Chapter 393 The Call of Aunt Abyss Snow

"Ding, the host chooses to exchange the special item [Call of Aunt Abyss Snow], which will cost [-] Abyss Breath, do you want to exchange it?"

"Fuck, the system, have you peeked at my account?"

Seeing the breath of the abyss needed to exchange items, Wu Liang's complexion suddenly turned white.

It's so accurate!

If this is exchanged, Wu Liang will be a poor man again.

It should be noted that 900 abyss breaths are equivalent to [-] million master points.

Such a huge sum of money was an opportunity for Wu Liang to take advantage of this period of time to become the [Blaze Demon General].It was obtained by wantonly snatching people's heads and enriching their own pockets.

When I originally thought about leaving the abyss, I could get rich because of it.

Now it seems that this is probably impossible.

"Routine, this must be a systematic routine, shameless."

Wu Liang protested angrily in his heart, but unfortunately his arms couldn't hold back his thighs.

In the end, Wu Liang gave in.


"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have successfully exchanged [Call of Aunt Abyss Xue], Breath of the Abyss -90000."

[Abyss Aunt Xue’s Call: Special props, magically modified by the system based on a high-energy existence on a different plane, absorbing special powers, which can inflict unimaginable damage on any portal. 】

[Remark [-]: To use this prop, you need to cooperate with the spell: open the door, I know you are inside, you open the door...]

[Remark [-]: Produced by the system, it must be a high-quality product. 】


After exchanging the props, Wu Liang saw the introduction of the remarks later, and immediately almost didn't come up again in one breath.

The system is cheating!

After sighing this sentence, Wu Liang did not immediately use this extremely expensive item.

Instead, he returned to the head mall and used the remaining thousands of abyss breaths to exchange for a special treasure again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, successfully exchanged [Vest of Passerby], Breath of the Abyss -6000."

[Vest of Passerby: A special prop that is compatible with the heavens and the world. As long as you wear this vest, the host will be ignored by anyone. The prerequisite is that the host must resist the urge to come out to grab the limelight or head. 】

[Remark [-]: No one will know you when you put on this vest. 】

[Remark [-]: System: "Hey, where's the host?"]


Once the two special items were exchanged, Wu Liang successfully returned to the pauper.

In this regard, Wu Liang expressed great sadness and resentment.

Although it was the system that robbed him of his points, in line with the principle of "picking the soft persimmon", Wu Liang poured his anger on the four great lords who were fighting at the other side of the flame portal.

"If it weren't for you, my uncle would still be a moron."

After uttering this sentence angrily, Wu Liang made a decisive move.

Of course, Wu Liang would not admit it.

He could not have uttered those most shameful incantations without resorting to a fit of tantrum.


Silently, Wu Liang appeared in front of the flame portal.

Even though he was angry, Wu Liang hesitated for a while before speaking.

"Open the door, I know you are inside, you open the door..."


The incomparably huge flame portal, above which is the broadcast screen, attracted the attention of all viewers.

And at the corner where no one can see, a gap just enough to allow one person to pass through appeared.

Seeing that the curse of shame really took effect, Wu Liang certainly didn't have the slightest hesitation, and stepped into it with one step.


"Boom~ chi chi chi chi chi"

Almost at the moment when Wu Liang stepped into the core battlefield of the Flame Demon Sea, the terrifying environment that was completely different from the other side of the portal almost exposed Wu Liang directly.

This area has been completely flooded by the aftermath of the fight between the four great lords.

No corner can be avoided, the aftermath of the power from the four lords will destroy everything that can be destroyed.

The power of Balrog!

Abyss Dragon's Breath!

Lava power!

The black flame devours!

No matter what kind of power it is, it is extremely terrifying.

When they fight together, it is only natural that the scene becomes uncontrollable.

At this moment in the battlefield, it is the only one that is still in good condition.

There is only one thing, and that is... the Slate of Destiny!
Everything else was destroyed.

Even the palace where Her Highness lived was completely destroyed long ago.

The scene of the four great lords fighting was as vast and terrifying as the ancient wars described in legends and myths.

Even if the current Wu Liang is a "flame demon general" who has come out of the metamorphosis period, he can't bear the aftermath many times.

Fortunately, Wu Liang's sharp eyesight, coupled with the [Tianzi Wangqi Technique], despite the incomparable danger here, still allowed Wu Liang to find some safe places.


Very decisively, Wu Liang put on his vest the moment he entered the portal.

So at this time, Wu Liang just ran to a safe place.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, at the place where the four great abyss lords fought and fought, all sense of existence was eliminated.

No one knew that the flame portal that blocked tens of millions of abyssal creatures was silently breached by a shameless Balrog.

And the plan of this shameless Balrog is more than that.

An infield ticket obviously couldn't satisfy Wu Liang's appetite.

His real purpose is... to sign.

Of course, it is not for the four "big stars" to sign, but just like Her Majesty, Wu Liang wants to sign his name on the stone of fate.

Sign once, and you can receive a gift of the will of the abyss.

This deal is simply too worthwhile.

At the level of Her Majesty, after receiving such a reward, she can go one step further.

If it was Wu Liang's "weak force", wouldn't he just go to heaven directly.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang's eyes lit up.

However, although the dream is beautiful, the reality is still cruel. Compared with the three great lords, Wu Liang is the weakest of the weak.

The Slate of Destiny was guarded by Her Majesty the Goddess, and the other three great lords were about to beat their brains into dog brains, and they still couldn't snatch it away. How could Wu Liang snatch it as soon as he intervened.

So Wu Liang's plan catch the leak.

That's right, it's a leak.

Judging from the current confrontation between the four great lords, their fighting may last for a long time.

As long as Wu Liang can find an opportunity to successfully pick up the leak within this time, all this will be done.

At that time, Wu Liang will be completely promoted to [Blaze Demon General], even to a higher level.

Although it might offend the four great lords, as long as Wu Liang pats his butt and runs away, who can do anything to him?

The plan was perfect.

It's just that Wu Liang obviously didn't expect that the fighting power of the four great lords would be so long-lasting.

Wu Liang thought that within a few hours, he would find an opportunity to catch the leak.

Unfortunately, he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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