood contract, once signed, it cannot be violated.This is the Zongmen blood contract, which is generally used in Zongmen wars. After signing, one of the parties will be annexed by the other. 】

Immediately, Wu Liang's expression froze, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light appeared faintly.

"Boy, the suzerain of this sect has an order and asked you to sign it."

"Of course, it's fine if you don't want to sign. It's just that these three charming people are going to die soon."


While Yue Heshan was speaking, the young men behind him had already received the signal, and suddenly lifted off the black cloth covering the iron cage. above.Those three figures were clearly three women of different appearances, they were in a terrible state of distress, they were all shackled, and now they were surrounded by swords.

When Wu Liang saw the appearance of the three women clearly, a large number of memories immediately exploded in his mind, and his whole body suddenly "boomed", his blood surged, and infinite anger was about to burst out.

But he was quickly pushed back by Wu Liang, the reaction was not Wu Liang's own, but the influence of the memory of the original owner.

"These three people are very important to the original owner."

While his mind was flickering, Wu Liang's eyes also fell completely inside the iron cage.

But I saw three women inside, one was wearing yellow clothes, with a hot figure, a very beautiful face, a cold expression, and a trace of blood on the corner of her mouth, which must have been injured in a fight with someone.Standing beside her was a woman with an exquisite body, wearing a green dress, her eyes were full of stubbornness, as if she was not afraid of the sharp knife on her neck.The third woman is strange, she is a mature and beautiful woman, and she is dressed like a cook, her appearance is gentle and pitiful.

Seeing Wu Liang, the three women seemed to have a worried look in their eyes, and seemed to want to remind Wu Liang, but unfortunately, all three of them were blocked and could not speak.

"Lu Xue"


"Sister Pu"

In Wu Liang's mind, three names flashed across.

"Senior Sister Tsundere, Sister Loli, and a gentle cook, well, I finally know why the original owner of this body refused to leave after being beaten to death. Although the sect is in ruins, life is still very happy."

Messy thoughts flickered in his mind, but Wu Liang's face was full of performances of an angry, unwilling and run-down suzerain.

"Is this how your Great Wild Sect treats its allies?"

This sentence, Wu Liang squeezed out almost word for word from between his teeth.

Seeing Wu Liang fell into the anger he expected, Yue Heshan's expression became more and more joyful.

"Allies? You Nine Cauldron Sects are really stupid. Let the old ones be stupid, and the young ones are even more stupid. A dilapidated sect presided over by a useless person actually talks about allies. What's more, our Great Desolation Sect has wanted to annex you from the very beginning. The reason why your Nine Cauldron Sect has come to this point is that our Great Desolation Sect has put a lot of effort behind it."

"If you were a normal person, you should have seen our Great Desolation Sect's plan. It's a pity that the Nine Cauldron Sect is only left with you as a waste. So I see, there is really no need for the Nine Cauldron Sect to exist."

"Don't delay, get over here and sign the blood contract, otherwise, this deacon will kill those three lovely people first, and then sign it for you with my own hands."


Completely tearing his skin apart, Yue Heshan was extremely proud at the moment.

As for Wu Liang, after hearing the words, he immediately had the urge to kill the wretched old man in front of him.

But after weighing the distance between the two sides, Wu Liang had to force himself to calm down.


With a long breath, Wu Liang seemed to have made a decision.


Wu Liang took a sudden step and entered the aura of Yuehe Mountain. At some point, he put on a helpless and annoyed look on his face, and said in a shy voice: "I can sign it, but you have to let it go first." they."


"Uh~ noh"

Inside the iron cage, the three women pointed at by Wu Liang struggled at the same time trying to stop them, but unfortunately they could only make a vague sound after their mouths were gagged.

Hearing the conditions, Yue Heshan hesitated for a moment, then quickly agreed.

In the bottom of my heart, I secretly said: This kid is just a trash with a second level of Qi training. After signing the blood contract, he will grab the three little beauties. The order of the suzerain is just to let this trash kid sign the blood contract. The suzerain will definitely not blame me for enjoying these three beauties first, hehe.

"Let go!"


With Yue Heshan's order, the iron cage immediately opened, and three beautiful figures staggered out immediately, Wu Liang immediately stepped forward and embraced the three girls behind him.

"Junior brother, don't sign!"

"Young Sect Master, you can't sign a blood contract."

"Brother, we fought with them."

As soon as the three girls were freed, they were anxious to prevent Wu Liang from signing the blood contract, and even wanted to die with a group of people from the Great Wilderness Sect.It's just that they all seem to be locked up by some kind of prohibition. At this moment, their strength is not as good as that of ordinary people, so naturally they can't do anything.

(End of this chapter)

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