Chapter 513 The Sect Master is His Majesty's Brother-in-law
The stories Wu Liang told were very beautiful and touching, but at this time, few people really believed in him.

This is also very normal, the people gathered here are the top powerhouses from the legendary six states.

How can a mere story that sounds so fake be easily trusted by them.

Of course, at this time, apart from people from the Yin Dynasty, no monk dared to stand up and question Wu Liang.

The scene in front of him is obviously an internal matter of the Yin Dynasty. Before the Holy Emperor did not speak, who would dare to make a mistake?

Yin Zhentian dare!

After all, it is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, and only he can come out to question him at this time, intending to bravely expose the true face of Wu Liang, a deadly liar.


But Yin Zhentian stood up abruptly, and spoke with a solemn face.
"Father, this matter sounds extremely absurd. The theory of the previous life is not credible. Which monk in the Shenyuan Continent knows that unless he reaches the legendary realm of saints, he will not be able to break the mystery of the womb and the barrier of reincarnation. The Holy Empress is still this person, I think it was just a cultivation of Qi when I was a child, how can I do what a saint can do?"

"There must be something strange about this matter."



Accompanied by Yin Zhentian's shouts and requests, all the monks in front of the Immortal Palace nodded wildly in agreement, and at the same time had boundless respect for His Highness the Crown Prince in their hearts.

"It's too awesome, as expected of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

"It is said that the prince of the Yin Dynasty is a dragon and a phoenix among men. I didn't believe it before, but now it seems that the legend is true."

"Who says it's not? Such a big green hat, if you insist on wearing it on your father's head, can ordinary people do it?"

"It can be done, but it is likely to be beaten to death."

"Poor, respectable."


If Yin Zhentian heard the discussion of the strong monks, he would probably vomit blood.

In fact, as soon as he said that, he regretted it himself.

Isn't this a slap in the face?

Isn't this insisting on putting a hat on his father?

Isn't this looking for death?

If everyone could hear these questions from the bottom of the prince's heart, they would definitely answer him loudly.


But now that he has done everything, Yin Zhentian is not timid, and he has no shame on his face, and still has a dignified appearance, which makes it difficult to doubt his intentions.


Once again, everyone's eyes fell on the imperial chariot.

It was also at this time that everyone found out.

No matter whether it is the Holy Queen or the Holy Emperor, in this embarrassing and weird turmoil, there is no strange look on their faces.

Especially the Holy Empress, who was the "participant", seemed to have not fully heard the doubts of His Royal Highness Yin Zhentian, sitting in the Sun Emperor's chariot, still looking at Wu Liang with that surprised and moved gaze.

And the Holy Emperor, like Aiwujiwu, looked at Wu Liang with kindness and gentleness, like a good big brother.

If Wu Liang is really the "Old King Next Door", it is obviously impossible to receive such attention.

This made everyone couldn't help muttering in their hearts, could it be that this guy~ is really the younger brother of the Holy Empress?
If the queen's outstanding performance at this time is acting, then everyone is willing to award her an Oscar, a complete actress.

Just when everyone was extremely puzzled, everyone saw it.

The holy queen who had been looking at Wu Liang "with affection" suddenly turned her head, smiled and nodded to the holy emperor beside her.

The next moment, the Holy Emperor moved.

A voice with supreme majesty and vastness resounded in the minds of all the monks in front of the Asgard.

"This Emperor has a supernatural power, called Past Life Spiritual Light Jue!"

"Once the living beings in the world enter reincarnation, their past will disappear, and only a spiritual light from the past life can remain. If they are relatives in the previous life, the spiritual light can generate a ray of connection. The deeper the relationship in the previous life, the closer the practice of spiritual light will be."

"Would you like to give it a try?"

As soon as the Holy Emperor said this, everyone looked at Wu Liang again.

Past Life Spiritual Light Art!

Obviously, all the monks in the field had heard about this supernatural power, so they naturally believed what the Holy Emperor said.

And this supernatural power is indeed the only way to verify whether Wu Liang and the Holy Empress are siblings of the tenth generation.

In the eyes of everyone, the tenth siblings are simply nonsense and impossible to appear.

So their gazes at this time were all gloating, and they all believed that Wu Liang was a deadly liar, and now that he ran into the hands of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, it was no different from courting death.

And the one who was most looking forward to Wu Liang's promise was naturally Yin Zhentian, this little boy.

"Promise, promise quickly, let the emperor personally take action to expose you, a pair of dogs and men, and my Yin Dynasty will be bright and bright again."

Yin Zhentian was extremely eager, trying to put on a green hat for his father.

Facing everyone's eager eyes, unexpectedly, Wu Liang nodded without even thinking about it, his expression was still so gentle and indifferent, and his demeanor and demeanor were faintly comparable to that of the magnificent holy queen on the emperor's chariot. Similarly, this scene convinced many monks.


As soon as Wu Liang agreed, the Holy Emperor started.

However, seeing this terrifying Immortal King overshadowing Shangzhou, he raised his hand lightly, and two strange rays of light instantly entered the bodies of Wu Liang and the Holy Empress beside him.

However, there was no immediate reaction.

Two breaths!

Three breaths!


After three breaths, when all the monks looked at each other, and Yin Zhentian and others showed joy, a picture that no one could have imagined appeared.



Almost at the same time, two groups of incomparably intense rays of light erupted on Wu Liang and the Holy Queen.



At this moment, everyone saw it.

Among the rays of light that erupted from the two of them, phantom-like scenes flickered past quickly.

Although the speed is very fast, it is naturally not as fast as a large number of strong monks.

They could see clearly that those phantoms were clearly the experience of two people's lives. In the beginning, the two lived their own lives, including humans, beasts, and even plants.

But gradually, when the phantom flickered to the last ten lives.

The two began to intersect, one life, another life, and another life... It is extremely wonderful and miraculous, after ten lives have passed, the two have been siblings with deep affection in each life.Until the last life, the two separated, only one step away from being separated forever, but by a strange fate, the two met again.


When the aura of the previous life disappeared from the two of them, no one in the field had any doubts in their hearts.

His Majesty the Holy Emperor personally acted, and with the supreme and mysterious supernatural power of [Past Life Spiritual Light Jue], the incomparably clear and incomparably true experience of ten lifetimes, no matter how stubborn people are, they will not have the slightest doubt after reading it again.

Even if there is, it can only be moved and amazed.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that it was no wonder that such an embarrassing change had occurred. The Yin Dynasty Holy Emperor, who had always shown others decisively by killing, did not show any extreme excitement.

I'm afraid, since Wu Liang's appearance, he has seen through all of this.

In terms of identity, Wu Liang is not the old king next door at all, but his Yin Zhetian... brother-in-law.

After calculating this relationship, people can only sigh.

Your circle is really messy!

(End of this chapter)

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