The most powerful system in history

Chapter 45 Eye Poison Toad

Chapter 45 The Hundred-Eyed Poison Toad
After killing the first wild rhinoceros, it seemed that good luck came.

From the second day, Wu Liang's task completion rate began to soar.

"Hmph~ Explosive Blood Fist!"


"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing [Xuan-rank 3000th-rank fierce beast bloodthirsty horned sheep], experience +1500, points +[-]."

"Ding, the host's cultivation has reached the critical value, the level has increased, and he has entered the fifth level of true essence (60/10000), and his spiritual power is +12000."

"[Trial of Genius] Mission completion +10, gold skill point +1."


On the third day, Wu Liang killed [Xuan-rank eighth-rank fierce beast Chiyan Leopard], experience +4000.

On the fourth day, Wu Liang killed [Xuan-rank eighth-rank ominous beastman-faced ominous spider], experience +4000.

On the fifth day, Wu Liang killed [Xuan-rank eighth-rank fierce beast double-headed raccoon], experience +4500.

Wu Liang was promoted to the sixth level of true essence, and the task completion rate was 50%.


On the sixth day, Wu Liang was hunted down by two beasts with the peak of the ninth rank of the Mysterious Rank, the Demon Feather Vultures. He killed the two beasts at the cost of serious injuries, and the mission was completed by 70%.

On the seventh day, Wu Liang encountered a perfect ominous beast at the peak of the Xuan rank, the Blue Thunderbird. He was seriously injured and escaped, but failed to kill it. The mission was completed by 80%.

On the eighth day, Wu Liang used the method of ingesting pills to hunt down the blue thunderbird, and killed him at the cost of minor injuries. He was successfully promoted to the seventh level of true essence, and the mission completion rate was 90%.



In the ancient forest, a strange sound sounded, and there was extremely strong anger in it.

The owner of the voice is a huge toad that is as tall as three feet. This toad has disgusting pustules all over its body. Under the sticky skin are strong muscles. When it jumps and falls casually, it means at least one towering tree. The giant tree was destroyed.

What was even more miserable was the surrounding trees. The poisonous mucus secreted from those pustules splashed out with its movements, and all the affected trees, birds and beasts were directly corroded clean.

Of course, what scares people the most is the fist-sized blood-red eyes on the back of this huge toad beast, covering half of its back, Gululu turning around, flashing terrifying evil lights.

This is an extremely strange and highly poisonous beast!

And the target it was aiming at with all its anger was a black shadow that was running away quickly in front of it.

Needless to say, this shadow is Wu Liang.

I don't know what he did, he completely angered this terrible poisonous beast, and chased and killed Wu Liang, and it seemed that he had no intention of stopping.



"Puff Chi Chi ~ Chi Chi"

Another leap across a long distance, and after damaging at least a dozen trees, Wu Liang spit out a venom, and the dark green venom turned into a slender water arrow and shot towards Wu Liang.If Wu Haohao hadn't dodged in time at the last moment as if he had eyes in the back of his head, I'm afraid it would be a pile of rotten meat now.

But even so, Wu Liang could feel that the omen of danger hanging over his body was getting stronger and stronger.

"No, just go faster."

"Ding, the host chooses to upgrade the skill [Civet Walk], you need to pay 30 skill points, do you want to pay?"


Wu Liangren was on the run, but his thoughts didn't even stop.

After consuming [-] skill points, Wu Liang felt two warm currents pouring into his feet in an instant, and the fatigue that was still there was immediately swept away, and the speed was much faster than before. , and the distance between the terrifying toad behind was also widened again.

What makes Wu Liang helpless is that the danger omen is still strong.

Meowing at his skill point bar, he thought again without hesitation.

"Skill points -40, [Civet Walk] upgraded to the fifth rank of the Mysterious Rank, agility +300, speed +300, adding the skill [Civet Fur], and an extra +500 speed."

"It's time to come!"

Seeing that his skill point bar became empty, Wu Liang saw the change of civet step immediately before Wu Liang had time to feel sad, and activated it without hesitation.

