Chapter 341 The Legendary Ugly Rejection

Come true!
The ancient legends that were recited in the mouth of the white-haired old man before became real at this moment under the watchful eyes of tens of thousands of monks and hundreds of thousands of mortals.

Right on this fairy mountain... Goddess descended from heaven!
Even a mortal could tell from the way that young goddess appeared and her aura that she was extraordinary.


Goddess from heaven!

As long as she grows up, there will be another peerless empress in Shenyuan Continent in the future!
Even, the real gods.

It must be known that the Shenyuan Continent has existed for tens of thousands of years, and no creature can step over the scourge of the sky, lift its own divine kingdom above the starry sky, turn its own seat into a divine throne, and make itself a supreme god.

For such a long time, hundreds of millions of arrogance and extraordinary creatures have worked hard for that goal.

It's a pity that none of them succeeded, and it seems that the road to God has been cut off.

But everyone knows that if this young goddess is really an extraordinary existence born and raised, she must be qualified to go on that path.

Moreover, the chances of breaking through are very high.

After realizing these things, it is natural that no matter whether it is the people who eat melons or the old monsters, they are all crazy.

Of course, because of the existence of those old monsters, the people who eat melons have nothing to sing about.

To be honest, being blocked by a turbid Milky Way, it is enough to play the role of the melon-eating crowd.

Now, it is the performance of the group of demons, evil immortals and old monsters.

But before that, the performance of the absolute "heroine" is not over yet.


However, the goddess covered in glazed jade clothes finally opened her eyes after the Wanzhang Canyon cleared away.


Everyone was shocked again.

What caught everyone's eyes was a pair of eyes like a galaxy. In those eyes, there were galaxies and hundreds of millions of stars engraved, which made people almost suffocate.

Beautiful, there are no words to describe it.


Just this pair of eyes is enough to prove her identity.

At this moment, even several insidious, cunning and suspicious old monsters gave up the doubts in their hearts.

There is no need to doubt, this is a goddess born and raised by nature.

Because of a coincidence, it came from outside the sky and fell here.

Although her origin is perverted, after all, she was just born from the divine stone, her aura is extremely terrifying, but her aura is very immature.

A great opportunity!

All the old monsters, confirmed this.

And at this time, the performance of the "goddess" also reached its final moment.

Everyone could see that a trace of doubt first appeared in the extremely holy eyes of the goddess, as if wondering who he was?Where is this again?Who are these weirdos around?

Then, the doubts quickly disappeared.

It was as if this world was guiding her, allowing her to understand everything.

Soon, the holiness is still there, but the doubt is gone.

The melon-eating crowd who watched this scene were stunned, and secretly lamented that it really wasn't life.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

A holy voice like a bright moon spit out from the mouth of the goddess.

Of course, the people who eat melons are not qualified to answer. Those who are qualified are the group of old monsters who have been waiting for a long time.

A goddess outside the sky is a supreme opportunity.

But the only ones who are qualified to take advantage of this opportunity are this group of old monsters from [Half-Step Promise Realm].

For various reasons, they were unable to cross that realm.

But now, the opportunity has come.

The one who can take the lead at this time is naturally the white-haired old man who is good at pretending.


The white-haired old man suddenly took a step.

The aura of the half-step Promise Realm was released silently, but it was not strong at all. Instead, it was as gentle as a spring breeze blowing on the face, enveloping this area of ​​the world.

What's more shameless is that he secretly summoned wisps of cool wind, blowing the white bubbles on the old man's body.

Combined with the special effects of the sky and sea of ​​clouds, it looks like an old fairy.

After creating an aura, the old man spoke.

"Little girl, this Shenyuan Continent is the ancestral land of all realms. I am afraid that you were born here due to certain factors. You don't know the cause and effect yet, and I am afraid that some danger is hidden in the dark."

As soon as the old man uttered the words, most of the people in the audience complained from the bottom of their hearts.

"Hey, this old man is shameless, and actually threatened a little girl."

"Haha, this old man is going to make a mistake. Goddesses are born with the Tao, so how can they be so easily fooled."

"This is a good move. First scare the goddess, and then take the opportunity to recruit disciples."


Everyone expected that the Goddess who was born with knowledge would definitely see through the old man's tricks,
Who knows, after the goddess heard the words, she just tilted her head, and then agreed: "The old fairy is right, so I don't know why the old fairy taught me?"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was dumbfounded.

As for the white-haired old man, a smug look flashed across his eyes, and he said to himself: Hehe, how can you idiots understand the way of speaking?See how the old man accepts a good apprentice.

The old man is indeed a magic fairy who is well versed in the way of pretending to be coercive. After hearing what the goddess said, he didn't answer immediately.

Instead, he pretended to count with his fingers, and even created special effects such as surging winds and clouds.

The situation is moving!

This special effect costs at least one yuan, not fifty cents.

Finally, the old man spoke with a embarrassed face.

"Little girl, I can't figure out your origin, but you have a lot of destiny with this ancestral land of ten thousand realms. To resolve the crisis, I'm afraid you need to integrate into the ancestral land and take away your own luck with the heaven. As for how to do it...?"

"This way is called [Heaven's Fortune Jue], and it is the unique magical power of this old man, but it is only passed on to his true disciples. Do you want to learn it, little girl?"

As soon as these words came out, even Wu Liang couldn't help secretly giving them a thumbs up.

Secretly said: "This old man, the level of fooling is really not boasting, yo ho ho ho, the master is going to be excited, and finally has a decent opponent."

Wu Liang has always been conceited when it comes to pretending and fooling around.

Now it seems that the white-haired old man is qualified to fight Wu Liang.

At this moment, Wu Liang's fighting spirit surged, and his stomach full of bad water immediately began to slosh.

At this time, the white-haired old man began to act aggressively.

According to his expectation, as soon as his deceptive words come out, the goddess should follow the words to ask him how to get luck.

Then, he can take advantage of the trend to recruit disciples.

The other old monsters could only stare blankly.

If it is an ordinary disciple, the old monsters may fight, and whoever grabs it will be his.

But a Goddess outside the sky is different. According to the ancient rules, only the Goddess is willing to learn from the teacher, and they can be honored.

The legends and myths from ancient times to the present have said very clearly that if some coercive means are used, the final end is usually very miserable.

They are all villains who will be bombarded and killed!
Although the old monsters in the field are used to being villains, they don't want to challenge the credibility of the legend.

The white-haired old man took the lead, and the plan was really good.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated his opponent.

His real opponent is not other old monsters, but... Goddess.

But seeing the holy and unparalleled goddess, the eyes reflecting the beautiful galaxy flickered a few times, and a smile emerged that made everyone's heart skip a beat.

Just when the white-haired old man thought that he was going to fulfill his long-cherished wish, a sentence came that made everyone almost rush to the street.

"Old fairy, you are too ugly, I refuse."

(End of this chapter)

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