Chapter 44 Killing Blow

"Boom~ bang bang"

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"


In the dark and wild forest, in a tossed and chaotic open space, a tragic fight is taking place.

Kill both sides, one man and one beast.

Looking at the battle situation, it was obvious that the ferocious beast had the upper hand. The terrifying beast body that was several feet high completely crushed Wu Liang, who had only a weak human body. Wu Liang was also in the same position to be crushed at the same level.If it wasn't for Wu Liang's civet cat's incomparable agility, coupled with Wu Liang's rich combat experience, Wu Liang would probably be eating blood from the mouth of the fangs and rhinoceros in front of him.

That's right, the rhinoceros that should be eating grass is a bloodthirsty beast here.

Wu Liang and Kuang Xi have been fighting for at least half an hour. Even though Wu Liang possesses the fourth level of true essence, and the spiritual power in his body is as high as [-], which is majestic and abundant, he still consumes seven to seven in such a brutal fight. Eighty-eight.

The sad thing is that, as a fierce beast of the seventh rank of Xuan rank, Fangfang Kuangxi has extraordinary endurance. Even though almost every inch of its huge body has been taken care of by Wu Liang's martial arts, it is still alive and kicking, without exhaustion. signs.

If it was a confrontation between the two sides, it was obvious that Wu Liang had already lost.

Taking advantage of the sliver of spiritual power in his body, escaping might be Wu Liang's best choice.

As if thinking of the delicious blood food that was about to be eaten, the mentally retarded fangs and Kuangxi became obviously excited. The huge body was like a flea, moving around without any scruples. Only Wu Liang's body and a blood plate were in his eyes. The big mouth arched and arched, thinking about swallowing a mouthful.

Most of the spiritual power in Wu Liang's body was consumed, but his expression was exceptionally calm at this moment, he was avoiding Kuangxi's attack unhurriedly, and he put his hands away as if giving up.But if Kuang Xi was a human being, one could see a cunning gleam in Wu Liang's calm eyes.

His gaze closely followed Kuang Xi's movements, and all the subtleties were reflected in Wu Liang's eyes.

Driven by that kind of excitement and manic energy, Kuangxi chased Wu Liang back and forth, revealing dangerous parts such as the mouth, abdomen, and even the chrysanthemum from time to time, but Wu Liang held back from the beginning to the end, with his hands slightly hanging down. , holding a strange knife and dagger.

Two breaths!

Three breaths!



After more than ten breaths passed, Wu Liang's breathing also had some problems, and his spiritual power was basically exhausted.At the limit, if Wu Liang didn't do anything in a few more breaths, he might have to confess here, and now he has lost the chance to escape.

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!"

A stern look flashed in Wu Liang's eyes, and he said to himself.

I don't know if the [-] chance played a role, but at this moment, Fangfang Kuangxi finally made a move that he would not have made before under the excitement.

"Roar ~ Kaka"

The wild rhinoceros, which has been unable to attack for a long time, raised its head and roared in incomparable anger. Two rows of white fangs collided with each other, sparks splashed, and Wu Liang saw a touch of fresh white, which was hidden in the scales covering the head and the neck. between the scales.

That gap is pitifully small.

It is about to pass in a flash, and ordinary people can't notice it at all.

But Wu Liang knew that in the past half an hour, except for Wu Liang's hard fight with Kuang Xi at the beginning, Wu Liang had been carefully observing Kuang Xi at other times.The system's detection can only let Wu Liang know the level and name of this beast, but if he wants to kill this beast, Wu Liang must understand the weakness of this beast if the difference in level is too large .

Obviously, that gap that is difficult to notice and attack is Kuang Xi's weakness.

This is not a certain fact, but it is Wu Liang's fighting instinct.

At this time, Wu Liang has always followed his intuition.

Intuition told Wu Liang that this was his only chance.

So at this moment, Wu Liang moved.


There was no sound at all, and at the moment when the wild rhino roared, Wu Liang's whole body flew under its neck, and it could swallow Wu Liang into its stomach as long as it lowered its head, but it was a pity that it was immersed in the roar.

But at this moment, the knife in Wu Liang's hand exploded at an unimaginable speed.


There was a crisp sound, and a bloodstain appeared on the fresh white in an instant.


Halfway through the roar, the rhino felt the slight pain, subconsciously retreated the back half of the body, raised the neck higher, and immediately saw two scales opened, and the flesh rolled up, revealing the bright flesh and blood underneath.At this time, Wu Liang's eyes finally erupted with an unprecedented murderous aura.

Wu Liang made a move, and punched out without warning.

Terrible movements appeared on the body of the Fanged Rhino the next moment, originally it was just a small wound, if it hadn't been for its retreat, Wu Liang would have been unable to do anything to the scales on other parts of its body.But it receded, the wound doubled in size, and finally there was a place that could accommodate Wu Liang's punch.

Explosive fist!




The exploding fist force tore open the tender flesh, and the red flames gushed out from Wu Liang's fist as if with a spirituality, and then crazily drilled into the body of the fangs and wild rhinoceros, turning everything it passed into scorched black.The fangs and Kuangxi began to howl in pain. If the pain of the first wound was one, then the pain that Kuangxi experienced now is one hundred, one thousand.

The lower the wisdom, the easier it is to be swayed by pain.

No matter how hard the scale armor on Kuang Xi's body was, it couldn't stop the raging blood flames in his body.

Driven by the pain, it began to attack everything around it crazily, no matter if it was vegetation or stubborn rocks, it attacked indiscriminately.It's a pity that before its berserk attack started, a reminder sounded in Wu Liang's mind. After listening to it, Wu Liang flew away for hundreds of feet, leaving a mess that lasted at least ten breaths.

This prompt is: "Ding, the host activates the skill [Explosive Blood Fist], hits the target's weak point, triggers the effect of [Death Blow], damage -500/second, and lasts until the target dies."

"Hoo ~ woo"


After more than ten breaths, Wu Liang returned, and in front of him was Kuang Xi who had just died.

Looking at the extremely messy corpses on the ground, Wu Liang couldn't help sighing, the physical strength of the fangs and wild rhinoceros is indeed abnormally strong, even if it was burned by the blood flames, it took so long to die.

After the last whimper, a prompt sounded in Wu Liang's mind at the right time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing [Xuan-rank seventh-rank ferocious beast with fangs and wild rhinoceros], experience 3000, points 1500."

"[Trial of Genius] Task completion rate 10, and then a gift package, drawing..."

"Drawing is complete! Skill point gift pack 1."

"Automatically open, skill point 5."

Wu Liang checked the rewards while handing over the body of the fangs and wild rhinoceros to the system.In addition to the similar experience as expected, the system also gave a little surprise. This title task seems to be similar to the previous [Extreme Upgrade], and will reward some skill points.

But it was just a small surprise, what really made Wu Liang care about was the experience value.



After finishing the reward, Wu Liang took out a bottle of Qi Yang Dan and swallowed it all. Feeling that the spiritual power in his body began to recover, Wu Liang took another look at the completely destroyed area, and stood up without any regrets. Continue to go deep.

(End of this chapter)

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