Chapter 374 You Lie Down Before I Could Force You
Wu Liang decided to take [-] soldiers to attack and kill everywhere. Immediately, many abyssal races in that area suffered bad luck.

If viewed from the sky, the twelve floors of the abyss, the furnace world, should be an extremely barren world.

Except for a few ethnic groups such as Balrogs and Fire Dragons, there seems to be no other life.

Wu Liang also thought so at the beginning, but now it is different.

Although the abyss life seems to be not as numerous as the Shenyuan Continent, there are definitely not many.

Moreover, most of them exist in the form of ethnic groups.

It is usually hidden in places such as volcanoes, the center of the earth, lakes of fire, etc., and it is difficult to find a trace.

But if you really want to find it, it is naturally not difficult.

What's more, Wu Liang is not an ordinary Balrog, his avatar of Balrog is turned on.

Although the 【Tianzi Wangqi Technique】after entering the abyss, due to the different world rules, its operation is extremely obscure and its power is greatly reduced, but it still has some effects.

For example, to find targets for killing.

Wu Liang took [-] soldiers to carry out raids centering on the territory of the big-breasted girl.

When encountering those who can kill, they will rush to them, and use a method almost like [raising Gu] to train elite soldiers one by one.

Despite this aftereffect, the number of soldiers Wu Liang had dwindled at a frightening rate.

But elites are increasing.

Of course, the real benefit is Wu Liang, who continues to rapidly increase his evolution times with shameless acts such as grabbing people's heads and taking advantage of them.

Wu Liang already knew that if he wanted to advance from a mature Balrog to an elite Balrog, at least 1 evolutions had to be passed.

Of course, it is advanced after all.

The number of evolutions has reached the standard, but it does not mean that other aspects have reached the standard.

If it is forced to evolve, it is very likely to explode and die.

This is the experience and lessons summed up by many Balrog seniors with their lives and fireworks.

Therefore, while Wu Liang increased the number of evolutions, he also continued to improve other aspects, such as various Balrog skills, and his own shamelessness.

In order to destroy those targets, Wu Liang can be said to be exhausted.

All kinds of bitch methods are used in turn.

It made those ethnic groups amazed, and at the same time extremely resentful.

It's a pity that they can't do anything to Wu Liang at all.

Gein Wu Liang never provokes groups guarded by strong men at the [Balrog Elite] level, and only invades groups of the same level as him.

However, these ethnic groups have never seen a mature Balrog like Wu Liang.

The title of the newly promoted squad leader has more soldiers than almost all senior squad leaders.

In just a few days, more than a dozen abyssal groups were invaded by Wu Liang.

Soon, Wu Liang took that step.

In a valley full of lava pillars, corpses all over the ground, more than [-] elite Balrogs stood together, looking at a tall Balrog in front of them with reverent eyes.

At this time, Wu Liang was enjoying the rushing power in his body with his eyes closed.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully killed [Abyssal Fire Python Leader], experience 2000."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully launching the [Blaze Demon Devouring Technique], swallowing the target..."

"Successful devour!"

"Congratulations to the host, the number of evolutions is 1000."

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the number of evolutions has reached [-], and it has officially entered the metamorphosis period."

This was the voice that sounded in Wu Liang's mind a second ago. The so-called metamorphosis period actually means that Wu Liang has entered a critical moment.

If he can succeed, he can evolve from [Mature Balrog] to [Balrog Elite].

In short, he is half-step elite these days.

"Boom~ boom"

After killing for several days, Wu Liang's aura was unimaginably terrifying.

The more than 1 elite Balrogs behind him have a deep understanding of this.

Although in the beginning all soldiers were forced, that is not the case now.

The Flame Demon Clan respects the strong.

As for Wu Liang, he can undoubtedly be called a strong man in the same class.

Of course, Wu Liang still couldn't take off the title of [Shameless Balrog].

Even with Wu Liang's unscrupulous killings during this period, his reputation spread to the territory of the third captain.

In the surrounding area, everyone knew that there was a shameless Balrog squad leader in the third brigade of the poisonous fire army.

Fame spreads, that's all.

It's a pity that the good reputation spread from time to time.

If it was an ordinary Balrog, he would have committed suicide in shame.

It's a pity that Wu Liang, not only did not commit suicide, but was also extremely proud.

Now that he has entered a period of transformation, it is also the blessing of those abyssal groups around him.

Because Wu Liang decided to find trouble with the mission target, the leader of the flame kobold with a name that can be said to be a bombardment.

The last time he was counter-killed, Wu Liang was very impressed by the leader of Erha called "Flame·Suntian·Kobold I".

But this time, that impression was directly shattered.

Because the opponent is simply vulnerable.


Flaming kobold camp, deep.

A whine sounded.


Accompanied by this sound, a short kobold figure flew out backwards.

While still in the air, he vomited blood like "puff puff puff" like money.

Seeing this scene, Wu Liang was stunned.

"Fuck, what's going on? I haven't exerted any strength yet, you just fell down."

"Get up quickly, do you have a conspiracy?"

"Could it be that you want to blackmail me?"

It's no wonder Wu Liang had so many incongruous thoughts flickering in his head, the scene in front of him was really horrifying.

Last time, he was able to counter-kill the leader of the Wuliang Kobold.This time, he was easily killed by him.

Even if Wu Liang's realm rises sharply, at least he should be evenly matched.

Although Wu Liang was very surprised, but based on the principle of being a bastard if he has an advantage, Wu Liang still activated the devouring technique happily.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully killed [the leader of the flame kobold], experience 4000."

"Congratulations to the host for successfully launching the [Blaze Demon Devouring Technique], swallowing the target..."

"Successful devour!"

"Congratulations to the host, the number of evolutions is 2000."

"Ding, because the kobold leader was seriously injured and dying when he was swallowed by the host, he couldn't assist the host in promotion, and the host is still in the metamorphosis stage."


After reading the reminder, Wu Liang finally understood the reason why the kobold leader suddenly became so weak.

Of course, the leader of Erha was not trying to blackmail Wu Liang, perhaps because his injury had deteriorated and his strength had declined too quickly.

If Wu Liang didn't come to trouble it, it might have a chance to find a way to recover.

Unfortunately, Wu Liang became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

However, Wu Liang was not happy because he didn't get the benefits he wanted.

With the level of [Flame Kobold Leader], Wu Liang devoured it, and should have been directly promoted to [Blaze Demon Elite].

But the blood of the poor Erha leader is too serious, and the effect of the phagocytosis is also greatly reduced.

"Damn, it's a big loss, and the big-breasted girl is cheating on me again."

Once again, Wu Liang, who was in a state of displeasure, pinned the blame on the big-breasted girl.

And just when Wu Liang felt a little lost, his eyes suddenly lit up as if he saw something.

I saw the ground, above the corpse of the leader of the flame kobold.


A mass of white light was hanging quietly.


Immediately, Wu Liang became short of breath.

"Damn it, could it be... killing monsters and dropping treasures?"

From Wu Liang's mouth, he spat out a very astonishing sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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