Chapter 514 Doesn't it feel good to be a younger brother?

Wu Liang is Yin Zhetian's brother-in-law, so he naturally became Yin Zhentian's uncle.

After doing this calculation, Yin Zhentian is no longer a human being.

Embarrassing, very embarrassing.


Yin Zhentian seemed to be able to feel that complex gazes fell on him.

Even though he is now a powerful monk of [The Six Scenes of the Promise], he still feels that his heart is full of fire, and he can't wait to burn himself up.

If God gave him another chance, he would definitely not be able to stand out again.

The incredible miracles of the tenth siblings were all happened to him, and Yin Zhentian felt that the world had some indescribable malice towards him.

Poor Yin Zhentian, it never occurred to him that the malice never ended.


A cold snort sounded suddenly.

The terrifying coercion enveloped the entire Asgard in an instant.The large group of monks standing at the top of the legendary six states in the arena felt their hearts heavy at this moment, and the strong omen of crisis unstoppably occupied their hearts.

There is no doubt that the only one who can release such a terrible coercion here is His Majesty the Holy Emperor sitting on the emperor's chariot.

Settle after autumn!

Everyone recalled, Yin Zhentian, the crown prince's previous act of committing suicide.

As a son, he insisted on putting a green hat on his father.

As the saying goes, if you don't die, you won't die. Yin Zhentian's little boy is too pretentious. Everyone has already predicted his miserable end.

Not to mention other things, the position of the prince will inevitably be lost.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the other princes in the field immediately lit up.They all thanked themselves and others for their patience, and at the same time, they all set their eyes on Wu Liang.

Although there was an extra "little uncle" for no reason, all the princes felt very unhappy.

But at this time, as long as he is not a stupid prince, he knows who to curry favor with.

After all, their great father, the most powerful man in Shangzhou, and the majestic [Yuanshi Three Heavens] peerless fairy king, has now become... a strict wife.

In today's Yin Dynasty, the most powerful person is the peerless beauty who is smiling sweetly in the imperial chariot.

The beauty Daji, who is honored as the "Holy Queen", is looking at her younger brother who is related to her for ten generations with surprise and emotion.

The scene is very warm.

It would be great if these two people were really Na Daji and his tenth brother.

Unfortunately, not at all.


Wu Liang's story is true.

The peerless beauty called "Daji" does have a disciple who is related for ten lifetimes.It's a pity that after Daji was possessed by the succubus, her soul was annihilated, and her younger brother from the previous life also went together, but the aura of the two of them miraculously remained.

Daji's past life aura, and in that perfect body.

However, her younger brother's past life aura fell into Xiaohu's hands, and of course it also fell into Wu Liang's hands in the end.

This is also the reason why the scene just now appeared.

In other words, the current situation is that Wu Liang is pretending to be the younger brother of the original succubus from outside the territory, a good son in troubled times with a peerless demeanor.

And the only person who knew was the little female ghost, even the extraterrestrial succubi didn't know the truth.

Because of those two miraculous past life auras, the succubus outside the territory also believed that Wu Liang was her younger brother in this body.

Wu Liang's plan has progressed to this point, it can be said to be very perfect.

Compared with Wu Liangyi, those masters of power are so weak.Look at the first lord of power, who presented a pair of [Phoenix Hearts], and won the position of prince.

As for Wu Liang, he came out to show off his acting skills and successfully became a "relative of the emperor".

Holy Queen's younger brother!
Holy Emperor's brother-in-law!

As soon as this identity is revealed, is it against the sky?

Next, Wu Liang can completely rely on this identity to dominate the Yin Dynasty, which is simply not too pleasant.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang's saliva couldn't help but flow down.

Even this guy began to think, what choice should he make between the two identities of the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect and the brother-in-law of the Holy Emperor?Very headache!

It seemed that even the heavens couldn't bear to see what this bitch did, just when Wu Liang was extremely proud of himself.

The next moment, a scene that made Wu Liang extremely flustered appeared.


The holy queen, who was sitting upright in the imperial chariot, suddenly moved.

