Chapter 39

[Illusion of Killing: This is an illusory space established by the legendary protoss to train young gods. Any creature entering it will encounter endless killing illusions, and what the creature gains in the illusion will also be fed back into the body.Every time a permission is consumed, one can stay in it for ten days. 】

This is a piece of information that simultaneously appeared in the minds of the three women and Wu Liang at the same time.

During this period of time, Wu Liang completed many tasks that were difficult enough to kill Wu Liang, and received many rewards.

There are only three times in total to activate the Killing Illusion.

Just by looking at this introduction, even the most stupid person will know how precious it is.

However, Wu Liang consumed all three permissions at once and used them on the three women.

"Brother Sovereign!"



The three girls spoke at the same time, trying to stop Wu Liang.

Of course, their movements couldn't be faster than Wu Liang's thought. When that thought emerged, three groups of faint white lights appeared in reality immediately.

"buzz buzz"

The white light changed, and in an instant it turned into three portals with one population and swallowed the three women respectively.

"Huh~ send it away!"

As soon as the three girls left, Wu Liang let out a long breath.

At this time, on his system's personal interface, the only three remaining permissions to open illusions also disappeared.

However, Wu Liang's eyes could not see the slightest trace of regret. As the host, Wu Liang naturally understood the preciousness of the killing illusion better than anyone else.Wu Liang's current cultivation is at the third level of the True Yuan Realm, but if he uses those three opportunities, Wu Liang is sure to rise to several levels within ten days, and even infinitely close to the next level - the Body Tempering Realm.

But after thinking about it for a while, Wu Liang did not hesitate to give the authority three times to the three daughters.

Given the extraordinary aptitudes of the three women, I believe that after ten days, they will all be at least at the ninth level of Qi training or even at the true energy level.

At that time, even if it cannot become a powerful combat force, self-protection is enough.

This is Wu Liang's purpose. Compared with it, three permissions are nothing.

Wu Liang has many ways to become stronger.

As soon as the three women left, Wu Liang's eyes immediately became a little deserted, and the entire Jiuding Peak was accompanied only by the three tinkling repair giants.

But this is also just right, allowing Wu Liang to take a break and calculate his current net worth.

With an idea first, Wu Liang summoned his latest personal interface.

Host: Wu Liang

Level: Cultivator【Triple Essence (2760/6000)】

Status: Sovereign of the Nine Cauldrons Sect, a nouveau riche who has risen to fame.

Spirit Power: 8000
Cultivation method: [Nine Cauldron Jue double layer, slightly successful]

Skills: [Mysterious Rank Ninth Civet Step], [Special Martial Skill Dissociation Technique], [Mysterious Rank Third Blood Explosive Fist], [Yellow Rank Seventh Flying Knife]

Attack: 300
Defense: 300
Dodge: 300
Physique: Extraordinary

Talent: unknown

lucky: unknown

Charm: Unknown

Pets: None
Achievements: [Virgin Kill], [Genius Virgin Kill]

Skill points: normal +4, gold +2.

Title: [Perverted Killer (81/1000), can be superimposed and worn with achievements, all attributes are automatically +10 during battle, and immune to the influence of the momentum of monks below the first stage of soul-shattering, and have a chance to trigger [Shock] for monks below the ninth stage of true essence Effect. 】【Remarks: There is a poem that says: Killing one is a crime, and killing all is a hero.If 900 million are slaughtered, you will be the hero among the heroes.Looking forward to the day when the host becomes a peerless killer, this system is optimistic about you! 】

Reputation: 100 [Remarks: The host's reputation makes the host famous within a radius of ten thousand miles, and the probability of triggering various tasks and opportunities increases by 0.1%. 】

Sect leader points: 20750 [Guest officer, don't you want to visit the mall? 】


[Evaluation: After the host passed the hurdles of novices and rookies, he finally became a perverted murderer with blood on his hands, so does the host want to know what the next title will be?Come on, as long as you save a thousand heads, this system will satisfy you.quack! 】

Wu Liang glanced at it, and besides the still cheating system evaluation, there were some more attributes on his personal interface.

Among them, what attracted Wu Liang's attention the most was naturally the reputation system that was accidentally activated in advance because of a "jealousy".

Originally, Wu Liang was still guessing what the prestige was used for, but now the answer is revealed - the probability of triggering tasks or chances is increased by 0.1%.

This number seems very low, but after thinking about it for a while, Wu Liang realized that it was unbelievable.

For a monk, the chances of encountering missions or chances should not be predictable. It stands to reason that everyone should be the same.But the reality is not. In the Shenyuan Continent, many monks seem to have better "luck" than other monks. Some people even encounter adventures and opportunities constantly.

Such people are generally referred to as "Heaven's Proud Son" or "Lucky Son".

Of course, there are counterexamples, that is, the legendary "broom star".

But no matter what, being luckier than others is incredible.

Although Wu Liang has only increased the probability by a mere [-], but if he thinks about it from another angle, he can know the key.

For example, if there is an opportunity ahead, and Wu Liang goes with a group of people, then this small and pitiful chance may enable Wu Liang alone to surpass hundreds, thousands, or even ten thousand people, and get that chance encounter.

After thinking through this verse, Wu Liang's mouth immediately curled into a smile, subconsciously ignoring the counterexample.

Although Wu Liang also knew that the system would not only give benefits, most likely that small chance would cause Wu Liang to encounter more cheating things.And this was verified the next day when Wu Liang happily counted the many treasures in his storage space.

"Ding, warning, a dangerous target is approaching... Detecting."


"Detection complete!"

"The target is Liu Jinpan, the head deacon of the Black Golden Gate. The disappearance of Cyclops made Liu Jinpan, the immediate boss, very annoyed. Originally, he was going to investigate the thirteen low-level sects that Cyclops had been to. He heard the name of the host that was being spread on the way. I decided to come to Jiudingzong to question the truth earlier."

"As the chief deacon of the Black Golden Gate, Liu Jinpan, who possesses the sixth level of true essence, has a high status. The result of his trip will directly affect the host's third-ring mission. Host, please be careful."

"Six layers of true essence!"

At the top of the peak, Wu Liang, who was still smiling a second ago, suddenly changed his face. He stood up, his face was solemn, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and his powerful eyes immediately looked far away.

"call out"

Sure enough, just for a moment, Wu Liang saw a vague black shadow coming towards Jiudingzong at a terrifying speed.

As usual, the system ignored the long distance and quickly made a judgment.

[Liu Jinpan: The chief deacon of the Black Golden Gate, cultivated at the sixth level of true essence, ruthless, murderous like hemp, has the black heart formula of the ninth rank of the profound rank, the heart-destroying palm of the sixth rank of the profound rank, and the ninth rank of the black dragon of the ninth rank of the profound rank . 】


Although the distance was still far away, Wu Liang seemed to be able to feel the chilling murderous intent emanating from that figure.

Menacing, comers are not good!
(End of this chapter)

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