"Ding, the host activates the fifth-grade civet step additional skill [civet hair blowing], speed +500."


The moment the words in Wu Liang's mind fell, Wu Liang's body shook suddenly, and his whole body shrank, like a civet that exploded its hair, and then flew out at an incomparably terrifying speed the next moment.

From the eyes of others, it looks like a ghost.

A black shadow that was about to be overtaken by the terrifying toad suddenly stretched and twisted, and it disappeared when I looked again.

"Ang ~ Aang"

On the spot, the Toad Beast, who was startled by Wu Liang's sudden burst of speed, fell into a state of rage after being stunned for a moment.

It's a pity that there is no trace of Wu Liang for a long time, and it can only use the things around it to vent, but the forest is pitiful.




Wu Liang leaned against a concealed black stone, panting a little.

At this time, there was still a trace of fear and joy on Wu Liang's face, as if he hadn't recovered from the thrilling escape just now.

Until now, Wu Liang still has some terrible information in his mind.

For example, that terrifying toad beast.

For the first time, at least after Wu Liang's rise, it was the first time to experience this kind of feeling like a bereaved dog. The reason is very simple, the gap between Wu Liang and that toad too big.

Wu Liang still remembered what happened not long ago, when Wu Liang, who had just been promoted to the seventh level of true essence, was a little let down after entering a strange black mountain.

"Ding, warning, warning."

"Attention the host, there is an extremely dangerous target ahead, the host please escape as soon as possible."

"Escape as soon as possible!"

As soon as the system's final reminder fell, Wu Liang saw the arrival of the toad beast.

What followed was a detection result that changed Wu Liang's face drastically.

[Hundred-eyed poisonous toad: a beast of the first grade of Taoism, it is said that there is a trace of the blood of an ancient beast in its body, the saliva and blood are highly poisonous, and its strength can crush mountains. 】

"Tao steps!"

Just these two words are enough to make Wu Liang escape.This is normal, not to mention Wu Liang, who is at the seventh level of true energy, but even a monk at the ninth level of true energy or even at the peak perfection level, would be scared to pee immediately when he saw such a beast, wishing he could grow a pair of wings and run away.

In Shenyuan Continent, the higher the level of living beings, the greater the gap.

At low level, such as Qi training environment.

There are some qi-training monks who are talented in the sky, and they can leapfrog and kill monks at the third or even fourth level when they are in the first level.

But when it comes to the Realm Realm, it is much more difficult. Only a real genius plus some other factors can do it.And once you have passed the True Origin Realm and entered the Body Tempering Realm, it will be even more difficult.This is the level of a human monk. If it is replaced by a beast, it is the so-called Taoist level.

So after Wu Liang got into trouble with this hundred-eyed poisonous toad, he had no choice but to run away.

If Wu Liang hadn't relied on the ingenuity of the civet step at the last moment, he might have confessed thoroughly.

But for Wu Liang, it's not without other gains.

At least, he had experienced in advance how terrifying the existence of Taoism was.

You must know that it is the ninth day when Wu Liang entered the core area of ​​the Tiandi Mountain Range, and there are still six days before the decisive battle between the Nine Cauldrons and the Heijinmen.Coincidentally, the master of the Heijin Gate is a cultivator at the first level of Body Tempering Realm, that is, the first-rank Taoist rank.

That's why, Heijinmen is a second-rank sect.

Because it has a Body Tempering Realm cultivator sitting in command, this condition alone will prevent most of the sects from the Shenyuan Continent from upgrading.

But these are not issues that Wu Liang should worry about for the time being. What he really needs to worry about is that after six days, he will face the head of the Black Gold Gate who is no weaker than the hundred-eyed poisonous toad. At that time, Wu Liang will have no room to escape. .

There is no way out!
Only one battle!
The terrible pressure that was enough to crush most monks fell on Wu Liang, but it only aroused a boiling fighting spirit.


With a cold snort, Wu Liang jumped up suddenly, silently sensed the vicious beast aura around him, and after making a selection, he darted toward that direction like a civet cat.

Ghostly, calm, as if the extremely embarrassing person who was hunted down before was not him.

(End of this chapter)

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