Chapter 301 A Group of Poison Tongue Bodhisattvas


While pretending to be aggressive towards the Qingzhou monks, Wu Liang took the time to respond to the system's ridicule.


If you have a chance to pretend, what do you want to do with your face?
Didn't you see that the eyes of many girls are about to shine because of this outfit of the head of the sect?

Obviously, this head also has fans.

Wu Liang was very proud at this time.

He didn't see at all that the faces of the four pretty figures behind him were all covered with frost.

Fortunately, Wu Liang still came to his senses. After those four dangerous eyes fell on him, Wu Liang remembered in time that he still had business to do.

In the sea of ​​clouds, Wu Liang raised his head and looked at the monks around him in high spirits.


Suddenly, Wu Liang stretched out his finger.

But seeing the thick sea of ​​clouds, following Wu Liang's finger, it suddenly began to churn.

In the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, there seemed to be an invisible big hand, directly squeezing the clouds into the shape of futons, and then automatically flew towards every monk who came to watch the ceremony.


Everyone saw, what rhythm is this?
Could it be that the place to watch the ceremony this time is under the sky, instead of some terrible [Phoenix Nest].

The appearance of Phoenix Nest in the previous Magic Sound Conference was a surprise to everyone at first, after all, it is a vast and stalwart building.

However, after the meeting ended, Fengchao suddenly became a nightmare.

Looking at it now, the place to watch the ceremony this time was actually under the uncovered sky.

Wouldn't it be very convenient to escape in this way?

Thinking of this, many monks sat down with confidence.

However, there are still many monks who maintain due vigilance and look at the white cloud futon in front of them with a look of "conspiracy".

"Why are there so many naive people? Is it all over? That's the number one slut in Qingzhou, and the conspiracy is everywhere."

"That is, if the defense is so good, then the nine major forces will not be tricked by him."

"You're still too young, you don't know the dangers of the world, and you don't know how cheap the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect is."

Although many monks expressed deep doubts about Wu Liang, they finally sat down.

After all, everyone has sat down, and you are the only one who doesn't sit down, so it's easy to get pissed off.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, Wu Liang watched the group of monks who were vigilant and suspicious, but still chose to submit to the oppressive power of the Nine Cauldron Sect, and suddenly felt a little helpless.

"Hey, my head finally understands Uncle Qiubai's feelings."

"Lonely, life is really lonely like snow!"

"It stands to reason that at a time like this, shouldn't a few people jump out and ridicule the head?"

"The current plot is obviously wrong. There is absolutely no room for the head to pretend to be slapped in the face."

While enjoying the attention of all the people, Wu Liang continued to commit crimes.

It was at this time, as if the heavens heard his call, and sent him a face-slapping target, and there were more than one.


"boom boom"

Without any warning, in the void above Jiuding Peak, void portals opened one after another.

The dim light flickered, roughly counting, there were more than a dozen of them.


The monks in Qingzhou just let out a cry of surprise, but they saw that in the dozen or so portals, textures like water waves lit up one after another, and then turned into a smooth and visible mirror of void water.

It's just that the water mirror doesn't seem to be two-way.

Everyone's sights were covered, but they could feel the gazes flashing out from behind the water mirror, and most of them landed on the Jiuding Peak.

Everyone was about to wonder, but it was resolved in the next moment.

Behind the empty water mirrors, voices came one after another.

"It turns out that this is the famous Nine Cauldron Sect, it seems that it is nothing more than that!"

"Qingzhou Jiudingzong, there is a rumor that there is a powerful swordsman monk who defeated the nine major forces in the three ancient states. I still think what a powerful sect it is, but it has never been so petty."

"This is the second sixth-rank power in Qingzhou. Why does it seem so poor?"

"Hahaha... It's only a sixth-rank sect, and our Kunzhou is a fourth-rank sect, which is several times more magnificent than this place."

"The poor state, the poor family, complement each other!"

These words rang out resoundingly.

Before Wu Liang, the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect, could get angry, all the monks in Qingzhou couldn't bear it.

"Where did these turtle sons come from? Why are their mouths so stinky!"

"That's right, they're all black and poor states, your second uncle."

"That's right, can you talk? A bunch of idiots, Jiudingzong seems to be quite poor, but our Qingzhou is not poor."

At the beginning, Wu Liang was quite happy to hear the monks in Qingzhou interact with a group of people who appeared out of nowhere, but it was a pity that these people soon reached a consensus.

Jiudingzong is very poor!

Wu Liang's complexion darkened, and he intervened decisively.


A momentum gushed out from Wu Liang's body, immediately interrupting the anal rhythm in the arena.

Then, Wu Liang stared at the dozen or so void portals, and spoke with a half-smile.

"Everyone came here uninvited, but you want to start a war with my Jiudingzong?"

One sentence spit out, and the atmosphere in the field suddenly became dignified.

All the monks remembered the fear of being dominated by a vicissitudes of life and a lonely figure.

Especially the monks behind the dozens of void portals, their identities don't even need to be guessed.

It must be the nine major forces, as well as some affiliated sects or some spectator forces in the three ancient states.

After all, they couldn't understand the sudden rise of fame of Jiudingzong, and came to make trouble when they heard the news that Jiudingzong held a celebration.

Make trouble, make trouble, these people seem to be still immersed in the terrifying aura of "Dugu Qiubai", unable to regain consciousness, so that they can only hide behind the void portal.

And after the lessons of the previous battle, Wu Liang is sure that these void portals should have tampered with.

It won't be like that time again, the people behind these portals can be forced out with a single sword.

To put it simply, these people came here to be the "map gun party" and "remote keyboard man party".

Anyway, they are all talkers. If they can use the power of talkers to make Jiudingzong lose face, these people will be happy.

"Master Wu is too nervous. We are all serious monks, and our dream is world peace. How could we want to start a war with the noble sect?"

"That's right, I just heard that your Nine Cauldron Sect is going to hold a celebration, so I'll come to have a look."

"If Sect Leader Wu feels that the Nine Cauldron Sect is a bit shabby and unable to meet people, we will just leave."

"Hey, even if there is a phoenix to live in for a while, but without the sacred sycamore tree, this kind of sect will not last long."


After more than a dozen sects, there seemed to be a Bodhisattva with a poisonous tongue squatting, and every opening he spoke was cheap, sarcastically demoting Jiudingzong to nothing.

After finishing speaking, those portals flickered with dim lights, as if they really wanted to leave as promised.

According to their venomous tongue, if they really left, it would immediately confirm the reputation of Jiudingzong as shabby and intolerable.

In Qingzhou, it may not be a big deal.

But out of Qingzhou, the reputation of Jiudingzong will be bad.

"It's so poisonous. The people from the three ancient states are going to be hard-pressed. Are you going to drug them?"

The monks in Qingzhou were startled, and then switched to the mode of watching a movie.

(End of this chapter)

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