Chapter 41
No matter what, Liu Jinpan never imagined that, as a cultivator at the sixth level of true energy, the powerful aura he unleashed not only failed to intimidate the opponent, but he was overwhelmed by a little monk with only the third level of true energy.

The "stiffness" state he had never experienced lasted for [-] seconds.It was a pitifully short time, and it passed in the blink of an eye.

But to Liu Jinpan, it seemed like a lifetime away, like eternity.

In the stiffness, he watched with his own eyes that Wu Liang, who tore his face and made no secret of his murderous intent, rushed up, silently, like a cold killer.He walked up to him, and then slowly uttered three words.



A small knife with a strange shape appeared in Wu Liang's hands at some point, and landed on Liu Jinpan's body silently.

"buzz buzz"

The cultivation base of the sixth level of true essence brings about an incomparably powerful protective shield of true essence, which can automatically protect the master without Liu Jinpan's thoughts.

A glimmer of hope flashed in Liu Jinpan's eyes when he saw the brilliance of true essence suddenly shining on his body.

"It's okay, I won't die, that's right, how could I die at the hands of a despicable kid. When I recover, I must tear this kid into pieces to get rid of the hatred in my heart."


At the moment when [-] seconds passed, Liu Jinpan heard this voice.

Although it was a long time ago, Liu Jinpan recognized the sound in an instant. It was the sound of his protective essence being broken.

At this moment, Liu Jinpan felt chills all over his body, and thoughts of fear almost overflowed.


"Go back!"

Crazy thoughts occupied Liu Jinpan's mind. I'm afraid he would never have thought in his life that he would face a little guy whose cultivation was not as good as his own like a bereaved dog. At this moment, he wished he could never come to Jiuding Peak.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

On the weird black knife, cold light began to burst out.


"bang bang bang"

A scene that hadn't appeared for a while, once again appeared in front of Wu Liang.

A living person becomes segment by segment in the cold light, lifelike, like a living person.

Limbs, head, torso... all seem to be intact, the only difference is that this body is lying flat on the ground, while the head is standing upright.

Liu Jinpan is dead!
From his descent to Jiuding Peak to the loss of his life, the process was terribly short.

Three breaths!

Even including that [-] seconds, which is the time of three breaths.



Staggering suddenly, Wu Liang fell to the ground, and then he breathed heavily as if he had collapsed.

Even so, it couldn't stop Wu Liang from showing a bright smile on his face.


Happy laughter resounded through the peak of Jiuding Peak.

He succeeded!

If the scene that just happened is spread out, it will definitely cause huge waves in the entire Daluo County.

Wu Liang, at the third level of True Essence.

Liu Jinpan, the sixth level of true essence.

One is a rookie monk who is just fledgling, and the other is a veteran with a bad reputation.

But the result of the fight between the two was...the latter was dismembered.

If this spread, Wu Liang would have to be awarded the title of genius in addition to the title of "Devil of Dividing Corpse", and he was not a so-called upstart genius, but a real genius.

In the Shenyuan Continent, only geniuses can often leapfrog and fight.

The current Wu Liang undoubtedly has this characteristic.

Of course, Wu Liang would not be so stupid as to publicize this battle for the sake of a false name. Although the Black Golden Gate would know about it sooner or later, it was Wu Liang's real idea to delay it as long as it could.

In fact, Wu Liang would not have taken the risk of killing Liu Jinpan if it wasn't for delay.One must know that the scene just now seemed incomparably crisp and neat. Wu Liang deceived Liu Jinpan to relax his vigilance, then approached silently, violently raised his hand and dropped the knife, Liu Jinpan fell.

It's simple to say, but just by looking at Wu Liang's current appearance, you can know the danger. As long as there is a slight mistake or omission, it may be Wu Liang himself who has become a corpse now.

After all, the gap between the two is really too big.But fortunately, Wu Liang's adventure succeeded, and Wu Liang is also entitled to enjoy the fruits at this time.

The hints in my mind are always long overdue.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing [Heijinmen Chief Deacon Liu Jinpan], experience 3000."

"Ding, because the host killed the big deacon who came from Heijinmen to ask the truth, the third ring mission has changed again, the situation has shifted, and the system is calculating the change..."


"The calculation is complete!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, Liu Jinpan is a conceited person, and he didn't notify Heijinmen before coming to Jiudingzong, so the deadline for the decisive battle has not changed. However, due to Liu Jinpan's status in Heijinmen, the Heijinmen who will end the autumn harvest after [-] days will come to commit crimes. There's no buffer left."

After listening to the voice in his head, Wu Liang smiled again.

This is a gamble, and Wu Liang doesn't have many chips in his hand. If Wu Liang didn't choose to make a move, but fooled the past with lies, he might not succeed, and if he failed, a battle would still be unavoidable.Even if it succeeds, it may not be delayed for a few days.However, if you choose to kill, you can maximize your benefits. At worst, you can cut off one of Hei Jinmen's claws first.

Obviously, Wu Liang won the bet.

The reminder in my mind is that the biggest gain from taking the risk to kill Liu Jinpan is that there is no worse result.

In Wu Liang's prediction, it took time to prepare for a bloody battle with a "monster" like Heijinmen. The time limit given by the system was [-] days, and Wu Liang also planned according to [-] days.

As long as the original plan remains unchanged, that is the best result.

Wu Liang didn't take it to heart as to the intrusion from the family and no buffer.

From the very beginning, Wu Liang never thought of making peace with a bandit sect like Heijinmen.

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

Wu Liang looked at Liu Jinpan's body on the ground and said with disdain.


The news of the dignified Heijinmen's great deacon falling on Jiuding Peak just passed away without spreading at all.

Although the rumors are ferocious, there is nothing to be done if there is no one to spread them.

At that time, apart from Wu Liang, there were only three repairing giants on Jiuding Peak who worked hard. Apart from repairing, these wooden stubbles could do nothing.

A day later, when Jiuding Peak took on a new look, a stream of light suddenly swept out of Jiuding Peak.


This figure stopped at the foot of the mountain, if it wasn't Wu Liang, whoever it was.

As soon as Wu Liang appeared, he only recognized the direction a little bit, and then turned into a stream of light and headed towards the Tiandi Mountain Range at a faster speed.

Half an hour later, Wu Liang entered the core area outside the mountain range.

Surrounding Wu Liang, all he could see were the figures of beasts above the first rank of the Mysterious Rank, but Wu Liang did not stay behind, but went deeper with a movement of his body.

An hour later, Wu Liang stood on a cliff.

In front of him was an incomparably vast, boundless ancient forest filled with a barbaric atmosphere, and farther away were mountains and black clouds covering the sky.

The core area of ​​the Tiandi Mountain Range!

That's right, Wu Liang is standing at the junction of the peripheral area and the core area.After only a brief induction, Wu Liang felt a series of fierce auras that were much stronger than himself, and if he took them out at random, he could easily crush Liu Jinpan, who had put Wu Liang under heavy pressure before.

But looking at the dangerous scene in front of him, Wu Liang smiled lightly, and said directly: "Let's start!"

"call out"

When the voice fell, Wu Liang's figure was like a black streamer, instantly submerged into the real wild land.

(End of this chapter)

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