Chapter 372
There was once a precious opportunity in front of me, but I didn't cherish it, and I regretted it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is this.

If God can give me a chance to do it again, I will say three words to that guy: show some face.

If I can play that guy's little chirp, the number of times I hope is... [-] times.

The above is from the kobold general who was almost killed.

Although it avoided the fatal sword because it was taller than Wu Liang's Balrog, it was still hit in the end.


The terrifying sword energy fell on the Kobold General.

Its powerful body flew back immediately, like a bolide, smashing the kobold camp to pieces.

Erha, seriously injured and dying.

And Wu Liang, of course, was still alive and kicking.


With a flash of fire, Wu Liang's tall figure appeared.

"Hahaha... I'm just talking about it, how can I be my opponent?"

"Little ones, your boss and I are so brave, you rookies don't work harder, let me kill this group of kobolds."

What is called success is rampant, that's it.

He obviously defeated his opponent by relying on his own shamelessness, but insisted that he was wise and powerful.

The Flame Demon Clan, the number one shameless clan member in Tianzi, is Wu Liang.

At least at this time, the thousands of Balrog soldiers in the field had already positioned their leader as the most shameless Balrog in the group.

However, Wu Liang was shameless, but he really defeated his opponent.

A group of Balrog soldiers became excited when they saw the obviously powerful Flaming Kobold General Wu Liang being cut into a dying state with a sword.



Morale starts to play a role immediately at this time.

A group of Balrog soldiers, stimulated by blood and fighting spirit, went into a state of madness one after another, screaming and began to beat and kill the kobolds.

And without the command of the general, the group of kobolds who were so handsome at the beginning immediately began to retreat steadily.

In just a few breaths, the number dropped sharply from ten thousand.

If this continues, this new kobold group may not be far from extinction.

But there is nothing to be sad about, the abyss is a huge world.

Moreover, the rules here are different from those in Shenyuan Continent. In the abyss, new groups are born and new groups are destroyed almost every day.

Here is an extremely cruel world.

The law of the jungle is the eternal law.

Wu Liang, on the other hand, had undoubtedly adapted to this long ago.

So at this moment, after Wu Liang encouraged a group of rookies with his morale, he immediately rushed to the depths of the kobold camp.

"Just kidding, the boss has only the last drop of blood left, why don't you hurry up and make up for it?"

What Wu Liang was worried about was naturally that other Balrog soldiers took advantage of the chaos and took his head,

The Kobold General took Wu Liang's sword head-on and entered the dying state. At this time, even a random Balrog soldier could kill that guy.

If such a scene really happened, Wu Liang would be overwhelmed with pain.

In this world, the greatest pain is being robbed of the head.

"call out"

A moment later, Wu Liang successfully saw the seriously injured Kobold General.

Its huge body was lying on a messy ground.

Underneath is thick blood.

"Dear Erha, my uncle is here."

Hearing this shameless voice, the kobold general stubbornly opened his eyes.

"Ding, congratulations host, you have been attacked by a skill [Erha's Gaze]."


Immediately, Wu Liang felt a murderous intent that seemed to penetrate deep into the soul, gushing out from the eyes of the Kobold General.

Fortunately, Wu Liang had a thick skin and resisted it directly.

In order to prevent Night Changing and Dreaming, Wu Liang didn't give Erha the chance to release the second skill at all.

"Let's go, scoff!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully killed [Flame Kobold General], experience 4000."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully launching the [Blaze Demon Devouring Technique], swallowing the target..."

"Successful devour!"

"Congratulations to the host, the number of evolutions is 2000."

"Hahaha... cool!"

Very smoothly, Wu Liang killed Erha and then devoured him.

But as soon as he devoured the Kobold General, Wu Liang's heart suddenly moved, and an extremely ominous omen rose up.

It was at this moment that a terrible accident happened.


"I'm a bitch, what kind of ghost machine is this?"

Accompanied by Wu Liang's exclamation, his gaze immediately went to the deepest part of the camp.

There, there is a rough and huge palace.

At first, Wu Liang thought that the palace belonged to Erha.

But now, obviously not.

A terrifying aura erupted the moment Wu Liang beheaded Erha, without stopping at all, it directly suppressed Wu Liang.

With Wu Liang's current body and strength, he was directly suppressed in place by this qi mechanism, unable to move.


The rough palace suddenly exploded.

A cloud of fire suddenly appeared.

Above the fire cloud, a short figure suddenly appeared.

Wu Liang could see clearly that the figure was also a flaming kobold.

It's just that unlike other kobolds, this one is extraordinarily...wretched.

What caught Wu Liang's eyes was a flame kobold with short stature, wrinkled skin, and compact features. Its dog eyes shone with a light that Wu Liang was somewhat familiar with.

In Shenyuan Continent, people usually call that light "sensuality".

It's just that Wu Liang never expected to see such a look in the abyss.

If it wasn't for this time, the system's notification suddenly came.

Wu Liang would never believe that this guy is the real boss of his mission.

"Ding, warn the host, found a dangerous target [flaming kobold leader]"

[The leader of the Flame Kobold: That's right, it is the real leader of the Flame Kobold family. Its name is "Flame·Day·Day·Kobold I", and its abnormality and strength can be seen just from its name. 】

[Remark [-]: The reason why it became the target of the mission was not because it threatened the territory of Huo Mei·Big Chest Mianxia, ​​but because it peeked at Big Chest Mianxia taking a bath, and fled back after being injured. Unfortunately, it Underestimated the vengeance of maternal creatures. 】

[Remark [-]: Although the leader of the kobold is full of blood when he appears on the stage, he has a great reputation after all, so just ask the host if you are afraid? 】

【Remark [-]: Anyway?Let us pay a moment of silence for Erha who died before. 】

Wu Liang finished reading the reminder in his mind, and after a long silence, he spoke angrily.

"Wori, the big-breasted girl is cheating on Mr. Ben."

(End of this chapter)

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