Chapter 373 One Hundred Thousand Soldiers
Extreme joy begets sorrow, it is talking about Wu Liang's current situation.

He had just killed Erha just now, and when he turned around, Ri Tian came.

The leader of the flame kobold who came out from the depths of the camp with a murderous look, even though he hadn't fought yet, he immediately suppressed Wu Liang in such a way as soon as he appeared on the stage.

It is conceivable that once the fight starts, Wu Liang will be in danger.

Especially the fierce record of the leader of the kobold. This dog is a perverted guy who survived after peeking at a big-breasted girl taking a bath.

With Wu Liang's cultivation at this time, he is obviously not his opponent.

That being the case, Wu Liang had no choice but to use the best strategy.


Almost without hesitation, Wu Liang unleashed all his strength and broke free from the suppression of the flame kobold's aura in an instant.

Then, he ran away.

With the hundreds of men who survived by luck, they were chased and killed by a group of kobolds and fled.

It seemed that because of the injury, although the kobold leader hated Wu Liang, the damn intruder, he finally chose to let Wu Liang go.



"bang bang bang bang"

In the gloomy and primitive camp, about a hundred Balrogs were lying on the ground like dead dogs, panting heavily.

That's horrible!
As one of the most powerful races in the abyss, Wu Liang really lost the face of his own race by being hunted down like a dog.

Fortunately, there are not many viewers.

Wu Liang was also in the camp, lying in a very embarrassing situation in a fire spring, looking at his remaining subordinates with sadness and anger.

"I'm a big loser, I lost a lot, this time I've been planted."

Wu Liang's current mood is not very beautiful.

The number of soldiers he recruited has dropped from [-] to [-].

If he didn't know it, he might think that Wu Liang was baptized by a large-scale war.

However, the truth is that it is only a medium-sized war mission, and it is also an anticlimactic mission.

Wu Liang was unhappy because of the rules of the Balrog clan. If he wanted to recruit soldiers again, he had to either pay a large amount of Abyss Fire Crystals or wait for a month.

Wu Liang couldn't afford to wait for one month.

As for the abyss fire crystal, Wu Liang didn't have it. He is now a real poor ghost.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang immediately had a headache.

The task still needs to be completed, this is a shortcut for Wu Liang to become stronger quickly.

Here, to stop killing means to go backwards.

It's just that it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Even if Wu Liang's fighting spirit is raging in his heart, there are no soldiers rushing to kill him. As a bare-handed commander, going to fight those strange races is no different from courting death.

Although this Balrog avatar was a bit ugly, Wu Liang didn't intend to give up.

Just when the headache was overwhelming, the pillow deliverer came suddenly.

"What? Big breasted girl~ oh no, it's the big breasted lady who wants to summon me?"

Wu Liang suddenly looked at the two female Balrog maids in front of him with a look of surprise, and couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time.


The female Balrog maid obviously heard those three words, but she chose to ignore them because Wu Liang was more handsome and loved by Huo Mei·Big Breast.

Obviously, the latter is the main reason.

Although he was very surprised at first, Wu Liang quickly figured out the reason.

It's a trap!
In Wu Liang's eyes, a flash of enlightenment flashed.

At the same time, a look of anger appeared on his face.

Wu Liang guessed that he was being tricked.

And it was the big-breasted girl who plotted against him, and the kobold leader couldn't be dealt with by the big-breasted girl's methods. Obviously, Wu Liang was also unlikely to be able to do anything about it.

The big-breasted girl knew that Wu Liang would fail, and now she sent her maids here, obviously because she wanted to subdue Wu Liang completely.

Wu Liang could already imagine what would happen after he was summoned.

"Oops, my uncle is probably about to be reversed."

"Oh, it's a sin to look too good."

"Beautiful beauty is a disaster, what I'm talking about is my uncle."

Although Wu Liang has a lot of inner drama, as a small captain, he cannot resist the call from his immediate superior.

And Wu Liang's guess was indeed more than half correct.

As the team leader, Huo Mei Daxiong took a fancy to the potential of Wu Liang, the Balrog, and tried to subdue it for his own use, and by the way, reversed it.

Although Wu Liang refused to comply, he still humiliated the country and signed a lot of unequal treaties, and then borrowed a lot of Abyss Fire Crystal from the big-breasted girl.

With disheveled clothes, Wu Liang walked out of the big-breasted girl's palace.

"Hmph, how can it be so easy to reverse my uncle?"

"Big-breasted girl, you wait for me, I'll come to train you when I get rid of that dead dog."

Wu Liang looked back at the palace that brought him the memory of humiliation, then turned and left bitterly.

This is the typical example of being nice while taking advantage of it.

He obviously took advantage of his "beauty" and ate soft rice, but he still said it so righteously.

It's also thanks to this abyss, but in Shenyuan Continent, once Wu Liang's reputation for soft food spreads, he will definitely be ridiculed to death.

He didn't accept the pushback from the big-breasted girl, of course it wasn't because Wu Liang valued his chastity.

It was the big man of this guy who made trouble. Although he became a Balrog, he didn't want to be one of the faces of a female Balrog.

Even if he wants to push, he will open the harem.

Because of this kind of ambition, Wu Liang resisted the temptation of the turbulent waves.

But to fulfill that great wish, it is extremely difficult for any Balrog.

"Hmph, I'm afraid of a hammer, even in the abyss, I can open the Crystal Palace."

After uttering these words loudly, Wu Liang went to the recruit camp again.

With a huge sum of money in his arms, Wu Liang certainly didn't need to wait another month.

Thus, the tragedy that happened to the eight-headed mature Balrog was staged again.

With the title of [Shameless Balrog], Wu Liang couldn't recruit soldiers smoothly.

And Wu Liang also deserved his title, failed to recruit, and robbed him again.

This time, he opened his mouth like a lion, and directly suppressed twelve mature Balrogs. Adding the previous eight, it happened to be a positive number of twenty.

The soldiers, on the other hand, snatched a hundred thousand dollars.

That's it, Wu Liang sighed with regret: "Unfortunately, after paying the money, you can only enter the camp once. Otherwise, if I stay here for a few days, wouldn't it be possible to attract millions of troops?"At that time, any kobolds can be wiped out.

Although Wu Liang got [-] soldiers, plus [-] elite men.

But because he was brutally killed by the kobold leader last time, it was rare for Wu Liang not to cock his tail.

Wu Liang didn't go straight to trouble the kobold leader excitedly. After all, the other party was an abyssal creature at the level of [Balrog Elite].

The difference of one order!
In fact, it was a huge gap. As long as Wu Liang didn't cross it, even if the opponent was bloody, it was impossible to win.

But now, what Wu Liang has to do is to take a step forward.

That's right, it only takes one step.

Standing outside the recruit camp, Wu Liang looked at the number of soldiers under his command.

One hundred thousand!

"Boom~ boom"

The blood suddenly boiled.

In the abyss, there is only one way to strengthen oneself, and that is... killing.


A terrifying roar suddenly resounded.


"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

Although Wu Liang had the reputation of being a shameless Balrog, the sound that came out of his mouth at this moment caused all the [-] soldiers behind him to fall into a state of enthusiasm with an astonishing contagion.

All of a sudden, the blood was soaring to the sky, and the flames flowed thousands of miles.

(End of this chapter)

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