Chapter 328 The Apprentice Was Bullied


On the street, Wu Liang smiled happily.

Beside him was a strange and funny scene.

A girl who looked extremely thin was hugged by another, even smaller, smart girl.

That clever girl wanted to move the skinny girl away at first, but unfortunately she seemed to be unable to move because of "too little strength".

So, like pulling a carrot, she moved three times in a row.

Still failed!
So the thin girl laughed, and Wu Liang also laughed.

As for the "victim", Kong Kong'er, on her playful and lovely face, two blushes first flew up, then gradually spread, and finally turned red.


With a cry of surprise, the girl quickly let go of Solanum nigrum.


The white light on her body finally burst out, enveloping the young girl and fleeing directly into the void.

The speed was so fast that even Wu Liang couldn't stop it.

Before leaving, Kong Konger really left a few "ruthless words".

"Treacherous and shameless uncle, you just wait for nothing, I will come back."

"Next time, I will definitely steal Miss Sister away."

Well, from thinking about Wu Liang's spirit stone, the girl finally developed into a person who thinks about Wu Liang.

Of course it wasn't Wu Liang himself, but Solanum nigrum.

To some extent, Solanum nigrum is indeed Wu Liang's person.

Wu Liang had to admit that after realizing Kong Kong'er's plan from the very beginning, even he was stunned for a moment.

This move is simply too damaging.

If Wu Liang didn't have the cheating device of "Anti-Picking Book", it can be said that the girl's chance of success is very high.

Who would have thought that a girl would steal someone.

Even a person with a big brain can't easily think of this move.

It is also thanks to the girl's madness that such an idea can be born.

But in terms of surprise, of the three, Solanum nigrum, who was the object of the theft, was the most surprised.

In the past three days, she thought she had seen most of the spiritual powers and tricks in this world.

However, her future junior sister told her with practical actions.

Young are still too naive.

Of course, what surprised the girl even more.

Such a wild and unconscionable move was actually stopped by his master.

Simply amazing!

After thinking for a while, Solanum nigrum had no choice but to sigh, and then comforted his master.

"Don't worry, Master, Junior Sister will figure it out soon. Apart from you, she must not be able to find another wonderful Master."

"Well, what my good apprentice said is good."

As soon as Wu Lianggang finished praising his senior disciple, he soon realized that the consolation was not quite right.He roared angrily in his heart: "Hey, no, who is so weird? It's only been a few days, and I've learned it badly."

After experiencing a "stealing incident", in the next few days.

Wu Liang raised his vigilance by several levels, and he looked ready all day long.

Judging from the records of the fights in the past few days, the apprentice Wu Liang booked was very strong, and it was impossible for him to stop because of one or two blows.

The point is, the brain hole is too big.

Wu Liangsheng was afraid that if he didn't pay attention, something in his house would be lost.

Oh yes, there are people.

In view of this, Wu Liang made a very shameless decision.

Wu Liang asked his big apprentice to meditate in the same room as him on the pretext of preventing Kong Konger from stealing the nightshade.

This request sounded very legitimate, so Wu Liang said it righteously.

Solanum nigrum was very moved when he heard this, and then rejected his master.

And presented a big white eye, opened a Tianzi No. [-] upper room on his own, and shut Wu Liang out of the door.

In this regard, Wu Liang lamented: Alas, young people nowadays don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all. I am a master, please. Please take a little action to respect the teacher.

In order to prevent Kong Konger's clever hands and brains, Wu Liang raised his vigilance, but unexpectedly.

For the next few days, the girl was never seen.

one day!
Two days!

Three days!

Three full days passed, and finally a look of worry appeared on Wu Liang's face.

This is very unreasonable, you must know the few days before.

The girl came to harass her every half an hour, as if she had boundless energy and never felt tired at all.

Even after repeated setbacks, there was no hint of discouragement.

Although stealing people failed, it seems to be a serious setback.

But Wu Liang didn't believe that the girl would really give up, it didn't suit her temperament at all.

But the fact is that Kong Konger has not shown up for three days.

The eldest disciple beside Wu Liang couldn't help but worry for a long time.

"Master, Kong Konger won't~ something happened?"

Apparently, even Solanum nigrum thought it was impossible for the girl to give up easily.

Since she won't give up, the reason why the girl hasn't appeared all this time must be her bad side.

The enemy came?
Was hunted down?
The spirit thief was found in jail?

Did you become obsessed with practicing?
All kinds of scary and unreliable guesses grew in Solanum nigrum's mind.

Even Wu Liang couldn't help but think of some not-so-good aspects.

It was at this time, when Wu Liang couldn't help but do something.

The familiar voice of the system rang in Wu Liang's mind without warning.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, trigger the temporary task [Short Protection]."

"Mission content: That's right, host, your future second apprentice is in danger at this time. Simply put, she has been bullied, and there are many people. The task of the host is to protect her and help her vent her anger. This is your It is my duty as a master."

"Task Level: Difficult."

"Mission reward: Harvest a lively second disciple who is good at deceiving the master, and use the genius compass for free once."

"Mission penalty: The second disciple is ruined, half of the mission completion will be deducted, and the price of using the genius compass will be doubled."

[Remark [-]: Host, your disciple has been bullied, what should you do? 】

[Remark [-]: Host: kill them. 】


After reading the task information, Wu Liang suddenly showed a look of anger.

This time the system was right, even though he hadn't officially apprenticed yet.

But Wu Liang has already regarded Kong Konger, a girl with a big brain, as his second disciple, and they are all second disciples anyway.

Now there are actually people who dare to bully their future second disciples, and there are many of them.

To this, Wu Liang has only one answer.

"Kill them!"

"Hey, why is it the same as the system's self-questioning?"



As soon as the task was approaching, Wu Liang opened his golden eyes without even the slightest hesitation.

Tianzi Wangqi Technique!
Maybe it's not good for identifying the aptitude of living beings, but if it's used to find people, it's so powerful that it has no friends.

Wu Liang had already memorized Kong Konger's aura.

Even in this rootless fairyland where thousands of auras are extremely chaotic, there is no problem at all.

Therefore, after running his Dharma Eye for a moment, Wu Liang made a discovery immediately.


After seeing where the Qi machine was, Wu Liang couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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