Chapter 340 The Great Sage Will Come to Demand Copyright Fees

"Ka~Ka Ka"

As soon as the strange fire went away, cracks appeared on the surface of the glass-like sacred stone.

The nine orifices and eight holes, and the billions of star patterns, were immediately destroyed.

The aura that coincided with the way of heaven also disappeared.

Everyone clearly heard that the dozen or so old monsters, demon immortals and evil immortals, sighed regretfully one after another.

It's a pity for the people who eat melons. The undamaged sacred stone is obviously an extremely rare and peerless treasure.

If there was no such "god man" inside, I'm afraid it would have caused a bloodbath, and countless monks would go crazy for the god stone.

But now, the masses have been suppressed by more than a dozen old monsters who are eager to "inherit people against the sky".

The gray-haired old man who was in the lead, the legends he recited made all the old monsters in the field very excited.

In addition to wanting to find successors for themselves, they also have the idea of ​​​​staining the light of their own successors.

The latter accounted for even more.



All eyes were fixed on the divine stone at this moment, silently.



The only sound is the spread of cracks.

For some reason, Wu Liang looked at the scene in front of him, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity emerged in his heart.

And after the great change occurred in the next moment, the sense of familiarity became extremely strong.


The divine stone was completely broken.


It started, the earth and the sky began to tremble violently at the same time.

The earth is shaking!

The sky changes!

Ten thousand zhang rays of light overflowed from the shattered sacred stone, and everyone within a radius of tens of thousands of miles was shocked by that brilliance.

What is even more frightening is the blurry figure in the center of the glow, which looks like a god.

"call out"


The god-like figure moved, as if it was guided by the way of heaven, it flew directly from the top of the fairy mountain, like a "flying fairy", soaring between the sky and the sea of ​​clouds, accompanied by the ten thousand-zhang glow, illuminating the common people on the earth everything.

This is so compelling, it's going to heaven, isn't it!
In the arena, the melon-eaters and a group of old monsters shrouded in the sun, all looked at that figure obsessively.

This is the case even for Solanum nigrum and Kong Kong'er with extraordinary backgrounds.

God descended from heaven!

Immortals are now in this world!

This is the thought in the hearts of tens of thousands of monks at this time.

Some monks who have no integrity and IQ have already knelt down at this time.

And some mortals began to kowtow.

So the question is, are there exceptions?
Of course... yes!

Wu Liang, even though he was shrouded in the majestic glow, was not influenced or influenced at all.

Instead, with a constipated look on his face, he looked at the mysterious figure in the air that looked like a god or a banished fairy.

At this moment, Wu Liang finally understood why he felt familiar.

In Wu Liang's heart, there were almost ten thousand alpacas running past.

"System, come out."

"This is the genius you think is qualified. You are the head of this group of stupid old men, so easy to deceive?"

"This guy is a female liar at all, okay? He's still a man of gods. Isn't this way of appearing plagiarized... Big! Holy! Lord! Lord!"

"This is another world. If the Great Sage finds out, why don't you just chase him down and ask for copyright fees from the guy above you?"


Wu Liang's complaints didn't mean to stop for a while.

But it's no wonder Wu Liang is like this, after all, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

When he saw the god stone fall at the beginning, Wu Liang was also very pleasantly surprised. The secret path system had changed. Although he was cheated with a free permission, he finally sent a genius with a very powerful way of playing.

The previous two disciples, the eldest disciple was a thin peasant girl with a proper dragon suit.The second disciple, a clever female thief, is nothing more than a secondary suit.

Although it proved the extraordinaryness of the two girls afterwards, their appearances were very frustrating.

If you meet other fellow daoists, such as the seven guys from the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

The general asked: Oh, head Wu, you have accepted an apprentice, where did you accept it?
Wu Liang is too embarrassed to tell the truth, who doesn't want to be vain these days, not to mention Wu Liang is such a pretentious person.

It's not easy to meet a disciple who can be used to brag. Now Wu Liang can see that he is a liar, okay?

That's right!

It's a liar!

While the other monks were still blinded by the majestic glow, Wu Liang had already seen through the true face of the figure of the banished fairy above his head by relying on the [Son of Heaven Wang Qi Technique].

Under the qi-watching technique, the reality appears.

The aura of that figure did not come from beyond the sky at all, on the contrary it was extremely ordinary, resembling a female cultivator at the peak of Qi training.

This discovery directly made Wu Liang a little dumbfounded.

After being dissatisfied, he couldn't help feeling a little curious about the female liar he hadn't met yet.

"Although he is a liar, this deception is unique."

"Look at this way of appearing on the stage, this special effect that looks like heaven, this kind of cover-up method."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Others are cheating money and sex, and they are usually cheating on people who are in the same realm as themselves."

"This liar has directly raised the difficulty level from easy to hell. A guy in the Qi training state actually came to deceive a bunch of fairy old monsters who are half-stepping into the infinite state. This courage... is too awesome!"

After Wu Liang saw through the shocking deception in front of him, his initial anger gradually turned into surprise.

In the end, Wu Liang even became a fan of the liar above him.

The so-called 360 lines, every line leads to the champion.

Even if the head is a liar, he is still a good liar.

Suddenly, Wu Liang became interested.

He didn't intend to expose the liar directly now, but he was curious and planned to see what happened next.

"It's so boring to expose it now. If I expose it at the end, I don't know if these old monsters will be ashamed to death."

"Yo Ho Ho, it's so much fun."

As soon as his thoughts were twisted, Wu Liang's heart began to boil.

After making up his mind, Wu Liang began to show off his acting skills, seamlessly switching from an angry expression to a mass line.

The expression was exactly the same as that of the tens of thousands of people who ate melons, and they were "obsessed" watching the flying fairy above their heads.

It's just that in his eyes, there is still the look of "I'll just quietly watch you pretend to be aggressive".

At this time, the "Goddess from Heaven" finally finished her performance.


Amidst the vast rays of light, a figure filled with holiness and purity slowly descended from the sky.

As she gradually fell down, the rays of sunlight also disappeared, and a childish figure was slowly revealed.

Long hair like a waterfall hangs down to her ankles, her skin is as white as ice and snow, with a faint brilliance of glass, her eyes are closed, her arms are hugging her knees, she looks like a young goddess descending into the world.

And as she fell, the shattered glazed stone on the ground disintegrated by itself, turning into pieces of glazed jade clothing, covering the body of the young goddess.



Whether it's the tens of thousands of melon eaters, or that group of old monsters.

At this point, they are going crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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