But he saw an incomparably graceful figure, like a legendary flying fairy, slowly flying out of the Sun Emperor's chariot.


"younger brother"

A ray of fragrance that makes people feel refreshed, and the soul can't help themselves, got into Wu Liang's nose at this time.

What followed was a beautiful image that would drive all men crazy.

And this Qianying, in front of her husband, opened her white and tender lotus arms, hugging Wu Liang in her arms without any politeness.

In the seat of the "Tiger King Sect", all the girls were about to explode when they saw this scene.Especially Lu Xue and Su Mu couldn't help but put their palms on the hilts of their swords. If Wu Liang hadn't told Sister Pu beforehand, the two daughters might have drawn their swords and cut people down.

Even so, the complexions of the girls were also extremely ugly, and the words "humeizi", "dead vixen", "ugly monster"... were sent to the succubus one after another.

However, the others, including His Majesty the Holy Emperor, did not show any strange expressions.

After all, in the eyes of everyone, this is normal behavior.

Ten generations of relatives!

This is simply a supreme miracle!
Anyone would think that Wu Liang and Daji probably have the deepest sibling relationship in the world.

Compared with a mere hug, it is naturally nothing.

So no one knew that the weird thing that was happening before the fairy palace, even Wu Liang himself, didn't expect this kind of thing to really happen.

Everyone thought that the one holding Wu Liang now was his sister Daji.

However, the truth is that the one holding Wu Liang is the one who is going to destroy Yin Chao... the extraterritorial succubus.

After the succubus merged with this perfect female cultivator's body, it is neither Daji nor Daji, at least the leading soul must be an extraterritorial succubus.

And extraterrestrial succubi, regardless of gender, have a terrible commonality.

That's... lascivious!
That's right, it is lust, and it is the kind of greed that has no scruples.

In the extraterritorial world, which succubus doesn't have three thousand faces?

Greed every day!

Lewd every night!

Unexpectedly, Wu Liang is too shameless. He obviously used the transformation card, but he insisted on putting himself on the template of "Mr. Zhuo Shi Jia".Not only does she have a heaven-defying appearance, but she also has a peerless demeanor, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

I don't know how many female cultivators in the field, secretly moved by Wu Liang's appearance.

What's more, the succubus who is extremely lustful and has no scruples.

Even if she also thinks that Wu Liang is the disciple of her body, so what?

In the heart of the succubus, this is nothing, not to mention that in this life, the two of them are not related by blood, but only have a relationship in previous lives.

The most important thing is that the younger brother feels pretty good.

Succubus thought so from the bottom of his heart.

So the situation at this time is both simple and terrifying.

That is this extraterritorial succubus, and Wu Liang has taken a fancy to it.

As an extraterrestrial succubus, the magical power of charm is naturally extraordinary. Even a holy emperor like Yin Zhetian with a heaven-defying cultivation level cannot resist it, let alone a mere Wu Liang.


"Bang~ bang bang"

From the moment the fragrance entered his nostrils, Wu Liang felt his heart beating rapidly, his body became extremely strange, his blood was boiling, and his eyes were full of strong desire.At this very moment, the corner of the mouth of the succubus holding him smiled, and the graceful and unparalleled body twisted slightly.


At this moment, Wu Liang only felt that his rationality exploded in his body, and he was about to lose control.

It was really just a breath, and Wu Liang would become the captive of this succubus.

Wu Liang finally understood what a terrifying existence he exchanged from the system.

Before, he laughed at Yin Zhentian's death, but his behavior now is even more death.

At the moment when he was about to lose control, the sound of the system sounded at the right time.

"Ding ding ding, warning warning, the host has encountered [the charm attack of the extraterritorial succubi], the intensity is extraordinary, and the determination of will has begun, and the determination is in progress..."

"The judgment failed, the host's will has not passed the test, and he is about to lose control of his body and soul."

"Ding, the heart of the strong is triggered, the host gets a temporary immunity, and there will be a resistance time of three breaths."

"Start the countdown, please host to counterattack as soon as possible, otherwise it will trigger an unknowable change in the system."




(End of this chapter)

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