Chapter 302

"and many more!"

As soon as Wu Liang uttered these two words, all the dim lights flickering on the void portals stopped immediately.

"Hey, I'm hooked!"

After the door, a group of Poison Tongue Bodhisattvas arrived one after another.

"This is miserable, Jiudingzong will be beaten in the face."

The melon eaters couldn't help but worry about Wu Liang at this moment.

Although in the experience of Qingzhou monks, Jiudingzong has always slapped others or other forces in the face.

But in the current situation, it is obvious that Jiudingzong is at a disadvantage.

The opponent is a group of top forces from the three ancient states.

But the way of the duel is not a fight with a sharp sword, but a slap in the face with a soft knife.

Those top forces clearly planned to compete with Jiudingzong for their background.

In this regard, Jiudingzong suffers too much.

Nowadays, I don't know which of the four ancient states of Qing, Chi, Kun, and Peng, but the Jiudingzong is a newly rising sixth-rank power.

Because of the possession of two masters, Qingzhou's new dominance has been achieved in turn.

However, the powerful combat power can't change the fact that Jiudingzong is a poor sect.

Specifically highlighted in those aspects?

The site is too small.

Architecture, too little.

The background is too shallow.


In almost all aspects except combat power, Jiudingzong was completely abused by the opponent.

Everyone can think about it, once the celebration starts, those Poison Tongue Bodhisattvas will not stop talking.

For the first time, there was sympathy in the eyes of everyone looking at Wu Liang.

At this time, the confrontation between the two sides began.

Wu Liang was still standing in the sea of ​​clouds forcefully, with a half-smile at the corner of his mouth, looking at the dozen or so void portals.

The face is still cold, but the heart has already cheered, and I can't help but want to present these guys with little red flowers.

So fit!

It's so timely!

Cheered for a while from the bottom of my heart, and then Wu Liang spoke slowly.

"You all say that my Nine Cauldron Sect is poor, and I am not worthy of the status of a sixth-rank force. I wonder which aspect you think is poor?"

As soon as Wu Liang uttered these words, behind the dozen or so void portals, the dim light flickered frantically.

Obviously, this sentence almost hit the basic point of the group of Poison Tongue Bodhisattvas, and they were all about to climax.

The group of people who have been waiting for this word for a long time can't bear it anymore.

"Master Wu, please look back. You, the Nine Cauldron Sect, claim to be the new master of Qingzhou, but the Shanmen's territory is only a thousand miles away."

"That's right, you should know that in Chizhou, even a fourth-rank sect can occupy thousands of miles. If it's a fifth-rank sect, it's even more serious, at least it's a territory of nearly ten thousand miles."

"Speaking of the mountain gate, among the sixth-rank forces of the three ancient states, which one is not tens of thousands of miles wide, boundless, majestic and majestic?"

"Yes, compared with these, the Nine Cauldrons... tsk tsk, in a word, poor."

Wu Liang smiled and listened to these taunts, and couldn't help but look at the last void portal, feeling the urge to complain: That's two words, okay, do you need me to help you hold down your math teacher's coffin? plate?

Resisting the urge to complain, Wu Liang obviously wanted to make the slap in the face more enjoyable.

While Wu Liang summoned the treasures from his storage space, he continued to dig holes for the group of Poison Tongue Bodhisattvas.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable, so the head of the sect would like to ask you, which of the three ancient prefectures has the largest mountain gate?"

As soon as this remark came out, internal strife broke out immediately.

"Of course I worship the Fire Cult. The God of Fire is gracious to the land of [-] miles, and all living beings will worship me."

"Hmph, it's obviously my Huanxi sect. The joy grass grows for thirty thousand miles, and the bliss in the world is endless."

"It's my Yanliu sect, the center of the earth spurted out the red heart flame, and the flying flow swept across forty thousand miles."

"Gold-winged sect, born to raise golden-winged birds, chasing the moon and the sun for fifty thousand miles."


A group of guys who were originally united to the outside world, after Wu Liang's words caused infighting, finally decided the winner first.

The final winner was a sixth-rank great faction called "Giant Whale Sect", and its mountain gate's range reached [-] miles.

Of course, the reason why it won was that it shamelessly included some irrelevant island territories.

The other sects were outraged, but in order to hate Wu Liang, they still chose to acquiesce.

"Well, it seems that you have agreed that the mountain gates of the sixth-rank forces must be at least [-] miles away. Not only are they all fakes."


"It doesn't seem right!"

A dozen or so big forces were about to nod their heads when they heard the words, but subconsciously sensed something was wrong.

But before they could say anything, Wu Liang suddenly moved.


Amid the flashes of brilliance, a strange card fell into Wu Liang's hands.

[Opening Border Card (Silver Level): As the name suggests, this is a magical card that can help the host open up territory. After using it, it can open up a territory of [-] miles. 】

[Remark [-]: Since those idiots have also read poems, this system specially presents a poem to the host, please see... Remark [-]. 】

[Remark [-]: Dapeng rides the wind in one day and soars up to [-] miles. 】

"Ding, does the host use [Silver-level Kaijiang Card]?"


As soon as Wu Liang finished speaking, he heard a sound of "tearing", and the card was torn open.

The next moment, an extremely terrifying scene appeared.

As soon as the card was broken, it instantly turned into golden threads that spread out in all directions. Each golden thread exploded at an unimaginable speed, even compared to the legendary golden-winged roc.

Within a few breaths, those golden threads had already covered a full radius of [-] li.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a magical golden net covering the [-]-mile mountain range.

Huge changes began to take place.


It started, the land of [-] miles began to turn over, and there were more than one, the huge area was trembling endlessly.

"Bang~ bang bang bang"

In the [-]-mile boundary, all the creatures sensed a strange aura that began to pervade, and they all began to undergo the test of this aura.

However, there seemed to be only two results of the judgment. If the judgment failed, he would be expelled;

"Om ~ hoo hoo"

In the air, the wind began to change, the air began to change, and the aura also began to change.

In the Tiandi Mountain Range, [-] miles away, it has already reached the core.

It should be an extremely dangerous area, but at this moment it is evolving towards a treasure land of cultivation.

The aura of heaven and earth is almost visible to the naked eye, strand by strand, tumbling continuously, but it seems that it has been assimilated by those golden threads, presenting a dazzling golden color.



At this moment, whether it was above the Jiuding Peak or behind the dozens of void portals, the sound of gasping for air kept ringing out.

In the four ancient states, almost [-]% of the powerful monks were watching the scene at this time.

With their eyesight and insight, how could they fail to recognize it.

What does the movement within ninety thousand miles mean?
Ninety thousand miles!
Within a breath, it became the sphere of influence of Jiudingzong.


"clap clap"

All the monks seemed to have heard such a voice in the dark.

Even through the so-called Void Portal and the Void Water Mirror, it couldn't stop the sound from coming.

That's the sound of a slap in the face!
(End of this chapter)

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