Chapter 534 I want to be the Queen

Iron law of Qingzhou: Whenever the first bitch thinks of a great plan, it means that many people will suffer.

The greater the plan, the more terrible the suffering.

This is the iron law summed up by the monks in Qingzhou after three times of torture.

And as Jiudingzong became the master of the Qingchi Kunpeng four states, this iron law was quickly recognized by the monks in the other three states.

The so-called degenerate people in the end of the world, who doesn't know how cheap the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect is?
Now, when Wu Liang's words resounded through the gate of Jiudingzong, many monks around heard it, and through the spread of the "Four States Caring and Mutual Aid Association for Mentally Disabled", soon the monks in the four ancient states also knew about it.

So the sect forces close to Jiudingzong began to consider moving.

It is really impossible to move, and we are considering closing the mountain.

Those who are far away are thinking about whether to simply move to the next-door Legendary State.

At this juncture, the atmosphere in the Bronze Hall of the Nine Cauldron Sect is a bit strange.

"How is it? Is this plan of the head of the sect even greater than before?"

Wu Liang sat at the head, looked at the girls expectantly, and then asked.

In the hands of all the girls, each held a jade slip, and even Kong Konger and the others were all given a share.

Inside the jade slip, there is no doubt that it is Wu Liang's great plan.

Regardless of whether it is great or not, it is true that it is complicated.

Wu Liang obviously put in a lot of effort this time, a detailed and careful plan was clearly on the list.

The main title, as always, is shameless.

It is impressive: the sons and daughters of the Chinese people are full of ambitions, and the old Qin will never die. The Qin Dynasty's great plan to create a country!

The subtitle is: Give me a hoe, I can plant a universe.

All the girls, including Kong Kong'er's disciples, didn't even look at it, and directly ignored the unreliable title and subtitle. With a thought, they directly reflected the complicated plan in the jade slip into their minds.



Almost immediately, the eyes of the girls lit up.

Although the title Wu Liang chose was unreliable, the plan really cost him a lot of hard work, and the feasibility was so high that even the most picky Lu Xue couldn't find a loophole for a while.

On the contrary, after watching for a few breaths, Lu Xue and the other girls seemed to be interested.

Ignoring Wu Liang's question at all, his mind was actually immersed in it.


When Wu Liang saw it, he immediately became excited.

"Haha, this head knows that as long as the plan comes from me, it is as great as ever, as mysterious as ever, and this is the advantage of IQ."

"Why don't you say that I am the head of the sect, but you are not, hehe."

Feeling overwhelmed, Wu Liang looked at the girls with a caring expression on his face. Thanks to Lu Xue and Su Mu's focus on his plan, otherwise he would have stabbed someone with a sword.

I don't know how long it took, all the girls woke up one after another, their minds were drawn away from the jade slips, and their expressions were different.

"How? This plan...?"

Just as Wu Liang was about to ask a question, he was immediately interrupted.

The girl Linglong jumped out excitedly first.

"This plan is so fun. To build a dynasty like the Yin Dynasty from scratch, Linglong wants to participate, and I want to be a fairy official. Let me think about it, which official is the most prestigious?"

"Ha, I thought of it, the prime minister is the most prestigious, I want to be the prime minister, Prime Minister Linglong, hehehehe."

Completely ignoring Wu Liang's suddenly sluggish expression, Linglong set herself an official position with excitement.

And what started the next moment was the legendary "Official Sealing Conference".

After Linglong, the one who takes the lead is undoubtedly Kong Konger, a mischievous little loli.

"Aunt Linglong, and me, I want to be a fairy official, I~ I want to be a treasure house administrator, yes, this official position sounds very suitable for me, Kong Konger."

"That's it!"

The crisp and neat dialogue revealed the black line on Wu Liang's head.

If it wasn't for the concern that he was still "a body of guilt", Wu Liang would really like to catch these two scammers, especially Linglong, who would let a girl who was born to be the number one thief in the universe become the administrator of the treasure house. Is the idea a bit too forced?
It's a pity that Wu Liang hesitated for a moment because he still had the crime of defaming the little female ghost, so the others also spoke up.

Su Mu: "I want to be a general, General Qinglian!"

Sister Pu: "Then I'll be the Minister of Finance. Anyway, I'm in charge of money."

Liu Er: "I'll be a diplomatic envoy, hehe."

Solanum nigrum: "I want to fight a million, I will be the head coach of the million puppet army."

Little boy: "I~ I'm in charge of being cute?"

Black Snitch: "Wow... This Snitch is going to charge forward. This Snitch is the most powerful. This Snitch is the vanguard."

Veteran Iron Beast: "Baa~ I'm in charge of eating!"

Old Black Dragon: "I am responsible for being ridden by the master!"


It didn't take long, and the various official positions of the unestablished "Children of China are so ambitious, and the old Qin will never destroy the Great Qin Dynasty" have almost been divided up.

And Wu Liang, who was at the top, had already fallen into a state of petrification.

How is this going?

Where am I?

Isn't this my plan?

And me?

Can you see the boss?
A series of questions kept popping up in Wu Liang's mind.

Just when Wu Liang was about to explode regardless of his guilt, suddenly in the hall, Linglong seemed to remember something, and suddenly turned her head to face... Lu Xue spoke.

"Sister Xue, what about you? Don't you have an official position you want? Let's come together, brother head's plan this time looks very interesting."

"Yes, Aunt Lu, let's come together."

"Huh~ Fortunately, there is finally a reliable existence in this family."

Seeing Lu Xue who was persuaded by everyone but kept silent, Wu Liang felt a bit of comfort.

But just when he was about to take this opportunity to spray, Lu Xue suddenly spoke.



Sister Gao Lengyu gave Wu Liang a sideways look, and the sudden domineering look in her eyes surprised Wu Liang.

And when she said the official position she wanted, the entire Bronze Palace fell silent.

"I want to be..."

"Female! Emperor! Big! Human!"


When the four words sounded, Wu Liang, who had just recovered a little, turned into petrification again.

As for the rest of the people in the hall, they were instantly infected by the domineering words in Lu Xue's words, their faces became excited, and their adoring gazes fell on Lu Xue.

"Sister Lu is so domineering!"

"Wow, Aunt Xue has become a queen."

"Master Snow Queen, please take me with you, take Kong Konger and pretend to fly with Kong Konger."

"Well, when I grow up, I must be as domineering as Master Xue."

"Long live the empress, long live the empress, this snitch wants to seek refuge with the empress, is the master too weak?"


Lu Xue turned into a domineering queen, and the rest of the girls all entered the flattering mode.

As for Wu Liang, as the maker and founder of this great plan, the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect, he was tragically ignored at this time.

A person petrified aside, washing his face with tears.

(End of this chapter)

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