Chapter 311 Old-fashioned plot

Thousands of miles away, this has almost confirmed Qingzhou.

Even at Wu Liang's current speed, it took a full day and night to arrive at the place where the compass was positioned.

Sunset City!
This is a big city inhabited by millions of mortals. Although it is a mortal city, the apparent controllers are monks.

But after thinking about it, I knew that it was impossible for such a remote place to give birth to any powerful force, and it was very likely that it was a force like a toubob.



After Wu Liang came to Sunset City, he didn't reveal his identity, and his domineering spirit was shocked.

Instead, he chose to restrain his aura, like a traveler who traveled far and experienced, after paying the entry fee, Shi Shi ran into the city.

According to the information fed back by [Genius Compass], after Wu Liang entered the city, he easily found out the detailed information of the city.

The real controller of Sunset City is a family, a family called "Xiao Family".

Although this city has not completely separated from the territory of Qingzhou, it is almost the same.

It happens to be located at the junction of Qingzhou and Chizhou. If you want to say jurisdiction, it should belong to Chizhou.

However, the aura of heaven and earth here is not particularly strong, and obviously there is no really powerful force eyeing it, so the Xiao family can be regarded as a local tyrant.

Of course, the Xiao family also has some roots.

As a fourth-rank family, the Xiao family can still get in touch with several fifth-rank forces, and even a sixth-rank force.

A family power like this must have a "standard configuration".

That's... the dandy young master!
That's right, if such a family is not paired with a dandy young master who only knows how to eat, drink, play and bully men and women, it would be a waste of money.

Fortunately, the Xiao family is not a maverick family. Following God's wishes, the Xiao family still gave birth to a dandy young master.

And this dandy young master soon showed up.

Just when Wu Liang was leisurely sitting in a mortal restaurant, leaning against the window, tasting delicious food and wine.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the city gate.

In the midst of flying around, an arrogant and domineering team broke in.

"Hahaha... little ones, go home!"

"Get out of the way for this young master, whoever dies will be unlucky."

Following the arrogant voice, Wu Liang glanced away.

However, above the city gate, a gust of black evil wind swept into the city, and the person driving the evil wind was an extremely handsome, but pale young master with an over-indulgent appearance.

A young girl in a yellow shirt was wrapped in a demonic wind by the young master, her face was covered with pear blossoms and rain, she was obviously coerced.

Behind Brother Young Master, a group of guards with high levels of cultivation followed.

Wu Liang's eyesight was so vicious that he could see it at a glance.

That young master must come from an extraordinary background, otherwise it would be impossible to be so arrogant. With a mere cultivation of the Tempering Body Realm, he can command a group of guards at the Condensing Image Realm.

If it was a normal monk, this son would have been beaten to death three hundred times.

Moreover, looking at the scene in front of him, it was a scene of "a scum young master robbing a civilian girl", which made Wu Liang look with contempt for a while.

"It's too old-fashioned, it's really old-fashioned."

"This idiot is too uncreative. He's a cultivator of immortals, and he's just like a mortal son. My head looks down on you."

While complaining, Wu Liang saw through some of the young master's flaws at a glance.

"Hey, although this guy is stupid, his aptitude looks good."

"Even Yuan Yang has lost this miserable appearance, and he can still cultivate to the soul-shattering state. If it were another person, he might have died from exhaustion."

While Wu Liang was muttering, the idiot son had already taken the stolen girl and plundered the city, in a majestic inner city.

Look at the plaque hanging in the void, the iron painted silver hook is the word "Xiaojia".

Sure enough, he lived up to the appearance of that idiot, he should be the young patriarch of the toubob of this city.

"I thought it was a plot, it's too old-fashioned, let me think about it, what kind of appearance is suitable for my identity?"

Wu Liang raised his head and looked at the inner city hanging in the air with a smile on his face.

Compared with the miraculous scenes of the Nine Cauldrons, the Xiao family, which is only a fourth-rank force, is truly shabby.

But before Wu Liang could figure out how to appear on the stage, suddenly, Wu Liang seemed to sense something, and turned his head to look at the city gate again.


"bang bang"

Wu Liang's eyesight was strong, and before anyone else saw it, his gaze had already penetrated the city gate and landed outside the city wall.

However, on the wide official road, a figure was bursting towards the city at a speed that ordinary people could not match.

Looking at this figure, it is a tall, handsome young man, wearing linen clothes, he looks like a farm boy.

However, Wu Liang could sense that a majestic force was rising in this young man's body at this time, and if it erupted, it would not be weaker than that young man with a decrepit face.


"Well, it looks like a poor young man who has had an adventure!"

While speaking, Wu Liang seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up.

Sure enough, it was the next moment.

When the humble young man was about to enter the city and a group of guards came up to stop him, a conflict broke out.

"Ah~ Those who stop me will die!"


The young man seemed to be in a rage, and when he saw a group of guards besieging him, he immediately slammed into it like a humanoid tyrannosaurus. The tall and hard city gate was smashed to pieces by the young man.

Those guards who were only in the Qi training period were all broken and broken, it was miserable.

And after the young man got angry, he was still not satisfied.

When he raised his head suddenly, he saw the black demon wind who entered the inner city wrapped in the girl in the yellow shirt, and also saw the young master.

Suddenly, he fell into a rage.

"Ah~ bastard, stop!"

"If you dare to touch Kui'er, you bastard, I will kill you even if I chase you to the ends of the earth."


As soon as the heroic young man finished speaking, he immediately smashed the floor tiles, and then he headed towards the inner city hanging in the air like a cannonball.

Because of the young man's intrusion, the entire Sunset City immediately fell into chaos.

However, the chaos was only for the monks. A large number of mortal city residents in the city decisively switched from the shock to the melon-eating crowd to watch the excitement.

Watching and discussing at the same time.

As a group of professional melon-eating people, in a few words, they all said the foreword and consequences plus a bunch of speculations and comments.

"Hey, such a familiar scene, did it really happen again?"

"Who says it's not? The victim this time seems to be the famous little beauty Solanum nigrum."

"I know, I know. It was the young city lord who heard that there was a beautiful woman called Solanum nigrum outside the city, so he took people to snatch it back."

"If there are no accidents, this little girl will be ruined soon."

"It doesn't seem to be the case this time. The young man just now doesn't seem to be a mortal either. Maybe he can find a way to save his sweetheart!"

"Hey, that young man was a farm boy before, and he didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, but he got a powerful cultivator and even saved the beauty as a hero."


"Hey, this plot is so good. Although it's still a bit old-fashioned, it still has contradictions, conflicts, and something to watch."

Mixed among a group of melon eaters, Wu Liang's eyes gradually brightened after listening for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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