Chapter 40
"big trouble!"

Wu Liang's brows were tightly knit together at this time, staring at the black shadow that was approaching quickly.He was obviously alone, but he exuded a more terrifying aura than the group of thugs and the lord of the Lotus Sword Sect, Wang Chongxiao, who attacked Jiuding Peak together.

This is easy to understand, after all, the cultivation base of the person who came here completely crushed those people before.

Wu Liang is now in the third level of true essence, but the person who came here is in the sixth level of true energy. The gap between the three small realms is an insurmountable gap most of the time.

This is especially true for high-ranking monks.

Wu Liang's mind was almost at full speed, and thoughts kept pouring out.

It's time to make a decision!

The system has already told Wu Liang the purpose of this Black Golden Gate deacon named Liu Jinpan, and it is for the one-eyed dragon who died in Wu Liang's hands before.According to the normal rules, before Liu Jinpan came to Jiudingzong, he had to visit the other thirteen sects, one after another, it would take a while, and it probably happened to be the one-month deadline for Wu Liang's third ring mission.

But now, because of Wu Liang himself, Liu Jinpan suddenly changed his mind.

On the way, he diverted to come to Jiuding Peak to interrogate the truth.

But the truth is that Wu Liang killed the one-eyed dragon. Hei Jinmen doesn't care whether there is any right or wrong in it. From Hei Jinmen's point of view, this kind of thing is a cowardly and fat little sect who killed himself. .With Heijinmen's domineering way of doing things, the result of the handling is of course that the Jiudingzong will be wiped out.

However, Wu Liang had accepted the fact that he was going to fight Heijinmen from the very beginning, but what was embarrassing now was that Wu Liang had to face a challenging big deacon before he was fully prepared.

"buzz buzz"

"bang bang"

Wu Liang seemed to be able to see the thoughts flickering in his mind, and he could hear the beating of the heart in his chest.

At this time, a fierce and arrogant voice came from afar.

"People from the Nine Cauldron Sect, get the hell out of here, I, Liu Jinpan of the Heijinmen, have something to ask you."


At this moment, Wu Liang, who hadn't made up his mind yet, suddenly made a decision.

When that cold snort came out, Wu Liang's eyes flashed an extremely cold murderous look.


In the void opposite Jiuding Peak, a figure suddenly stopped.

This figure belonged to a middle-aged man, dressed in gold silk black clothes, with a thin face, a big nose, and a pair of extremely sharp eyes, like a vulture.

It's just that the aura emanating from this "vulture"-like middle-aged man is really too terrifying. Nuoda's Jiuding Peak was enveloped in it, and some insects, birds, and beasts were directly suppressed to death.Fortunately, the three women had already been sent to the killing illusion by Wu Liang, and Wu Liang was not affected by the aura of a monk below the first level of Body Tempering Realm because of his title of "Perverted Killer".

In fact, if the two are close, the situation is likely to be reversed.

At this time, Wu Liang was the only one left in Jiuding Peak.

Naturally, Liu Jinpan could only see Wu Liang.

"Are you the so-called upstart genius, Wu Liang?"

At the top of the peak, Wu Liang, who was about to say something, suddenly heard this question, his complexion turned dark, and he couldn't help cursing those rumor spreaders who didn't know how to use nicknames.Needless to say, the so-called "upstarts" must have been spread by those monks who were jealous of Wu Liang's sudden strength.

His complexion turned from black to black, and Wu Liang, who had already made up his mind, could naturally bear with it.

Hearing Liu Jinpan's question, a "flattering" smile suddenly appeared on Wu Liang's face, and he even gave Liu Jinpan a slight salute, and then complimented: "It turns out that it was Deacon Liu in person, and Wu Liang has admired his name for a long time. "

"I don't know if Deacon Liu has come to my poor place, do you have any advice?"

"Even though Deacon Liu said it, Wu Liang must know everything."


If the three women were still here at this time, they would definitely be surprised by Wu Liang at this time.

In the impression of the three daughters, the suzerain whose cultivation aptitude has been restored has always been domineering and narcissistic, and would kill him at the slightest disagreement. How could he show such a flattering appearance.

As far as Wu Liang is now, there is only one suitable title, and that is "dog leg".

That is to say, relying on the fact that no one can see it now, Wu Liang performed the demeanor of a dog leg to the fullest.

Originally Liu Jinpan had an unruly face, but when he saw Wu Liang like this, his head immediately became higher, and the arrogance and contempt in his eyes were revealed without any concealment.He even secretly thought in his heart: Hmph, the so-called genius is nothing more than that, he seems to be a flattering kid.

With this state of mind, Liu Jinpan, the "old Jianghu", couldn't help but relax his vigilance, and he came down from the void as soon as he moved, and landed in front of Wu Liang.

Cultivators above the third level of the True Yuan Realm can soar over land, but they cannot last long.

Liu Jinpan used to pretend to be an expert, but now that Wu Liang has almost given him the title of a peerless expert, naturally he doesn't bother to pretend.

As soon as it landed, Liu Jinpan said to Wu Liang in a tone as if he was facing a servant: "Very well, since you are the suzerain of the Nine Cauldrons Sect, this deacon just happened to ask if there was a black man half a month ago. People from Jinmen have been here?"

Contempt is contempt, but when he asked the last sentence, a hidden stern light suddenly flashed in Liu Jinpan's eyes, piercing Wu Liang's eyes.

Under this stern light, no one can lie.

This is a secret technique of Liu Jinpan, which has been tried and tested repeatedly.

There are records of Jiudingzong's debts at Heijinmen. If Wu Liang pretended to be confused and denied it at this time, Liu Jinpan would know immediately that Wu Liang was lying. No matter whether Wu Liang killed Cyclops or not, Liu Jinpan would definitely do it.

The next moment, Wu Liang's answer came.

"Reporting to Deacon Liu, there was indeed a one-eyed brother who came and left on his own after collecting the debts owed by the sect."


Quite satisfactory, no flaws.

Wu Liang's answer was somewhat beyond Liu Jinpan's expectations.

Just when he was about to think, Wu Liang's voice came again.


"But what?"

After uttering these two words, Wu Liang raised his tone immediately, and Liu Jinpan asked subconsciously, without even noticing that the distance between the two had shortened by at least half, to only thirty feet or so.

Soon, Wu Liang's voice sounded again.

Only this time, Wu Liang's tone became colder and harsher than ever before.

" can die!"

"You~ Boom!"

Liu Jinpan was startled when he heard the words, raised his head suddenly, and immediately saw a pair of cold eyes full of evil spirit.

At the same time, an unimaginable terrifying feeling rushed over like a tide, and the feeling of fear spread all over his body, and his body froze for a moment. The feeling that Wang Chongxiao experienced not long ago was rewarded this time by this high-ranking Heijinmen. On the big deacon.

"Ding, the host triggers [Shock], the target is being judged..."


"The judgment is successful, the target fails to resist, falls into a state of panic, and the body becomes stiff for 0.5 seconds."

[-] seconds, not even a breath, passed in the blink of an eye.

But for Wu Liang at this time, it was completely enough.

(End of this chapter)

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