Chapter 310 The True Function of the Compass

The Nine Cauldron Sect's disciple recruitment conference is over, and most people are very satisfied.

The four girls are satisfied because they have received several good disciples.

Some forces such as the Ten Thousand Immortals League are satisfied, because they have also received many good disciples.

The people who eat melons are satisfied because they watched a lively meeting.

The only one who was dissatisfied was Wu Liang.

After being extorted by the system for 200 million points, Dawn, who had completed the mission of the seventh ring, disappeared without a trace, and was given the title of "Shame of Qingzhou" for no reason.

All in all, miserable.

Jiuding Peak, within the sea of ​​clouds.

Wu Liang sat cross-legged in grief and indignation, holding the genius compass in his hand.

"System, this head has a premonition, I suspect you are playing me?"

When Wu Liang uttered these words, Zhihong in his mind remembered the 200 million points he had lost.

It hurts!
If it was useful, Wu Liang would not mind helping him complete the seventh ring task.

But the scene of that day is still vivid.

Just as Wu Liang was about to continue complaining about the system, he suddenly seemed to have discovered something and remembered something.


"This thing is a compass, isn't the role of a compass for positioning?"

"Could it be that the main function of this ghost thing is to locate geniuses? Instead of identifying geniuses?"

When this idea appeared in Wu Liang's mind, the voice of the system finally came.

"Ding, congratulations host, your IQ is on the line."

Wu Liang, who was confirmed by the system, immediately became excited, and didn't even care about the system's complaints.

"Yo, this function is advanced, I like it."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's get started, and position the head as a genius first."

Wu Liang understood the true function of [Genius Compass], and couldn't wait to try it out.

It's a pity, the next moment the system poured cold water on Wu Liang.

"Ding, does the host use the positioning function of [Genius Compass]? If so, please pay 100 million points once!"

"My grass!"

As soon as the system's voice sounded, Wu Liang's national curse was about to come out.

At the critical moment, Wu Liang held back.

But at this moment, Wu Liang's expression also became very exciting.

"System, you come out for me."

"Please explain clearly to the head, this [Genius Compass] was exchanged by the head with 200 million points, and all its functions should be available to the head, so why do you need to collect the points from the head? "

If it was a human monk, it could be heard that Wu Liang was already trying to suppress the anger in his tone.

Unfortunately, systems are not people.

It's just that in line with the principle of "customer first", before killing the customer Wu Liang, he patiently answered him.

System: "Host, the positioning function of [Genius Compass] requires the cooperation of this system's power. The 100 million points are the labor fee paid to this system. This transaction is voluntary. If the host is unwilling, you can choose to deny the transaction." .”

Wu Liang: "Then can I be exempted from the punishment for mission failure?"

System: "No!"

Wu Liang: "..."

Wu Liang was silent, and he suddenly came to his senses.

This is a pit!

And it's a serial pit!

According to the requirements of that mission, Wu Liang needs to recruit at least a few waves of disciples, not one or two can be fooled.

In other words, every wave must use the positioning function of [Genius Compass], and at least millions of points will be lost.

After realizing this point, Wu Liang quickly thought of another point.

He can't resist!
There doesn't seem to be any tricks either.

"Ah~ System, you are a pit host, it's too much."

Wu Liang wailed and looked at his points account with pain.

That number once brought Wu Liang an extremely comfortable feeling.

Nearly ten million master points!

These are the points Wu Liang earned through his hard work and hard work.

Wu Liang once thought that with these points, he could become a local tyrant who would eat, drink and wait to die.

From the looks of it now, these points are likely to be lost by the system soon.

"Sure enough, my head is still naive, not insidious enough, to be tricked by this broken system."

"Okay, this time the master has accepted."

"It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. You can wait for the head of the system to break the system."

In the sea of ​​clouds, Wu Liang said solemnly bravely.

The system is on the sidelines, too lazy to complain.

In order to complete the task, but also to satisfy my hobby of being a good teacher.

Wu Liang endured the pain, and finally paid 100 million points in exchange for the positioning function of [Genius Compass].

"Directly target qualified geniuses? With such an awesome function, I want to see if it's so amazing?"

As soon as Wu Liang had this idea in his mind, he saw the sound of the system.

"Ding, points - 100 million!"

"[Genius Compass] is activated, starting to locate geniuses who meet the qualifications for this task, and positioning..."

"Within ten thousand miles, positioning failed!"

"Within one hundred thousand miles, the positioning failed!"

"Within 20 miles, positioning failed!"


"A million miles away, positioning..."

"It's still a failure!"

"System, do you want to exploit the points of the master again?"

Wu Liang stared at the flickering and beeping compass in front of him with the expression that I see through you.

It's almost the time of [-] breaths, and the compass, which has been placed with high hopes, has always failed in the feedback.

The so-called qualified genius has not yet appeared.

It's no wonder that Wu Liang wondered if the system was about to come up with some kind of moth, or fell into a series of traps again, trying to cheat Wu Liang, the host, of his points.

But soon, when a different voice came from the next moment.

Wu Liang knew it, this time he was a villain.

"Drip, the positioning is successful!"

"Congratulations to the host, [Genius Compass] has located a qualified genius, coordinates: a million miles away, the specific information is as follows..."

"Oh, it really succeeded, it's so amazing!"

Wu Liang looked like he had never seen the world, and he began to receive the genius information fed back from the genius compass in surprise.

With the influx of information, Wu Liang's face became more and more surprised, and the pain of losing another 100 million points also slightly improved.

Just when Wu Liang was overjoyed, suddenly the voice of the system came again.

"Ding, warning warning, host please pay attention!"

"The system detects that the genius target is undergoing a life-changing change. The consequences of the change will have different effects, and will have a direct impact on the host's mission."

"The host please go quickly, eliminate the great changes, and accept the target as a disciple."

"This is the first apprenticeship. If the host fails, at least half of the mission completion will be deducted!"


After the country scolded, Wu Liang suddenly got up, took out a messenger jade slip, and engraved the message that he was going out into it.


With a flick of his hand, Yujian immediately shot towards the place where the four girls were.

But Wu Liang himself simply broke out at the fastest speed, turning into a sword light and heading towards a direction.

(End of this chapter)

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