The most powerful system in history

Chapter 46 Bronze Rank Rare Treasure Area

Chapter 46 Bronze Rank Rare Treasure Area


In the middle of the night, in an extremely dark dense forest, the tranquility was suddenly broken, and a large group of black figures fled out of the dense forest in panic.If you look carefully, these black shadows are clearly palm-sized bats. Their bodies are as black as ink, with two white fangs exposed. Their heads are ferocious, and their eyes emit an extremely evil light. Ordinary bat.

[Vampire Bats: A group of first-class beasts of the mysterious rank, come and go without a trace, a pair of fangs are invincible, and possess primitive animal skills such as blood-sucking and paralysis. 】

This is a terrifying group of beasts. Although the overall rank is only first rank, they always move in groups. If it is at night, even beasts of the peak Xuan rank or even Dao rank will sometimes choose to avoid them ,

But at this time, they seem to have met the "nemesis", and they were driven out of their lair, fleeing frantically desperately.

But even so, it doesn't work.


It was only a difference of one breath, and the dark dense forest was suddenly brightly lit, and a group of incomparably alluring red fire dragons swept out, covering most of the bat swarm inside in an instant.



A sharp whine sounded immediately, they were indeed terrifying beasts in the dark, but unfortunately their nemesis was fire.

But all the monster bats swept by the fire dragon all ended in death.

It's the same even if it's only affected a little bit, and it seems that the person who did all this was not to wipe out the group of bats, but to find a special bat among them.

Soon, the bat appeared.

The group of bats was disrupted by the fire dragon, and the empty door opened wide, revealing a bat that looked not much different from an ordinary vampire bat. The only thing that caught the eye was that the eyes of this vampire bat were not red, but Strange purple, with a more evil light shining inside than other witch bats.

Just immediately, the evil turns to panic.

"Hmph~ I found you."

A ghostly black shadow suddenly swept away from the dense forest, flew away, and appeared in front of the strange bat at an incredible speed.

"Blood Fist!"

In order to increase the chance of killing, Wu Liang used the boxing technique with the largest attack range without any consideration.

"Boom ~ hiss"

The wail descended upon the swarm of bats once more as another fire dragon exploded.

One of these sounds was extremely pleasant to Wu Liang's ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing [Xuan Rank Ninth Rank Peak Ominous Beast Vampire Demon Bat King], experience +10000."

"The host's cultivation has reached the critical value, the level has increased, and he has entered the eighth level of true essence (0/40000), and his spiritual power +18000."

From a bunch of kill prompts, Wu Liang directly selected the most critical two.

On the tenth day after entering the Tiandi Mountain Range, Wu Liang was upgraded again, and now he is at the eighth level of true essence.

But after a moment of joy, Wu Liang immediately held his breath and continued to wait for the voice in his head, almost without stagnation, which made Wu Liang wait for the voice to come for a long time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have completed the title task [Trial of Genius]."

"Title of fledgling genius +1"

"Upgrade card +1"

"Mysterious big gift bag +1, the gift bag is being drawn."

"After the drawing is completed, the host will get a limited lottery gift package from the head mall."

"Automatically open, the chance of lucky draw in the mall is +7."


When these voices sounded, a long-lost bright smile appeared on Wu Liang's face.

Finally finished!
In the middle of the night on the tenth day, Wu Liang completed the extremely difficult title task.After a little calculation in his heart, Wu Liang knew that if it was another hour at night, the rewards in those voices would be completely reversed.

But fortunately, it's finally done.

With a happy mood, Wu Liangcha looked at the reward.

The first one is of course the so-called genius title. It is actually good to increase the full attribute, but what really makes Wu Liang fancy is the effect of the [Explosive Cosmos].You must know that when Wu Liang completed the second ring task, that is, when he was duel with the Great Desolation Sect Master, a key item was used. Its function was almost to make Wu Liang explode into a small universe, and it would definitely determine the outcome of the battle.

The second reward is an upgrade card, but when Wu Liang looked at the attributes, a look of disappointment flashed across his face.

[Upgrade card (mysterious level): This is a cheating card, the user can increase a level, and it is valid below the first level of body tempering (excluding the first level of body tempering), do you want to use it? 】

There is a key difference between this attribute and the first upgrade card that Wu Liang obtained at the beginning. The first upgrade card can allow Wu Liang to directly upgrade from the Qi training state to the True Yuan state, but this one cannot allow Wu Liang to upgrade from the True Yuan state. To quench the body.Although this upgrade card is higher in terms of rank, but in terms of function, Wu Liang naturally prefers the first one.

There is no doubt that this is the system's restriction on Wu Liang.

And if there are no accidents, perhaps there will be more restrictions on the upgrade card in the future.

But Wu Liang is not a dissatisfied person, no matter what, he is also a cheating treasure. If it is spread, it will at least be a bloody battle.


Without hesitation, Wu Liang chose to use it.


A ball of familiar golden light emerged and poured into Wu Liang's body.

"Ding, the host uses the upgrade card, the level is increased, and he enters the Ninth Realm of True Yuan (0/80000), and his spiritual power is +20000."

After upgrading, Wu Liang's gaze immediately shifted to the third reward.

According to the normal law, the last reward should be the most precious.

That is, when Wu Liang's eyes fell, an additional reminder sounded.

"Ding, it's detected that the host already has a lottery +3, do you want to merge it with the lottery package?"

[Remarks: After merging, there is a 90% chance of triggering special effects, and a 10% chance of chicken flying eggs. Please choose carefully as the host. 】


Wu Liang was stunned, while thinking quickly in his mind.

Wu Liang did have three chances to draw a lottery before, but due to the constant turmoil, Wu Liang didn't have time to use it for the time being, so he didn't expect this news to appear.Now in the lottery package, there are seven lucky draw chances. If they are merged, wouldn't it become ten times?What special effects can there be?
After thinking for a while, Wu Liang couldn't think of anything.

Glanced at the two results that would be produced after the merger, Wu Liang hesitated for a while, and decisively chose the merger.

Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, maybe there will be thrills.

With this thought in mind, Wu Liang said loudly in his mind: "Yes"

"Ding, the host chose to merge the lottery gift packages and start merging."


"The merger is complete!"

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the lottery gift package triggers a special effect, and the lucky draw chance +10 is successfully converted into the designated area drawing authority +1. The host can randomly draw a treasure in a designated area in the head mall. The designated area for this authority is : Bronze Rank Rare Treasure Zone."

"Do you want to go to the extraction?"

When Wu Liang saw the introduction clearly, a sense of surprise rushed straight into his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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