Chapter 535 Let Master Be a Quiet Mascot

After an hour of discussion, the "Secretary Conference" of the unestablished Great Qin Dynasty finally came to an end.

Although Wu Liang strongly opposed the women's move to carve up the major official positions, especially Lu Xue, who wanted to become the queen if they disagreed, this was completely unacceptable to Wu Liang.

Unfortunately, his opinion was boycotted by all the girls.

In desperation, Wu Liang could only accept all this with grief and indignation.

Sitting at the top, he asked self-defeating: "What about me, even the throne is divided up by you, do you want me to sweep the floor?"

"Who doesn't know these four ancient prefectures, this head is the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect, okay? I should be the emperor. Another three thousand beauties in the harem will be perfect."


Wu Liang's words were obviously delusional.

Even the little one and the old black dragon rolled their eyes secretly after hearing the words.

As for Lu Xue, who was already the "My Lady Queen", after hearing Wu Liang's words, a smile suddenly appeared on her cold face.

"Junior Sect Leader, there is indeed a position in the dynasty that is very suitable for you, do you want to know?"


When Wu Liang heard the words, a bad premonition suddenly flashed in his heart.

Just about to answer that she didn't want to know, Lu Xue, who knew this guy's temperament well, didn't give this guy a chance at all, and the smile on his face was even brighter.

Straight away, he uttered a sentence and confirmed Wu Liang's official position.


"After today, the junior sect master will be the mascot of our Great Qin Dynasty."


As soon as those three words came out, Wu Liang really vomited blood from the bottom of his heart.

Are you kidding me?

How can I be a mascot for you when I am so elegant and graceful, chic and suave?

Inappropriate, firmly inappropriate.

Even though Wu Liang wanted to refuse this position, how could he be a majestic man, a handsome and dignified master, how could he be a mascot?
But at the moment when the words of refusal were about to be spoken, I don't know what came to mind.


His expression changed suddenly, and a hidden smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.



After confirming that Wu Liang became the mascot of the Great Qin Dynasty, the official appointment meeting came to an end.

The Nine Cauldron Sect also entered an extremely busy stage in an instant.

After all, everyone has an official position, and they are all excited and excited, and they have devoted themselves to farming and construction with great enthusiasm.

Create a dynasty!
Even mortals know that it is so difficult to create something from nothing.

What's more, according to Wu Liang's thinking, the dynasty he wanted to establish was aimed at the Yin Dynasty, the eighth-rank power, from the very beginning.

Only those who have experienced many women with Wu Liang will believe in Wu Liang's plan, which can be called "whimsical" and "wishful thinking".

Any other monk would only have one reaction after knowing what Wu Liang was thinking.

That is to laugh at this guy wantonly, saying that wishful thinking is a compliment, and he is clearly a fool trying to dream.

The four ancient states, the legendary six states, which monk does not know the history of the Yin Dynasty?
That was an eighth-rank dynasty with thousands of years of experience. After countless generations of powerful kings, the Yin Dynasty reached its current level.

Wu Liang and Jiudingzong actually tried to shorten what others did in 1 years to ten years.

It is simply an impossible task!

Even Wu Liang, who often cheats shamelessly, is extremely difficult.

But despite this, the girls started.

According to the complicated plan given by Wu Liang, he was busy.

Prior to this, the reputation of the Nine Cauldron Sect had always been very strong, especially in the four ancient prefectures, where it was recognized by all monks as the only dominant force.

But all of this was actually brought by Wu Liang, even though this guy is extremely cheating and cheap.

But the monks in the four states also admitted that this guy is very powerful.

But in this way, there are advantages and disadvantages.

The disadvantage is that the monks in the four states think that the rest of the Nine Cauldrons are not very powerful, and they have followed Wu Liang to their current status.

Until after this day, when all the girls started to move at the same time.

The entire Jiudingzong, at this moment, revealed its true glory to the four ancient states.

Here, Wu Liang is not the only one who is powerful.

Except for this slut, everyone is not simple. It can even be said that if Wu Liang didn't resort to cheating and his shameless arrogance, any woman in the Nine Cauldron Sect would be able to blow up this guy.Not to mention the four precious apprentices that Wu Liang took so hard to accept.

Solanum nigrum!

Six ears!
little guy!
Of the four disciples, which one does not have the aptitude that can be called heaven defying.

Even if it is enlarged to the entire Shenyuan Continent, any one of them can definitely be called the pride of heaven.

Either have a bloodline against the sky, or have a mysterious origin.

If it is other sect forces, even if they only get one person, they will definitely regard it as the hope for the future, the incomparably precious baby lump, and they can't wait to use all their resources to cultivate it.

Unfortunately, the four of them met Wu Liang.

After this guy brought them back to the Nine Cauldron Sect, apart from exchanging the four basic exercises according to the different aptitudes of the four people at the beginning, the rest of the time was basically a "stocking" state.

If those masters of power who are extremely eager for the appearance of the heir to the sky find out, I'm afraid they will all be chasing this guy with big knives.

Ruthless things!

Mistaken son!

He was talking about this guy Wu Liang.

It was at this time, when all the girls were busy building a dynasty and Wu Liang, the "mascot", was a little idle, he finally remembered...

Wu Liang: "Hey, since you have nothing to do, why don't you go and toss the four precious apprentices of this sect master? What a great idea, it's wonderful, let's go!"

Fourth disciple: "..."


Half an hour later, the four Solanum nigrum stood in front of Wu Liang with question marks on their faces.

"Master, you asked us to gather, what's the matter?"

Kong Kong'er obviously found some interesting toy, and was a little bit overwhelmed with joy, when Wu Liang suddenly called him over, and asked impatiently as soon as he stood up.

Upon hearing this, Wu Liang raised his eyebrows immediately.The face without majesty straightened up solemnly, put on the appearance of a strict teacher, and pretended to be angry: "What is this called? As your master, can you not let you come here if you have nothing to do?"

Based on Wu Liang's understanding of the four precious disciples, the four of them couldn't help feeling uneasy when he shook his face.

Just when this fellow was extremely vicious and thought that he could appreciate the apprehension and fear of the disciples, he saw the four of them...unmoved.

"Yes, yes, but everyone is very busy building a dynasty. Master, as the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect, it's fine if you don't help. Why are you making trouble?"

As soon as Linglong said this, Wu Liang became angry.

With a big wave of his hand, he said proudly: "Are you kidding me? This head will make trouble? What can you little guys do, tell me, and this head will solve it in minutes."


"why not?"

Wu Liang was really going to be angry this time, he felt that his majesty as the leader had been seriously hurt.

He glared at the four disciples, as if he would get angry if he didn't make it clear today.

It's a pity that the fourth disciple who has already seen clearly who the real backer on Jiuding Peak is, is not moved at all.

Kong Kong'er, who is the "responsible speaker", raised his fair little hand after hearing the question, and said with a smile on his face, "Master, the senior aunts have already given us instructions."

"What did you order?"

As soon as Wu Liang heard that Lu Xue and his daughters had orders, an ominous omen rose in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment, the four disciples spoke at the same time.

"The aunts have said that no one can disturb Master during this time, so let Master be a quiet mascot."

"Auspicious! Xiang! Object! Let's go!"


In a trance, Wu Liang felt as if his heart had been stabbed.

Immediately, he vomited blood and died.

(End of this chapter)

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