Chapter 392 Small movies must be high-definition

"I'm a big deal, this is a combo move, no wonder the lava monster lord can't dodge, it's too miserable."

Outside the flame portal, Wu Liang also looked at the scene in the depths of the sea of ​​fire with a confused face.

Who would have thought?

In the fight at the level of the great lord, it should have been a painting style of the sky collapsing and meteorites falling from the sky.

Suddenly came a combo that exploded, who can stand it?
Changes in the painting style must follow the basic law, this kind of change is really exciting.

Goddess' gift!
It's just so unreasonable!

But at this time, as long as the eyesight is a little vicious, they can see it at this time.

Your Majesty, it has changed.

Although it is the same as the three veterans of Abyss Fire Dragon, Lava Monster, and Black Flame Demon, it is still a strong person at the [Great Lord] level.

The power that can be possessed by the great lord Vigorous Miracle Balrog has surpassed the other three.

If it weren't for this, it would have been impossible for Her Majesty the Goddess to resist the attacks of the other two great lords at the beginning, but she was safe and sound.

Until he made a sudden move, and launched an unavoidable combo against the lava monster lord.

Break the defense of the lava monster lord, and then hit the remaining blood.

Although it failed to kill with one blow, that set of combo moves caused spiritual damage to the lava monster lord, which was almost irreparable.

It is conceivable that in the next thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

When the lava monster lord dreams back at midnight, he will definitely think of today's scene countless times.

Even if it wants to forget, the tens of millions of spectators in the arena will not let it do so.

This scene will be brought up again and again.

Over time, it will even become a myth and legend, which will be passed on forever.

Thinking of this, the lava monster lord felt an urge to die.

Fortunately, after all, they are all big lords.

No matter what kind of race the great lord is, it took a long time to accumulate before he succeeded in ascending to the throne.

Naturally, it is impossible for such a small blow to make the great lord of the lava monster depressed.

It just makes it angry and cheers it up.

Of course, Her Majesty knew this too, so her jade feet... never let go.


"Half a month ago, the five great lords appeared at the same time, and when they faced off, they were evenly matched."

"That is to say, at that time, the power of Her Majesty the Goddess was the same as that of the other four great lords. In such a short period of time, she suddenly gained power beyond the other four, so naturally there is only one answer, and that is..."


After several thoughts flickered in Wu Liang's mind, Wu Liang's eyes immediately fell on the chest of His Highness the Goddess.

That piece of slate of fate followed her like a shadow.

On the slate, the name of the goddess is still flashing.

It's just that as time went by, her name became more and more integrated with the slate, as if it would soon be completely integrated into it.

"A gift from the will of the abyss!"

Subconsciously, Wu Liang spat out this sentence.

That's right, only this kind of thing from the unknown, infinitely mysterious abyssal will can make the power of a great lord skyrocket in a short period of time.

What if such a gift falls on me?
"buzz buzz"

In Wu Liang's eyes, greed appeared almost immediately.

Obviously, Wu Liang is not the only one who is smart.

In the flame demon sea battlefield, the eyes of the three great lords moved at the same time, obviously they all thought of this section.

If it is said that before, the three great lords each had a little reservation.

Now, they are completely released.


"Roar~ Roar"

Three desperate roars sounded at the same time.

Then, the sea of ​​flames, which was already churning continuously, fell into complete chaos the next moment.

The three great lords all set their targets on the chest of Her Majesty the Goddess, the Fate Stone.

The goals are all the same.

Grab the slate, write your name on it, and receive that reward: the gift of the will of the abyss.

As long as it succeeds, even if Her Highness disagrees with forming a team, she must agree.

And after forming a team in this way, their strength will not be weaker than Her Majesty the Goddess.

Kill two birds with one stone!
Once the three shameless old things went crazy, even if Her Majesty made a combo, they fell into a panic for a while.

Fortunately, due to the suppression of power, the situation was temporarily kept unchanged.

However, the tens of millions of spectators who watched the battle were satisfied, and the four great lords fought with all their strength.

All kinds of god-level skills, which were not seen at all, appeared on the Flame Portal like a gift package, and they were also reflected in the eyes of all the audience.

It's a pity that because the skills are too high-end, the audience expressed that they didn't know what was going on.

Only Wu Liang seems to be in the [transformation period].

I actually read~ I understand a little bit.

Especially Her Majesty the Goddess, in addition to that terrifying set of combos, she often uses some unique skills of the Balrog.

Every time he saw the scenes of those skills in full swing, Wu Liang found himself realizing something.

On his skill bar, the names of some skills are also quietly changing.

For example [Advanced Balrog Explosive Seed], the name suddenly changed to [Super Advanced Balrog Explosive Seed].

There is also [Advanced Balrog Devouring Technique], which has gradually become [More Advanced Balrog Devouring Technique].


These changes made Wu Liang really want to complain. Are the names of the skills of the Balrog tribe a bit definite? It's obviously nonsense, okay?

If it is an ordinary Balrog general, after having such an "opportunity".

You will definitely be grateful, and then sit down, watch the battle seriously, and upgrade all your skills.

So the question is coming?

Is Wu Liang the kind of Balrog who can calm down?
of course not.

"No, this rebroadcast only has pictures but no sound. The experience is too bad. I must watch high-definition movies to watch small movies, and it must be an infield ticket."


After losing his temper, Wu Liang almost immediately began to think about how to get infield tickets.

Breaking through the Flame Portal by force?

This method is of course impossible to succeed, after all there are tens of millions of spectators in the arena, and there are many stronger than Wu Liang, all of them ended in failure, and Wu Liang also delivered food when he went.

Just when Wu Liang was about to fall into deep thought, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.



His eyes lit up, Wu Liang said excitedly.

As soon as the words fell, Wu Liang opened the system's mall interface very skillfully.

"To compete with the bosses, the best way is of course to cheat."

Shamelessly uttering this sentence, Wu Liang began to search for treasures that would allow him to pass through the flame portal safely and obtain infield tickets.

In the abyss, although the head mall can still be used.

But if you want to exchange treasures from the mall, you must use the breath of the abyss as currency.

In order to subdue Huo Mei·Big Breast, Wu Liang exchanged the luxury item [War Fortress] before, and decisively became a poor ghost.

But after all, Wu Liang became a [Blaze Demon General].

With all kinds of shameless means, Wu Liang still worked hard to accumulate a lot of breath of the abyss.

The so-called money in hand, I have the world.

Not long after Wu Liang exuded the aura of the trench, his eyes lit up again.

A special treasure fell into Wu Liang's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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