Chapter 329 Do Anything

"Where is it!"

Under the Tianzi Wangqi technique, as long as Wu Liang remembers the qi, there is nowhere to hide.

In an instant, Wu Liang discovered where Kong Konger's aura was.

However, Wu Liang couldn't help but be surprised that the girl's aura was not in the series of cities one after another, but in the sky high above.

In that incomparably thick and strange gray cloud!

Rootless Immortal Territory, one of the reasons for its name, is the domain of gray clouds that shroud the city.

After all, it is impossible for you to see such a vast gray cloud elsewhere, especially since it has existed for a long time, it seems that it will never dissipate, and it is even expanding.

In the four ancient states, monks with a little knowledge know it.

There are many unknown, strange and dangerous things in the Huiyun Immortal Territory. If ordinary monks are lucky enough to enter, that's all.

If you are unlucky, it is likely to die inexplicably.

Therefore, usually no one wants to enter.

But now, Wu Liang clearly saw a nimble air mechanism shuttling through it.

Extremely fast!

At the same time, a sense of panic was transmitted, as if the owner of the Qi machine was running for his life.

That's right, he was running for his life.

As soon as Wu Liang sensed this, he saw other auras in his eyes the next moment.

Lots of air machines!
Almost every air mechanism is too powerful.

Under the Tianzi Wangqi technique, the owners of these qi mechanisms could not even conceal their cultivation, which made Wu Liang see clearly.

Among those auras, most of them are [Tao Palace Realm] monks.

There are a few, but it seems that they are just followers.

These terrifying auras came from all directions, and they surrounded Kong Konger's aura with ease.


Don't move!
Without warning, Kong Kong'er's air machine suddenly stopped.

"not good!"

This time, Wu Liang's complexion changed.

Kong Konger, the future second apprentice whom Wu Liang took a fancy to, is a somewhat lawless spirit thief, but he is only a little mischievous.

Although she said that Kong Konger, a young girl, was determined to be a great soul thief.

But the girl's nature is very good, she has never stolen any real treasures, and usually just took some spirit stones from the treasures stored by some demon cultivators.

Perhaps the spirit thief is just a means for this girl to maintain her survival in the Rootless Immortal Realm.

If it weren't for this, Wu Liang wouldn't have taken a fancy to the girl.

After the first contact, Wu Liang had learned a lot about the girl's escape methods. In Wu Liang's view, even a strong man with half a step [Tao Palace Realm] would never be able to keep the girl, so he felt relieved to talk to the girl. fight.

But now, those who besieged and killed the girl were a group of strong men from the Dao Palace Realm.

If there were no accidents, Kong Konger would surely die.

It's a pity that Wu Liang was born to be an "accident".


"let's go!"

Wu Liang was angry, and his complexion became very gloomy.


Wu Liang carried Solanum nigrum in a teleportation style that almost smashed into the void.


Almost in the blink of an eye, Wu Liang and Solanum nigrum appeared in the majestic gray clouds.

Then, Wu Liang saw a scene that made him extremely angry.

But above the gray sea of ​​clouds, a scene that would give anyone a sense of justice is happening.


In the center, a girl who looks cute and cute is standing in the air with a sad face.

Her body seemed to be fixed by some magical power.

A ball of yellow-orange brilliance hangs above the girl's head, and streaks of yellow light hang down, no matter how the white brilliance on the girl's body flickers, it cannot break through.

As time passed, despair gradually appeared in the girl's eyes.

Around them, a group of monks with incomparably horrifying cultivation and demeanor were... arguing.

The one who spoke first was a middle-aged man in a yellow robe, whose cultivation was revealed to be that of the Dao Palace Jade Qingjing.

"Let me tell you, I discovered the fairy root, and I also caught this little girl. Naturally, the people and treasures belong to me. You should go back to your respective homes, so as not to anger me. , lost his life for nothing.”


Accompanied by the words uttered by the monk in yellow robe, a momentum like a sandstorm filled the sky swept out.

It is a pity that there is not only one Dao Palace Realm cultivator in the field.

In an instant, brilliance rose up all around, completely dispelling the aura of the yellow-robed monk.

An old man in a black robe stared at the yellow robe and said wistfully, "Patriarch Huangsha, everyone sensed that fairy root when it was born, and when did you discover it. Besides, this heaven and earth spirit has something The virtuous live here, a big devil like you, you should be careful of the punishment of heaven."

"Hmph, old man Blood Eagle, your reputation is not weaker than this one, why are you pretending to be a good person this time?"

As soon as the man in yellow robe called "Old Patriarch Huangsha" finished speaking, a seductive female cultivator beside him spoke up.

"Hey, yo, what are you fighting for? It's just a fairy root. Brothers, don't hurt your temper. Why don't you take it together and share it together?"

"Sexy lady, don't pretend to be stupid. The fairy root is a one-piece body, and it is naturally strange. Once you take it, you will be reborn immediately and become a Tianjiao monk with the fairy root. It's a pity that only one person can take it, and you can't share it."

The person who answered the words and slapped his face was an ugly male cultivator with a short stature and a festering red nose that took up half of his face. He did not know what kind of magic power he was practicing. His body exuded a strong stench that made people feel dizzy. Dazzled, about to faint.

"Okay fellow daoists, this is not a place where you can do business. Although it is covered by gray clouds, it is still above the fairyland after all. It is hard to guarantee that it will not be discovered by other monks. It will be really troublesome then."

"If you don't listen to me, I'll find a safe place first, and then make plans. Anyway, the celestial root is on the little girl, and she won't run away. If someone tries to snatch it, we can also do it together. Let's attack and kill people."


In the end, the one who came out to smooth things over was a middle-aged Confucian scholar with an extraordinary bearing.

Feather fan towel, and two beautiful beards hanging from the temples, this is much better than the ugly monk who has no friends above, and he looks like an orthodox monk.

But if you look carefully, you can immediately find that behind this person, there are actually a group of beautiful slaves standing, all of them seem to have lost their souls, and they all have a lot of vitality, as if they have been harvested many times.

After this round, the scene became much clearer.

There are dozens of monks in the arena, all of them are demons and heretics, and the five Taoist monks of Yuqingjing, Huangsha Patriarch, Blood Eagle Old Man, Seductive Woman, Red Nose Cultivator and Confucianist, are the strongest.

The rest are all in groups.

After the middle-aged Confucian scholar finished speaking, the other four thought for a while, and finally agreed.

"Well, what the old whore said has some truth."

"Just do it!"

"Okay, I agree with you!"

Soon, those group demon cultivators also agreed.

"Little girl, are you scared? Don't worry, I won't let you suffer for too long. Although there are many tortures in this world, I can only torture you for a long time. Jie Jie Jie Jie..."


The middle-aged man in the yellow robe seemed to vent his anger on Kong Kong'er for not being able to swallow the treasure alone. A giant yellow sand hand emerged in the air and grabbed the girl.

Judging by that power, even if the girl doesn't die, she might end up with a broken tendon and broken skin.

Surrounded by evil cultivators, most of them are perverted guys, they are completely happy to see this scene, and they are all excited.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Mother, Kong Konger is going to die."

"Who can save Kong Konger, I don't want to die yet, Kong Konger is so beautiful and cute, what a pity to die."

"Mantian gods and Buddhas, come out quickly, as long as you can save Kong Konger, let Kong Konger do whatever you want."

Just as the girl wailed out this sentence, an unexpected voice sounded suddenly.


"Do anything?"


Following the sound came a figure that made the girl feel ashamed and annoyed.

Standing in front of her, he smiled smugly.

(End of this chapter)

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