Chapter 512 The Evil Headline Party
At this moment, the monks in the field, no matter they are of average cultivation level or [half-step primordial stage] masters, are almost unable to suppress the gossip flames in their bodies.This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could it be possible to see the gossip of Yin Chaoshenghuang in ordinary times.

And as soon as it appeared, it was so explosive.

As long as you are not a fool, when you hear Wu Liang's words, you will believe that this guy must have an ulterior relationship with the Holy Queen in the emperor's chariot.

In a trance, everyone only felt that Yin Zhetian was His Majesty the Holy Emperor.

The magnificent "crown" on the top of the head seems to have changed its color, a shiny green color.


Although there is only that one sentence, some monks with flexible minds have already constructed at least a hundred unimaginable and affectionate sadomasochistic stories in their hearts.

Especially some female cultivators with more delicate emotions, can't wait to start rehearsing dramas.

The plot must have twists and turns!

It must be bloody!

Must abuse!
Whether it's amnesia, catastrophe, or predestined marriage, in short, it's all here again.

Of course, none of these people are the most excited.

It was a group of people within the Yin Dynasty, headed by His Royal Highness Yin Zhentian, who fell into excitement and even ecstasy at this time.


"Great, there is an adulterous affair, and the father is likely to be cuckolded. This is really great news."

It was also fortunate that this idea was in Yin Zhentian's heart, otherwise Yin Zhetian who was at the side would have heard it, and would have slapped his son to death.

A typical example of unfilial son!

Father is wearing a green hat, but he is still so happy, should he be killed or not?

Of course, Yin Zhentian cannot be blamed.

After he returned from Qingzhou, he found that the super dynasty he was about to inherit was likely to be spoiled by a fox, and he immediately fell into a rage.

Many means have been used, all of which ended in failure.

After all, it is an extraterritorial succubus, really playing tricks, killing a naive little boy every minute.

Before this wedding, Yin Zhentian was almost on the verge of collapse.

Who would have expected that such good news would suddenly appear at this time.

It was conceivable that no man would allow himself to be cuckolded, let alone at his wedding.

His Majesty the Holy Emperor did not take action immediately to kill Wu Liang, which was already beyond everyone's expectations.Yin Zhentian was almost certain that as long as Wu Liang didn't lie, that damned "humeizi" would definitely not be able to become the holy queen of the Yin dynasty.

As soon as he thought of this, Yin Zhentian immediately showed a look of gloating.

"buzz buzz"

All eyes focused on the holy queen on the emperor's chariot.

That seductive and unparalleled figure made many monks with dark minds secretly envy Wu Liang's "beautiful blessing".

Everyone thought that the next scene should be like this: the Holy Queen heard the words, panicked and tried to explain to the Holy Emperor, but the Holy Emperor refused to listen, and slapped the pair of real dogs to death in a rage. will be disbanded, and the Yin Dynasty will become the laughing stock of the legendary six states.

However, if the development of the plot can be guessed so easily by everyone, then Wu Liang is still an ass.

After Wu Liang finished speaking for three breaths, the scene that everyone expected did not appear at all.

Everyone can only see, above the emperor's chariot.


The seductive and unparalleled Holy Queen uttered a question in her mouth, her brows were slightly frowned.


Soon, she seemed to remember something again, and a look of surprise appeared in her eyes.

The next moment, everyone saw it.


The Holy Queen's eyes of surprise fell on Wu Liang.

Hesitantly opened his mouth, and said slowly: "You~ you are the younger brother?"

This is what Wu Liang was waiting for.

As soon as he heard the words, tears began to flow wildly in his pair of titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

The extremely exaggerated and terrifying acting skills also broke out at this time.


"Sister, my sister, I finally found you."

Accompanied by these lines, those who heard it were sad and those who saw it shed tears, Wu Liang ran towards the emperor's chariot like a baby swallow returning to the forest.

When this scene appeared, the entire Asgard was not well.



It was Yin Zhentian who vomited blood first, and then the innocent onlookers.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing is a group of eunuchs and guards who are in charge of guarding the Asgard.

How to do?
A shameless guy is about to approach the emperor's chariot, should he be stopped or not?
Will the queen wear small shoes if I stop it? After all, this guy may be a disciple of the queen.

Will Bubao be shot to death by the Holy Emperor? After all, this guy may still give the Holy Emperor a cuckold.

Just when they were about to commit suicide helplessly, Wu Liang offered to help. After all, he considered himself a kind and considerate young man.

Of course, it is also possible that this guy also knows that getting too close may reveal his secrets.

The people who were in a daze suddenly heard a "plop" at the next moment.

Wu Liang, who was possessed by the film king, couldn't care less about his cheap dignity at this moment, and threw himself down in front of the fairy palace.

If possible, Wu Liang really wanted to exchange for a wave of [Zhou Xingxing's Acting Explosion] at this time, trying to not only fool everyone, but also the Holy Emperor.

But Wu Liang thought about it, and for the sake of his own life, he returned to normal at a critical moment.

In front of the emperor's chariot, after Wu Liang gave a big gift, he immediately got up without being humble or overbearing. Although the tears were still on his face, the demeanor of the good young man in the troubled times had recovered.

Even the pickiest person had to give a thumbs up after seeing this scene.

Secretly said: "What a good young master, you are peerless in style."

Seeing this scene, the holy queen in the emperor's chariot, behind the veil, had two beams of surprise and greed in her beautiful eyes.

At this time, Wu Liang, who had had enough acting, finally planned to explain the meaning of that sentence just now.

He was worried that if he didn't explain any more, the terrible slap of the Holy Emperor, who had exhausted his patience, would come down.

As soon as the thought came to him, Wu Liang put on the demeanor of a simple and handsome young man, and bowed to the two people in the emperor's chariot.

Then, he spoke.

"His Majesty the Holy Emperor thinks he is wondering about the relationship between the big jackal and his sister, and let the big jackal speak slowly."

"The big jackal was just the son of a villager in the countryside. He lost his parents since he was a child and lived in the mountains, where he lived with wild animals, insects and birds. His sister's name is Daji, the daughter of a family, and a natural goddess. Compared with him, the big jackal is like a firefly. Huo and Haoyue. The two of us should have never met each other in our lives, but who would have thought that the heaven and the earth would love each other for a day..."

Accompanied by Wu Liang's narration, a touching story flooded into everyone's ears.

According to Wu Liang, he and the Holy Empress are not blood siblings in this life, but brothers and sisters in the last life, the last life, the last life... and even as many as ten lives.

Originally in this life, the two were supposed to be separated from each other, separated forever.

Unexpectedly, because of a chance, the two children who were also children met in a place called "Tianxin Lake", and at the same time awakened the memory of the previous life, and then recognized each other with emotion.

Only later, the two separated again because of an accident.

It wasn't until that moment that Wu Liang suddenly felt the aura of his sister, so he ventured out to recognize each other.

I have to say, this story is very touching.

But after everyone listened to it, they were moved and at the same time couldn't help cursing at Wu Liang.

"If this is the truth, then what is that sentence just now?"

"The headline party, the evil headline party, should be burned to death, all of them must be burned to death."


(End of this chapter)

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